Drama https://mydramalist.com/49865-psycho-but-it-s-okay seems to be marked as "Completed" by several people somehow, according to Overall Statistics pie, even though it's still airing, so normally cannot be marked as "Completed"!! 

In particular, the stats indicate: Completed - Total: 95 - Percentage: 0.4% 

And it's even counting in Ratings stats somehow!! If I hover over the Rating Score, it's saying: Currently Watching 9.37 - Completed 9.6 - Dropped 4.71 - Verified/Stars Rating 9.31 !! (Also, btw, another bug? the total rating is 9.2, even though the rest of the stats are slightly above it, except dropped)

If I try to add this drama as Completed, this option is still greyed out & unavailable (as it should be for a still airing drama!), at least for me, though!!

Thanks in advance for addressing this issue ASAP! Cheers!! ^^