As the title states, please allow an unlimited amount of genres or, at least, a few more.
Why? Because the main strengths of MDL are its huge database AND its very precise search engine.

Let's take Jirisan as an example*. There are currently 4 genres already: Action, Thriller, Mystery, Drama.
But as the ML had some supernatural powers, one of the genre should also be Supernatural, right? Sure, there is a tag 'Supernatural power' but if someone looks for let's say a Supernatural Thriller by checking the genre boxes, he/she won't find this drama among the propositions. As far as I know, there is no list of tags you can refer to so if you don't think of typing 'Supernatural' in the tag box, you won't find your drama.

*Note: I am NOT blaming anyone here. I know the staff had a hard time about this topic precisely on this drama. The staff did their job by following the Guidelines so please, stay calm and polite, make reasoned arguments. I'm simply hoping those guidelines could change a bit, that's it.

From what I remember, we used to be able to have more genres and I think it was decided to reduce the number because they were used as tags. It was a mess, I understand that. But now it's different because we do have tags so the number of genres will be limited anyway. There are always dominant genres in a drama but if we exclude one simply because there is no room, we make the search engine less effective.
