Is there a way to delete articles we made on MDL? I'm trying to cut down on my public past posts online, particularly when I wrote things in a way I find too personal now. Which I've deleted my Reviews & Recs, but I cannot delete my Article from 2016.

Regarding my query: I kept trying the 'delete' the other day and since, and tried different browsers, but it says 'authorization failed'.

Any help in deleting the article would be greatly appreciated, as it's something that I've been feeling uncomfortable about for years, but my previous queries regarding it never got responded to.

I went ahead and unpublished it for you, you should be able to edit or delete it.


Any help in deleting the article would be greatly appreciated, as it's something that I've been feeling uncomfortable about for years, but my previous queries regarding it never got responded to.

If you need help deleting the draft, please let me know and I'll do it for you. :)


I went ahead and unpublished it for you, you should be able to edit or delete it.

Thank you so much! I've been able to delete it now.

Also, there's a query regarding deleted pictures from years ago that are still on the server. I'm not bothered about the others, but there's a personal pic shared that's still on, and there'll be another also, but I didn't save the url to that other one. The query is here: