Hello! Today I noticed I can't post imges on the Feeds and even insert different photos in articles, because nothing is loading up.  A message shows up: "Something is wrong. Please try again" I'm using Desktop version, from a Win 7 PC.

PS. Making a screenshot in a few minutes as proof - https://imgur.com/a/fP0txxj

Please look into this, when possible. I'm sure this will affect other users as well.

Tried logging out and clearing up cache, but didn't help at all.

Edit: Now, even main posters from different series have the same issue, picture doesn't load up, even after being approved as in this case https://mydramalist.com/photos/xdKW3_4 from page https://mydramalist.com/65895-party-a-who-lives-beside-me, for example.

 Sassy queen:

I’m also facing the same problem with my articles 

For me, the issue is now solved, but how about for you?

Cryssy Anne closed this Oct 2, 2021 06:22 am
Cryssy Anne reopened this Oct 2, 2021 06:23 am
Cryssy Anne closed this Oct 2, 2021 06:23 am