MDL website has been crashing and lagging a lot recently. I notice it happen coz I am in forum games.

Can this issue be resolved?

What is crashing looks like? Forum games normally are really slow due to the posts count.

My firefox crashes a lot when I open MDL games too...can that be fixed please? :(

We need more information to reproduce the issue.

A couple of days ago when I was in forum games I got multiple error 520 and aw snap!

I logged out and later tried to log back in but I couldn't get back in for like a day or smth


We need more information to reproduce the issue.

It seems to be the same or at least similar problem we already talked about in this thread:

There's now a third thread about it:

Maybe we should combine them. :) 

And this is the screenshot from just now I got when I tried to access notifications: