I was gonna add some smaller roles to a movie I recently watched, but the various options to choose from are kinda confusing me. I checked the "role type" table in the Cast post of the official Guidelines thread, but it doesn't seem like it's been updated since whenever some of these options were added to MDL. If possible, could that table be updated to provide separate definitions for the following role types, please?

  • Guest Role
  • Extras Casting
  • Bit Part
  • Cameo

If that post can't be updated for some reason, I'd appreciate it if someone could explain the differences between them to me here.

i would say guest role=15 minutes to one episode
Cameo=well known actor showing up for a few minutes or second
Bit Part=small role that is not considered supporting role
Extras Casting=Basically an extra in a scene,not a famous actor like the waiter serving a coffee to the leads then not showing up again.
Thats how i personally add things.