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Rudeness can't be tolerated when it occurs, of course. But I'm seeing these vast numbers of posts from Mecherie as compulsive behavior and kind of sad. I have no idea what to make of the name changes. (A side effect of the name changes is that her profile page is a non-existent URL.)

Bluebells seems to be the primary attacker, sometimes at random in games she doesn't even participate in. The most annoying is when she rejects the game posts of people she doesn't like and proceeds as though those posts don't exist by quoting the previous posts.


I am backing up emaureeng's comment with some screenshots since I was always online/playing at the same time with her and B/Y/M, I went to the trouble of finding these old posts throughout the site (one of them looks glitched because it is a cached page through Google, the page count/posts don't match when I clicked on the actual result so that's why I took the picture like that). There is a bit of time/post delay here (unlike on Myanimelist.net which posts instantly without any problem) so people end up not seeing other people's posts, hence causing misunderstandings and people editing/deleting their posts to match with others' answers. However in pic #1 you see them skip emaureeng on purpose because they didn't like her. Bluebells/Yerin was always annoyed with emaureeng for some reason (there were multiple occasions of them being rude to her but it'd be difficult finding them all and you get my point)

 There was a scuffle among a few users in the "Change 1 letter from a word" game. just as Blossoms stated here I also see this as another example of hypocrisy as a few of us pointed out before in this thread. Here is another user who called them out for their behavior in the games: juhyun was one of Yerin's old usernames as quoted by I AM SHOOKETH who also got blocked by them because she said she didn't know any of Mecherie's dramas, they also had an issue with Rainbow as I pointed out before but now I actually found that specific post I was referring to which happened earlier this year. I am also aware that PrincessJirachi also got blocked by Mecherie before but for unknown reason. https://mydramalist.com/discussions/support/66605-am-i-blocked?postid=2026863#p2026863 https://mydramalist.com/discussions/forum-games/4110-assume-something-about-the-person-above-you?pid=2056613&page=149#p2056613 

+ another user On MAL if 2 people post at the same time but the 2nd one is under them we call it being "ninja'd" we just laugh it off as a joke unlike with these 3 users who are always taking the forum games so seriously and calling people out for being rude/"skipping" people, we are here just to chill but they are always the one making a big deal out of trivial things especially with something like forum games. Yet these 3 were always consistent in typing fast/making no mistakes skipping each other. This also relates to emaureeng's comment of compulsive behavior - why is there the need to keep posting right after each other back-to-back when you've seen other's last list updates already, spamming almost the entire page which doesn't give others a chance to post - in their own rules they say PLEASE DON'T SPAM IT'S ONLY ONE ANSWER PER USER but apparently it's an exception for themselves. 

Sure it might be just a game anyone can do what they want in it but it makes no sense to do this all the time with the same person's list, this mostly happened throughout version #4 that Mecherie created. As dramalover also pointed out they were always online/posting in that thread with their name/lists that not everyone wants to pick from or has already seen multiple times since they were always popping up during the daytime for me where I live in Canada until they logged off during the evening. I saw multiple times Yerin saying "none" to others' lists yet they called out Dramalover for being "rude" for saying none to Mecherie's list, more hypocrisy again. Here was one of them even emphasized with bold caps: + Vintage Stamp's post which was included on her Feeds, I will list 2 things from there in case you can't see it. 

Bluebells left an unnecessary comment on a Cha Eun Woo thread even though it was obviously meant for fans to post in "Jul 5, 2021 11:36 AM Nahh we dont like it" https://mydramalist.com/discussions/korean-actors-actresses/63075-cha-eun-woo-fandom?pid=1842887&page=7#p1842887 again with the "we" as Slim Xtra pointed out - last time it might have made more sense since M/B were playing at the same time but shouldn't they have said "I" instead because they went to the Cha Eun Woo thread alone by themselves? 

 this was one of the arguments in a game thread Vintage Stamp had with Mecherie at that time for pointing out her spamming/copying and deleting posts.  https://mydramalist.com/discussions/forum-games/5091-post-5-korean-words?pid=1854425&page=3#p1854425 

I also found out myself that Bluebells made a report on Vintage Stamp in page 60 "Jul 10, 2021 10:41 pm https://mydramalist.com/profile/AnythingAsian

This user keeps attacking people on the game forums without a particular reason." https://mydramalist.com/discussions/support/32058-lots-of-spam-by-bits-please-delete?pid=1854429&page=60#p1854429 

during that exact same time/day of that argument (which I find highly suspicious in my opinion) I discovered that while I was going back to find Moonchild's older report about Bluebells posting/deleting in the watch challenge thread/screenshot about her calling her a "bitch" in private message for reporting her on the spam thread https://mydramalist.com/discussions/support/32058-lots-of-spam-by-bits-please-delete?pid=1898411&page=61#p1898411  

Funny how Mecherie posted right under moonchild, as if she was the one who saw her report her and messaged her about it. 

 Bluebells also made a false report before about another user "spamming the forum games" (which DmXas replied to with a screenshot and George Orwell quote), I see this as an attempt to turn the attention from them to someone else or trying to drag someone else down with them. Based on everything about them so far and seeing they have many past negative experiences with other people can you trust an honest report from this user? 

Now here's another one, what they said was not that offensive yet they got triggered by it. 

Again with the phrase "attacking people on the comments" that Bluebells said to another user before in the letter game and report on Vintage Stamp. (however it is true Mecherie does often copy/paste the song titles again just to play faster, there was a time I made a mistake accidentally with a song "Evil falls - Man with a Mission" but they still copied mine lol the actual title is supposed to be EvilFall).Most importantly, the last time they showed up here/commented in this thread Mecherie even showed up multiple times but didn't apologize at all or say anything regarding herself spamming the forums everywhere - none of them even admitted they did anything wrong while shamelessly making snarky responses at DmXas who reported Mecherie in defense to her spamming the forums, bragging about their VIP status/account years (we all started off as newbies and  paying for the site does not justify your actions). The funny thing is Bluebells actually admitted Mecherie "Fairiella" was spamming in another screenshot I posted already "she is Japanese and can spam ur not" and Yerin also says the word "attacking". According to Bluebells' logic in 2nd pic (pg 68) I should be banned right now lmao. 

The fact that they were the only ones who showed up just to post these things is already obvious/suspicious itself since these 3 are always connected to each other in the forums, and acting arrogant showing no remorse whatsoever - not reflecting on their actions/willing to change their behavior (it would be hard to believe a sincere apology from them now as they had plenty of time already to think about what they've done so far but that was what they wrote instead). I may be just a regular member so I am not someone to judge what happens to them but I've observed them for a long time having played with them in the games frequently, regrettably not speaking about this earlier. Now the question is should they even be allowed to comment anymore on MDL despite such attitude towards other users and continued to spam the forums everywhere even after getting a warning feeling the need to advertise themselves constantly, and bombarding people of false notifications in the watch challenge threads (which should be considered spam) throughout the year forcing people to unsubscribe from them just because of one selfish individual covering up real notifications of actual discussions people need to see even after being asked not to do this anymore earlier this year? 

P.S. Here is something funny that they wrote https://i.postimg.cc/7hVQXJFg/Screenshot-20211223-121427.jpg

@Sunset, Lmao I would have forgotten about that post if you didn’t mentioned it.


already a week as we discuss about Mecherie/Floriella - Bluebells and other(-s).
Unfortunately, ADMIN chose silence..   sad..

I was right when I wrote:
"We all are Equal, but some people are more Equal than others" - This is a reference to the famous allegorical novel 'Animal Farm (1984)'  ~George Orwell~

In MDL some members may attack you, chase you openly..  and nothing .. receives a couple public warning.. and so..

#NoMore #EthnicallyDiscrimination #WeAreSilentNoMore

Thank you for defending all those who have suffered from Mecherie/Floriella - Bluebells &.........

its xmas for a lot of people even the admin deserve vacations.  also this thread is not meant for this kind of spam

@DmXas earlier you said #meToo in response to Vintage Stamp do you have any more screenshots of them not said yet? 

@Old_Anime_Lady I understand there are holidays but some of us just want to know what will happen with these users, like if they will be investigated or not because their behavior is way too similar and timed to be a coincidence. That is more what I am trying to get at, rather than just being "rude people" as many people might not get along in comment sections too so that's understandable. I did send an e-mail (although a lot less info/no screenshots compared to here) when I first saw DmXas report but nothing even happened that's why I posted here. You even said yourself they'd been spamming various topics for a year. They only stop/tone it down now that they see they're getting a warning but probably thought it was funny doing it on purpose to annoy people with all those false notifications. Do we really need users like this on MDL where they are just "littering the forum" but not contributing to any valuable content like Dashing pointed out earlier, and even insulting those who report them for their behavior

*2nd screenshot message was sent to DmXas after he reported her for spamming the forums

We both have MAL accounts, if you ask anyone there about this situation they will probably figure it it out too something is off about these users and think they are alts, there is no way they are not the same person doing this stuff, even the way they type is similar. No one there gets butthurt when you say none to their anime lists and we edit our posts quietly if we get "ninja'd", I know a lot of FG players from there even if they're not on my friends list but we're all pretty relaxed having a good time, we can say whatever nonsense and people don't get offended easily. 

Plus the FG on MDL was a major influence of the spamming stuff DmXas originally reported on, they were always hanging around there acting like they own the place when they are actually the ones attacking other users (just look at the way they talk to others in those screenshots and you can even ask those extra people from the screenshots for their opinions) - there are probably even more users they blocked, with other forum sections second to their home. I created some of those games but they were practically harping on people as if they're the official rep. Everyone should be aware of these accounts for who they really are.  

If not for me taking over the Last List Updates game #5 they'd probably be still spamming in it so I did everyone a favor by having more real responses to the thread than the same users copying/pasting each others' dramas/movies constantly hogging the thread. But they stopped doing that ever since they don't "own" it anymore to advertise their name

And also, if I'm not being nitpicky about this - why did Yerin need to say hiii like 3 times when they already said it once in someone's introduction thread?  https://mydramalist.com/discussions/introductions/67343-hello-from-germany well obviously they just wanted to bump their name on the side of the recent discussions. 

@ Sunset - you see if you scroll up to one of sunsets posts, you will see a screenshot of yerin complaint that VIP MDL users are getting the same treatment as the newer users - despite yerin not being a VIP user (last time i checked - she blocked me so I blocked back -=-). Yet if you look at Mecheries profile, you’ll see that she is a VIP user. This shows that Yerin is a fake account for her to be rude to people and act the way she wants to people without her ruining her reputation on her main account - Mecherie. 

@Vintage Stamp Exactly. Even emaureeng noticed Bluebells pops up randomly even in games she does not participate in, just to stand up for Mecherie. I will give another example of this, even though I can't deny this is actually a legit reason for Yerin to say Bruna is rude but why is she the one to speak up for Mecherie, and not herself? 

On another page they said none consistently to 3 users that I mentioned before in my above comment that they had some beef with, while Mecherie conveniently posted under Yerin every time. Surely this is not a coincidence again. 

I found another one, where they said they liked Goblin but I know they always say they don't like k-dramas as they are into J-dramas mostly on their list. The second pic is from a True or False game and they said false in response to liking k-dramas. This just proves they want to make themselves look good on MDL. 

This person is replying to the 2021 drama challenge discussion thread then deleting comments


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(I noticed before someone edited my comment about this, I didn't know you could do that) I deleted the other post to bump up this more recent post with same info as before which didn't get removed yet. 


This person is replying to the 2021 drama challenge discussion thread then deleting comments


I saw both accounts post in the watch challenge threads at the exact same time on Dec 24 (I took a screenshot at 5:56 pm EST) while Mecherie was posting everywhere in the forums again. Here's a backup screenshot yet again:  

I went out to dig up a few more posts again, as I mentioned before in a previous comment that in a 10 dramas/movies with ____? game (which got locked by now) Mecherie blocked a user because someone asked her to stop posting/deleting fake messages in that game (which gives false notifications since these 2 were subscribed to the topic) but now I actually found the post. Momochan was her old username, as quoted by I AM SHOOKETH in one of my previous posts.

 This is very similar to what is going on with the watch challenge threads where Bluebells and Yerin were always posting in them but this time it was Mecherie who kept pretending to post in this game everyday. NoirRoseHeart asked nicely but got blocked, similar to what happened with Moonchild earlier this year but got called a bitch for reporting her. https://mydramalist.com/discussions/support/32058-lots-of-spam-by-bits-please-delete?pid=1897571&page=61#p1897571

and this was one of those moments when Bluebells popped up out of nowhere to make a random comment on that same game mentioned above (which none of the M/B/Y accounts play at all), just as emaureeng stated before.

In case you don't understand their comment, they were always bumping up their own games to the top of the page so Bluebells must've been annoyed to see this game (which was originally created by me) get bumped up to the top over hers. 

I also requested dramalover to send me a screenshot of Mecherie sending her the "rude" PM from before for saying "none" on her list https://mydramalist.com/discussions/forum-games/50059-which-drama-from-the-above-user-s-last-list-updates-would-you-pick-4?pid=2084671&page=1659#p2084671 

(bruh wtf you are the rude one here for messaging me and calling me nothing 

your watchlist is just dramas im not interested in, how is that rude??  You have an issue on my preference?? At least be reasonable if you are gna scold people

heres what he or she messaged "huh?why would you say NONE to my list?
Im awesome ur nothing
") - dramalover

I'm not trying to lecture anyone here but the "Im awesome ur nothing" part was unnecessary even if they got annoyed by dramalover. No one takes offense/acts like this with MAL's last list updates game. This proves their narcissistic behavior again. Why is Yerin allowed to say none multiple times to other people but Mecherie does not say anything about that? It is not morally right to degrade someone just because they don't have the same tastes as you. As dramalover and I said before, Mecherie was always online posting in the forums/this thread so we are forced to look at her lists many times everyday until she logged off.

M also says "rude" like with Yerin. Yet she does not call out Yerin for being rude.  These users will just continue to spam the forums and 2022 Watch Challenge threads next year if there are no actions taken against them, mark my words. 

And to be frank I have posted many times on this and am hard carrying this topic right now since no one else is really saying anything anymore (but many thanks to everyone who contributed and those who were involved in the screenshots) I am volunteering my free time going into such lengths to dig up old posts and writing detailed information about these users to help others expose these accounts, so I think I deserve an answer at least. Please take this and everyone's posts into consideration so we can be at peace with less spammers and actual discussions, thank you if you have read this far. Happy Holidays/Happy New Year to everyone. Peace! 

@ sunset - notice how all accounts (M/B/Y) use “ur” and “u” instead of “your” and “you”….i swear even her messages to me contain ‘ur’.