Guten Morgen, ich würde gerne den Antwortern meiner "Vorstellung" im Forum antworten und erhalte eine Fehlermeldung, da mein Account "noch überprüft" werde. Was bedeutet das und wie lang dauert diese Überprüfung? Eine zweite Frage: Wo finde ich die Rubrik "Forum" in der Handy-App? Vielen Dank und liebe Grüße aus Deutschland :-)

Hi, New account cannot post links in forums for at least 7 days.

So, I can already post something by myself, but I have to wait a week, before I can answer something? 


So, I can already post something by myself, but I have to wait a week, before I can answer something? 

You can post anything, just as you are doing now, but your post cannot contain links or URLs.

I introduced myself to the forum and received responses. I just wanted to say thank you and all of my replies (none containing a link or url) throw up an error and cannot be posted. At the moment I can only write new posts, but I can't comment on anything. Your message is the only one I can reply to so far. Can you please check where the problem is? Thank you so much.