xxmai Volunteer Staff

OST Singer should maybe go here: https://mydramalist.com/discussions/suggestions/17413-ost-songs-of-a-drama-movie 

Yes, it we can connect those two things, it would be even better.

xxmai Volunteer Staff

*bumping the thread

Since it's not yet possible to choose multiple staff roles at once, can we then get a temporary fix and add roles, such as the one we currently have right now, Director & Screenwriter, which are highly observed in a lot of titles out there?

New roles to be added:

  • Assistant Director
  • Martial Arts Director
  • Planner
  • SFX Director
  • Author(Writer) & Screenwriter
  • Director & Producer
  • Director & Editor
  • Director & Screenwriter & Producer

we also need to add Producing Director ie (PD) , it is not a producer or a director, 

some people would include running man and other variety shows PD's like Jeong Cheol Min as well as dramas https://www.soompi.com/article/1425343wpp/seo-hyun-jin-in-talks-for-new-drama-by-co-director-of-the-king-eternal-monarch

chunyu Volunteer Staff

I suggest changing Writer (Book/Manga) to Original Creator. The comics in other languages are called Manhwa, etc. What Japanese sites use for writers is 原作 which means original work, and it's usually meaning the author of the book that was made into a film or a show.

However, it is also sometimes used when someone made a movie screenwriting and someone else made a remake of it. We can't really list the screenwriter who did the original work as a writer (book/manga) but also not screenwriter if they actually didn't participate in it, just had their work used as the base.

Adding a new one for this would be confusing as well, because then in the 'translations' chart they would both be marked with 原作. I think just having this role as Original Creator instead would fill all purposes, and you can see from the person's profile if they are an author/mangaka/comic artist/screenwriter/something else.

Can we please add Chief Producer, which is different from Executive Producer and Producer. I have come across a lot of people with this job title but I can't add them to the system because it's not available in the drop down menu. 

Out of major staff roles on movies and TV it’s strange that MDL has Art Director as an option but not Production Designer, which (in contemporary English usage) is the higher up role in the department.

The two terms have a long history of  confusion between what the difference between them is and which is the higher up role, but, nowadays, if something has only an Art Director or only a Production Designer they mean much the same thing – the person in charge of designing sets and dressing sets and locations. But if a production has both a Production Designer and one or more Art Directors, the Production Designer is the head of the department and the Art Directors work under them (see here for a summary).

In Japanese live-action credits, I believe from the order in which they appear in credits that 美術監督 (bijutsu kantoku) or, more rarely, 美術監修 (bijutsu kanshū) are both equivalent to Production Designer, and 美術 (bijutsu) on its own is the equivalent of Art Director (there are then sometimes lower-down roles like 美術助手 credited after 美術).

If a production has only 美術監督 or only 美術 than the translation doesn't actually matter, as PD and AD are used as interchangeably in English as those are in Japanese. But it would be best to translate them consistently, because when a production has both than the translation does matter, as it shows which of the people in this department is the one in charge.

It’s also a bit strange that Executive producer is currently written with producer uncapitalised, while for all other roles all important words are capitalised.

We add or fix by requests. Let me know what needs to change or add.

chunyu Volunteer Staff

I suggest again changing Writer (Book/Manga) to Original Creator. :') Explanation 3 messages above this.

Hessa Volunteer Staff

I agree with Chunyu.

xxmai Volunteer Staff

I suggest again changing Writer (Book/Manga) to Original Creator. :') Explanation 3 messages above this.

Agree. (:

New staff roles to be added:


Agree. (:

New staff roles to be added:

企画 on Japanese productions (what I'm most familiar with) is often fan-translated as 'Planning'/'Planner'; however, those aren't terms one finds in the credits of English-language productions.

I have seen 企画 translated officially as 'Development', and, as 'Developed by' is commonly used in the credits of English-language dramas (and English Wikipedia's TV programme infobox), I would say that 'Developer' is a more appropriate translation of 企画 in the context of it as a drama staff role, rather than translating it as something that is in English but not what it's called in English-language TV and cinema?

Admittedly, the use of the terms is not exactly the same. Japanese live-action productions tend to only use 原作 when referring to the creator of an earlier work in a different medium that the drama/movie is based on, so, on one with an original story, 企画 is equivalent to 'Created by' for drama series and 'Story by' for movies. But if one's to translate it the same way all the time, I think 'Developer' is the translation that will make sense in any context the most.

I miss also some crew positions like acting coach or script supervisor. It would be nice if it's added since we could give more information about the pre-production part.



chunyu Volunteer Staff


Listed in Japanese titles as: 照明 

Listed in Korean titles as:  조명

Recording (as in audio) unless we have this as Sound Deparment. Japanese titles usually just list one, Korean titles separate recording and sound.

Listed in Japanese titles as: 録音 

Listed in Korean titles as: 녹음 

Prop Maker

Listed in Korean titles as: 소품 

Koreans also list 'Prop Team' for 'less important' prop makers: 소품팀 but should these be all called Prop Makers or make a difference too? There's also 특수소품  for 'special props'

Special FX Makeup 

Listed in Korean titles as: 특수분장

Hair Stylist:

Listed in Korean titles as: 헤어