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 Vintage Stamp:

@ sunset - notice how all accounts (M/B/Y) use “ur” and “u” instead of “your” and “you”….i swear even her messages to me contain ‘ur’.

I know I said goodbye already on this thread but I'd like to say one last thing. 

They also like to use the word "attack" as if other people were bullying them. This was a minor detail I forgot to say before with Elite's screenshot so I edited my first post on page 72 in reply to emaureeng where Bluebells reported you for "attacking" her about the argument. And "coincidentally" Mecherie was right under Moonchild when she made her first report about the false notifications in the challenge threads (also edited the comment to provide screenshot) 

The thing is, they could actually be joining the challenge threads and discussing actively in them which will get them noticed as well but this is what they are doing. This further proves they are just a spammer and not here to actually contribute to any meaningful discussions. I rest my case. 


Keeps posting comments in the 2021 drama challenge discussion thread & the 2021 drama challenge sign in fourm then deleting the comments  giving people false notifications 



Keeps posting comments in the 2021 drama challenge discussion thread & the 2021 drama challenge sign in fourm then deleting the comments  giving people false notifications 

Moonchild reported about this since August but her comment must've been overlooked, thinking this was not a serious issue. We started talking about this again on page 70, and this also relates to DmXas' report on Fairiela/Mecherie where 3 of these accounts keep  posting everywhere in the forums for attention, that's why they are doing this. Everything that I posted so far should be enough proof that they are her alt accounts. 

Might I suggest MDL follow MAL's route where you have to type a minimum character limit of 30 letters in the forums (except for forum games for obvious reasons) and that when you delete your comment your username is not listed in the thread anymore, and that thread will also not be bumped up anymore? This would improve/help prevent the site from these spammers. 

Edit: I forgot to mention that you can only post once per 15 seconds too. I kept spelling Fairiela's name wrong with 2 Ls. 

This thread is getting a bit off-topic for discussions. 

Please give us time as we will improve the forum experiences. 

this also relates to DmXas' report on Fairiella/Mecherie where 3 of these accounts keep  posting everywhere in the forums

They are not the same person from our activity logs.

What? I mean no offense but I've written a lot on this and I've been interacting with them for a long time, I am 99% sure these 3 are the same person even if based on intuition, and no one else on MDL keeps doing this exact same stuff every time on the forums. Mecherie was also doing this exact same thing on one of my old games I wrote in one of my previous posts https://mydramalist.com/discussions/support/32058-lots-of-spam-by-bits-please-delete?pid=2111763&page=72#p2111763 

Their behavior/timing and the way they type is way too similar to be a coincidence. Please look through my reports carefully. Even if they are "different" people there should still be something done with these users, it is not fair letting them roam freely abusing the site and acting like the ones who report them are the "bad people". This is quite discouraging, what kind of message is this for MDL users?

We will need some time to look into it but our logs indicated that they are not the same person so far and cannot base it on intuition alone. We did give them all warnings and will be banned permanently if their action continues.

Moonchild reported about this since August

I reported momochan that kept bumping game threads in December... 2020. I had to unsubscribe from all of the topics because I received an average of 5 notifications per thread daily.

Thank you, please do take your time to look into it. I see Mecherie and those accounts did not unfriend/message me thinking I would take screenshots of them/use their words against them. But if you ask anyone else's opinion we all can see there is something suspicious with these accounts. I have been on the forums for a long time so I am not just randomly writing this for the fun of it, and I have never reported anyone personally before. 


I reported momochan that kept bumping game threads in December... 2020. I had to unsubscribe from all of the topics because I received an average of 5 notifications per thread daily.

Same. I retreated from all forum games the same year and stopped participating in them because my notifications got flooded with spam from momochan now Mecherie. Sadly, she's not only spamming there but on many other threads (non-game related) as well, see Sunset's posts. 

As for Bluebells (former Lemonade, real user name kdrama22) this user did spam the MDL Watch Challenge Discussion thread, similar to momochan. As far as I know Bluebells is still doing this. 

@Ji-N I stayed out from the thread mostly. I only post this comment to backup that mengosteen is correct with this statement. Back then I chose to ignore this user and behavior but it got to a point where lots of people suffer from momochan's behavior in forum sections and this thread goes a bit off-topic because more and more user think it's probably time for more severe actions than just warnings as it has been going on for 2 years. It can't be the solution that users have to leave games or forum discussions because momochan is dominating and acting like owning them. 

There is another thing that I'd like to emphasize. One of the accounts claimed to be a male from San Francisco, yet Mecherie claims to be from Japan. They also coincidentally changed all of their pictures at the same day with similar themes during Christmas (and they are constantly changing their pictures) - here's a screenshot that Vintage Stamp made/posted on her feeds from her blocked list 2 days ago I always thought it was strange Mecherie usually showed up after 12am according to her timezone which is opposite for me in Canada, and always gets off around 8pm EST. She was always active during the noon/afternoon in my time, so does this user not sleep at all? I know everyone's sleep schedule is different but I don't find this normal behavior, and it's not like she is staying up late to do productive things. This has been going on for a long time. Dashing also agreed with me in private message, even before I mentioned it to her. Here was what she wrote to me

 But even if they get banned, what if they try to make new accounts to come back and we'd have to waste our time reporting/proving they are the same users again? 

Although the difference with MAL and MDL is that our profile link stays the same here instead of changing it automatically to a new one when we change our display name, which actually helped us identify the different users even though they changed their names/pics. So for that, I appreciate MDL keeping this feature. 

And sometimes I noticed the 3 accounts asked/answered each other's questions in the Ask the Person Below You game, when there is no response for a while she uses one of them to answer it. Unfortunately I forgot to take a screenshot of this for extra proof and their posts are gone along with the accounts but some of us might have noticed that when playing in the forums. 

@moonchild I don't subscribe to any forum game topics, I see it pointless since there will be anyone posting them everyday anyways and the responses are not any relevant discussions that are worth getting a notification for except for the challenge threads. Good to see Bluebells/Yerin are removed from the site. Thank you Ji-N for finally responding to our posts.  

After re-reading through everything I posted so far, all 3 accounts used the word/phrase "attacking people" "being rude" and typed with this " .. " in their messages (thanks to DmXas' screenshot he sent me in PM). This feels like it was done by human error/personality, a habit of how they type online - and some people just don't change their habits easily. I myself usually type like this... but not like this ..  (I re-edited my third image as this matched perfectly compared to before) Monday February 7, 2022 edit:

MDL Forums original post https://i.postimg.cc/CF79VF4s/Screenshot-20220122-204016-com-android-chrome.jpg

M/Y also wrote the same "Relax your booty" sentence, which is not even a common saying among Westerners (as I shared this info with a few male users who didn't hear this from any Americans before) she said this since 2017, this proves again about her typing/posting habits not changing. Also, Yerin's post shows their arrogant attitude from posting/deleting in the challenge threads. 

Sometimes, we notice things more with our eyes/feelings -  just imagine everything said with her main account and everything makes sense. Even the messages that B/Y sent me sounded like it was sent from M's perspective and not someone else"why did you quit playing the animal game" why does that matter when it's Mecherie's game? "why do you keep making a space but not actually replying to someone's comment" in response to me doing fake posts/deleting to rating Mecherie's j-dramas since I didn't want to keep saying n/a, and Bluebells never even played that game, only Mecherie did. How do they know I'm making a blank space in the post, it's because they were doing that inside the challenge threads or forum games. I'll give you an example of what I mean. 

Mecherie = Latte (her new username) 

more hypocrisy posts (her ??????????? reminds me of Bluebells' subject line to my PM

M always tells other people to stop spamming too like with B/Y - sometimes even at random places like here or there (thanks to Vintage Stamp's 2nd link with Yerin) 

Here were my own extra images I found later but couldn't include before. 

Moonlight Kiss was also one of their old usernames, as referenced by Vintage Stamp in her feeds post https://mydramalist.com/profile/AnythingAsian/feeds/1PEWPhR she sure likes the word "Moon".

 Again, all 3 like to point out others for being rude when people are just trying to play forum games or simply correct their behavior. 

 I ended up messaging blossoms weeks ago and she finally responded back giving me this screenshot (thank you blossoms, I hope you feel better soon!) this was sent after what happened with Moonlight Kiss' image. 

Notice how Latte's message sounds similar to Yerin's up there. "u dont know how the other person will react." 

I will also include my own PM of hers. In one of my older posts I noted that I pointed her out for changing her rules for the Last List Updates game #4 and even messaged NeOn_TaE about this (who also got blocked) so M sent me this. What difference is there in messaging privately, would she have acted nicer about it? 

She just thinks it's embarrassing for others to point out her mistakes in public so she gets annoyed by that. I could relate to her sometimes, like me reacting to Elite's comment in the Suspicious Account thread or that one time when emaureeng and Helo_Mek_in_Vegas skipped me in Keep a Word, Drop a Word so I did get a bit annoyed about that, but I managed to get back to my original word so I got over it. 

She typed this " -.- " the same as back in 2017.

I am not familiar with "activity logs" how they work, but earlier moonchild and Dashing also pointed this out while we were chatting privately - who knows if they are using different IP addresses, e-mail addresses, devices, VPN locations or whatever else to mask their identities online? That kind of thing is easy to do nowadays to manipulate their data. They would've done this as precautions while doing all this for 2 years. 

Earlier you said "They are not the same person from our activity logs" "our logs indicated that they are not the same person so far and cannot base it on intuition alone.this was my main motive for keep coming back to the thread to prove my point, not just for spamming the challenge threads/forums or bumping up old threads because other people did that already. 

However, is it really just based on intuition by now as there are more than a dozen people who are aware of or been affected by these users so far, including MDL approval staff*  that would agree with me so far on this as we see many similarities in their comments/posting habits and attitudes towards others. The fact that "M" is the root cause of everything that's happened so far in the forums and these extra accounts are always sticking close to her to back her up. Why is she the main person who stands out in the FG with her name everywhere instead of the others?

 She even admits her own games are her favourites:

*See the bottom of this post for details since I also re-edited it: https://mydramalist.com/discussions/support/68335-suspicious-account?pid=2116907&page=1#p2116907 

Wednesday February 9 2022 - same "ewww in your face" like with my other post with M/B saying that same line


@sunset We understand but this is getting off-topic. Please let us handle it.

Sorry to bother you again Ji-N but Mon and I noticed a new account https://mydramalist.com/profile/Lavender90 was made today that played in the last letter food/animal games https://mydramalist.com/discussions/forum-games/49793-food-name-game?pid=2114975&page=866#p2114975 looks like she couldn't stay away from the forums LOL would you believe me if I said Mecherie made this account to play the forum games again in replacement of Bluebells/Yerin? I'm surprised she didn't unfriend/block me yet. 

Also this is a bit off topic but I had a bit of suspicion with another 2 users before that I didn't mention. I thought Jennifer Zhou and Strawberry02 were the Chinese versions of her since they had this similar "no spamming" rule in their games and got triggered by someone posting consecutive posts in their game, saying "spammers will be blocked". But they are usually less vocal and not bothering anyone else on the forums. Still, can you look into these users? There was one time I saw B/Y point out Strawberry02 for being Jennifer Zhou's alt account, but I couldn't find that post anymore.

 Edit: I'm sorry I went overboard, I just got too into the mood for this whole B/Y/M topic. Honestly I've been on edge ever since I reported these users but it's reassuring talking to some of the people here who know about this situation. I appreciate the hard work the admins are doing for the site. I've been here almost everyday on MDL, I've practically seen every page of most of the newer games here even though I was not in those screenshots myself but was lurking in them except for those really old games no one plays anymore, this is why I firmly believe that Mecherie is the root cause of everything that's happened so far on the site. Nevermind my second paragraph as M/B/Y is the main focus right now, however I do recommend that you check out the new user that I mentioned since Mecherie was the first one to be on her friends list. The frog picture was related to Yerin's Keroppi picture and even the name Lavender is related to the lavender GIF on Mecherie's profile. 

I will just lurk here for your response.