i think users should be able to review a drama they dropped. we're already working on the honor system of believing people who say they have completed it. i dont see any difference in believing people when they say they dropped it. the episode guide system was supposed to allow for that but it doesn't get used very much so users looking for reviews dont go to the episode guide.
i do not think it's a good idea to get too strict with rules for any sort of user generated content on MDL. i tend to give people the benefit of the doubt. just b/c some people are fluent enough to read and understand all the rules doesnt mean everyone is. Like Cherry Bunny i also think we need to consider if what these rules aim to "fix" is really a problem. just b/c something annoys some users that doesn't make it a problem.
sure some people write less than stellar reviews. it's not actually causing a problem though. a silly review is not stopping anyone from using the site. it takes more time to stop, read it and be annoyed by it than it would to just scroll past any time you see more than one exclamation point or just a few lines.
there are plenty of people around here that i find less than articulate, who's ideas i deem to be simplistic, reductive and unoriginal. in short they annoy me. but i'm old enough to know all the rules int he world won't stop people from being annoyed or annoying. best to live and let live.
Poia, I did not think it was limiting freedom at first, either. That is why I intially voted for this suggestion. It was only after I read what Bannie said that I thought deeper about the issue. When it comes down to it, it does end up being another personal preference. I personally don't like one or two sentence long reviews either, but that's fine. I just don't mark them as a helpful review. The ones that are, statistically, the most helpful, gained by how many thumbs up the review got, will be the reviews at the top anyway. The ones that are the least helpful are at the bottom so are less of an influence anyway. Putting rules on how long or how many words a review needs is pretty controlling and limiting, though. No one should have to prepare like they are writing an essay to post their opinions on MDL.
Again, though. What I *am* in favor for, is the enforcing of not allowing a review before a drama airs at all. Once the first ep airs, though, people will have and can have opinions. You can't control that.
CherryBunny:Putting rules on how long or how many words a review needs is pretty controlling and limiting, though. No one should have to prepare like they are writing an essay to post their opinions on MDL.
Those who want to post whatever they want to can open their own personal blogs. MDL is not a personal blog, it is a community and it needs to be moderated as such.
You are overacting. Nobody would edit a user's grammar or style of writing, but it is common sense to differentiate between a COMMENT and REVIEW instead of clogging up the whole review section with spam, gibberish, emoticons and other stuff nobody wants to read about. There is a comment section for that and pretty much anything is allowed there unless it is offensive.
So who is exactly limiting what? Is it limiting to ask of users to behave in a normal way, post things where they should be posted and respect the basic format of the site?
i'm not saying it's not out there, i havent checked out every single drama/movie in the database, i'm just saying in my 6 years on this site i have never come across a drama w/ a review page that was "clogged with spam gibberish or emoticons" at most i've seen maybe one or two reviews in pages upon pages of reviews that are just a sentence or something objectively silly. certainly not enough to stop the users from taking full advantage of the review section.
seems like using a sledge hammer to crack a peanut.
Poia:I agree to let users make review in their own language, if I see a review in Spanish (for exemple) I will just scroll down, don't see any problem in that. Actually suggest to force people to use only English, that is a limitation of freedom.
No. MDL is in English and what is exactly the point of writing a review in a language that 95% of the site members won't understand? Actually, that would create the real segregation, which you must agree, shouldn't happen in a community that is meant for interaction among its members.
Users who are not quite fluent are actually encouraged to write in English, both reviews and articles. The only thing that can make you better at it is practice. If you want to chat with other users in your own language - you can do so in the forums.
Also, the purpose of reviews is not to make your own personal comment but to actually give objective reasons why you disliked/liked a show and why, and help other users to decide whether to watch it or not. Posting a ridiculous comment as a review (especially before the drama is finished) is only making this site look silly and off-putting.
And seriously, MDL couldn't have more lenient rules than it has now. Everything is simplified. It is actually embarrassing to see some people whine about such simple guidelines.
-sigh- I'm stating my opinion just like everyone else, I'm serious, not dismissive. What is uncalled for is calling others dismissive just because you don't like their opinions. And this is supposed to be a community, right? So let's end this discussion here and stop bickering. It will be the admins in the end who will decide whether to lock, moderate or just let the review section stay the same.
To sum up my words, I completely agree with Hessa, except for dropped reviews, I don't mind people reviewing dramas/films they dropped as long as they follow the appropriate format. I also think it's a good idea to hide reviews until a drama is finished but don't see what's the point because people will still spam the review section which will be public once the show is finished.
So I think what bannie said about deleting reported reviews might be the best + increasing the number of characters in the review box.
i welcome your opinion just like anyone else's. discussing differences of opinion is how a consensus is reached. i can't do anything if you view such discussion as bickering.
i object only to you telling people their opinions are "whining and embarrassing" which is dismissive whether you care to admit it or not.
Firstly, relax everyone.
Secondly, Jin and I will consider all this before making any changes to the site. However, with that said, there are two things I wanted to point out.
1) Reviews in Multiple Languages. For now, reviews have to be in English, as this site is primarily for English speakers. In the future, we may expand to other languages one at a time, but it'll be limited in scope. It'd be similiar to how we role out new countries to our database. This is done to make sure the quality of the site remains high.
2) We already have character limitations on reviews and have for a long time now. This is necessary in our opinion as we do not want reviews like "Hated it. 1/10" That's what the ratings are for. I'm not sure how much our current character limitations are, but as far as I can tell, it's fine the way it is.
Since my English is not so good I don't know how to explain myself very well. But overall I think like @CEKI
Forum, site and community need to be moderated. It's not about being annoyed, it's about having normal rules that exist in any other community. Let users do whatever they want and scroll down when you see something wrong is not a wealty way to make a community. Indifference never leads to anything good. If a users makes a mistake it's right to report and explain why he can't do a review like that or at that time. But we need rules for that, we reach a point where the FAQ/system of review need to be revise and updated.
I'm favorable to have a poll, to check out if we are not just a couple of users who think that.
For the english problem, I don't pretend that an entire community developed in English will stop improving and making new featurse and rules just because I and other users don't know English well. And we have staff and moderator who can explain rules to users that have difficulty.
- I'm glad there is already a character limitation, I did not mean to say that we need to write a textbook, but at least to prevent review-commentary or 1 line sentence.
- For reviews in other languages I had no minimanete considered the separation of the community, actually having a half site that writes in another language is not nice. Maybe you can introduce a translation system in the future or allow usuers to make a double reviews, english and own language.
I really think that admin suggestion to hide review can be the first step to please everyone without harming anyone.
After reading all the replies since last night, I am in agreement with City. No one is bickering. However, I have seen, consistantly and not just in this particular, conversation but in other discussions as well, Ceki being very dismissive and passive agressive when people do not agree with her opinions. I am not attacking you here, Ceki, I am only letting you know how I am reading your responses. I also think it is not very constructive to dismiss people's opinions by saying this is not the place for them, to use a blog. Ceki. That is exactly what reviews are meant to be. A person's opinion. Whether you like it or not, whether it is well written on not. You are basically saying, that if people don't use MDL like you use it, they and their opinions are not welcome here. As City pointed out, compared to the majority of reviews, those short sentanced ones are even minor in number and though I know they happen from time to time, the examples you gave are greatly exaggerated as to their content and importance in the grand scheme of things. They are obviously a pet peeve to you and others, but again, are simply personal annoyances that are not really threatening most people's enjoyment of MDL. Your calling for making rules and regulations more stringent here is rather unnecessary and extreme, in my opinion and others, given it is only a personal annoyance.
The whole point of the other things I mentioned was to address that. That calling for more rules and regulations because of personal annoyances is, overall, calling for limiting a person's use of MDL simply because they use it differently. That is not thinking for the betterment of the community as a whole. That is thinking about what you want personally. That is why I suggested a sticky note or something that people should read before they suggest something that would call for asking them to think if their suggestion would benefit everyone or if it is just a personal request. Also, as I stated before, I actually agree with part of this suggestion and pretty much what Hessa is saying when it comes to allowing reviews before a drama airs. That is an issue. However, there is nothing wrong with discussing issues we all have in a thread. That, again, is the point of MDL. The only time I have ever asked for people to stop bringing something up was on a duplicate topic that had already been decided upon. I also try and think from another's perspective when I debate something. For instance, in this situation, even though I agree with part of the suggestion, Bannie brought up some very good points that had me reconsider my earlier opinion. Also, though I don't think short reviews are that helpful nor do I write like that, I still think it is not right to limit people and force them to write longer reviews.
Skye-N-Rain:2) We already have character limitations on reviews and have for a long time now. This is necessary in our opinion as we do not want reviews like "Hated it. 1/10" That's what the ratings are for. I'm not sure how much our current character limitations are, but as far as I can tell, it's fine the way it is.
ummm... I wouldn't say so xD
https://mydramalist.com/profile/eunmia/reviews/10412 (especially this one)
And so on and on.
Ceki, the first one, I see no issues with except it is short. The other ones can be reported with the report button because they are against the current rules. If you see a review made in another language, no words just symbols or made before a drama airs, just click report. I still do not see the issue.
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