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Ah... so Lee Gon himself whom brought the Tae Eul ID for he still hold the card (which taken from Luna) when coming to the past..  

Anyone got some theories on the 2 following scenes: 

A lot of pictures inside the gate thing (in any of the previous episodes, was there some dialogue revolving around taking pictures or did someone mention a camera or even gifting a camera or something? I cant recall, aaaah)

Multiplying red balloons again inside the gate thing (why do they multiply? )

epi #14

So that child is object/manseok (sorry for pronouncing wrong) itself who waiting to became one  that means he waiting the objects two part to become one  thats why he met luna and saved taeul to escape from ML's uncle trap and hinted to say this "i'm doing this to balance two worlds". and he has previously cross the path with taeul so that taeul lost her id and renew it . so basically that child want to save himself or want to unite with his rest of parts. 


Lee Lim has a darkroom. Maybe he is using the photos for marking how many times he has been in the gate.

In the same token, maybe the balloons and coins are Lee Gon's markers for the times he had been in the gate.

Or maybe these tokens mark the number of times the loop has occurred, i.e. the number of times LG and LL have gone back to 1994.  I hope this will be explained in Episode 16.


That's what I think too. He is Manpasikjeok. 

Ending Episode 1 - Lee Gon hugs Tae Eul who has no idea who he is

Episode 14 - Tae Eul hugs Lee Gon in a "new" version of the same scene

So Lee Gon went to the past and changed it by telling a young Tae Eul some stuff. Tae Eul remembers it and their first interaction, their initial meeting as adults has changed. The first several episodes were based entirely on Tae Eul not believing Lee Gon and dozens of scenes were based around it.

Also in Episode 14 and 15:

All the supporting characters who learned about the two worlds and Lee Lim's plot through the original timeline of Lee Gon and Tae Eul's romance and directly from Lee Gon and Tae Eul still remember everything from that original timeline and are still suffering consequences of that original timeline despite the fact it should no longer exist.

Any help here? I don't understand.

epi 14-15

i'm puzzled with  things still  when taeul first traveled kingdom of corea she crossed the path with gang shin jae doppelganger who is healthy and fit then how and when he reach the republic of korea   hospital in that condition.

why did lee gon put yeong id in black jacket which suppose to take by luna in kingdom of corea 

and as it is already decided that lee gon saved himself so the if he traveled back and forth cause of lost in time so from the start to end taeul should recognize him at first place  cause leegon back in time to save himself then lost in time and in different time frame he met taeul so taeul should recognized him at the first episode but they didn't showed it . 

and now she is going to time of treason to save leegon child so she will lost in time went to future as it showed in earlier episode where leegon saw cctv footage of bookstore which showed date of 2022 and my QUESTION is this " as its fancy drama so you can travel time and two parallel world but can a future can record in cctv footage and we can see in present time or that cctv is also one kind of magic equipment like Manpasikjeok.  flute  who can show future incidents." in conclusion Manpasikjeok help people to time and two parallel world travel, cctv help people to show future. 


Here are my thoughts:

I think LG's main goals are:

1.  Manpasinjeok should not be broken

2. He  and Tae-eul should not forget each other

So, as far as other events are concerned, he tried to change them as little as possible. He just planted new memories in 5-year-old and 27-year-old Tae-eul to make her more receptive of him when they finally meet in 2019. So in the meeting in episode 14, she already knew him when they met and, realizing it was fate, hugged him. Per her narration, their romance proceeded quicker though events still happened as they did the first time. Thus the other characters still knew the same things they knew at certain points in time, except Jo Yeong whose memory at the rowing competition was also changed.


My 2-cents:
That scene when Tae-eul was in Corea and seemingly crossed paths with Shin-jae, it was a camera trick. They crossed the same street at the same time, but Tae-eul was in Corea while Shin-jae was in Korea.  This also confused me.  I had to re-watch it several times :)

That scene where time-travelling LG planted the black jacket with rabbit ears for Luna and he put the access card to the racetrack in the pocket, LG made sure Luna went to the racetrack as what happened in episode 1 so the current LG would chase her to the bamboo forest and meet Tae-eul.

The time loop went from 1994 to 2020, then back to 1994 to 2020. When the loop went back to 1994, the memories of the characters would be the same as they were in episode 1, except that in episode 14, LG planted new memories in 5-year-old and 27-year-old Tae-eul, to make her more receptive of concepts like fate and parallel worlds when they finally meet again at the end of episode 14.  Jo Yeong's memory also got slightly changed at the rowing competition.

I still have no idea what the 2022 video means.  Maybe to show that the world seems to be normal in 2022?  Or, since the Yoyo boy is still there and if he represents the Manpasikjeok, does it mean he is still not whole?  Still so many questions :)

What happened/will happen to the different versions of Lee Gon:

LG1 - the savior in episode 1

LG2 - the 8-year-old LG in episode 1 and the savior in Episode 14

LG3 - the 8-year-old LG in episode 14

What happened to LG1?  Did he have an associated TE in his alternate world?  Also, it seems it was LG3 who was with TE in the hospital in episode 15 since he can remember how nicer TE was to him during their first meeting.  But wasn't the LG in the hospital LG2 who had been trying to go back to TE?


These are all the same LG.  The savior and the 8-year-old are just at different points in time.  So, the LG and TE who met in episode 14 are the same LG and TE who met in episode 1 since both scenes happened in Gwanghwamun Plaza in 2019.   They were not alternate versions.  History just got re-written - Tae-eul of episode 14 believes in fate and parallel worlds and hugged LG first.

How was this conclusion reached? The LG who was with TE in episode 15 had memories of both LG2 and LG3, i.e. he was both LG2 and LG3.

When LG3 reaches exactly the same age as LG2, they would become one and the same, as long as nothing changes in between that would stop LG3 from reaching that time and space.  This is why LG2 is careful not to create a butterfly effect that would occur if he makes a change in the alternate time.  As he told Jo Yeong, "If I miss each moment by even a second, I can't meet her".


Why didn't the savior return to the point in time before the Manpasikjeok broke into two?  Was it because it would mean he and TE would not meet since the scene where young LG grabs the ID from the savior would not happen?  Why doesn't he just plant TE's ID in, say, young LG's favorite book?  But then perhaps the young LG would not form as deep an attachment with TE if she is not associated with a savior figure and would not try to find her.  But if they are fated to be together, wouldn't he?

Can't wait for June 12 :)

ep  13

#7  How in the heck does Lee Lim come to realize Lee Gon saved himself by looking at a poster for an exhibition?   That's completely confounding! 

Honestly, I've been saying since episode 1 that he saved himself.  Now, I'm thinking it's possible that it was Shin Jae.  The eyes still don't look like Lee Min Ho's when he's hovering over younger Gon.  It's possible it's a stunt double though. LOL


I don't mind the issues confusing me because I love guessing for the answers and we've been given most of the answers.  Some of the questions people have don't bother me, but this is gonna irk me to death.  I gave trying to figure our red yoyo boy.  God?  I dunno.   

I disagree with someone's  answer for #8.  We've been given no evidence that Lady Noh was Gon's grandfather's lover.  Lee Lim's mom?  She'd be about 90!  I think it's more likely that she was Lee Jong In's lover or at least in love with him just judging by her reaction after his murder.  It's possible that was just a 'my oldest friend is dead' reaction, but it seemed like so much more. The only thing I can glean from telling us that Lady Noh came from the Republic of Korea is based on what we know.  I think the purpose was to show that the Lee's have been slipping dimensions for at least 3 generations (perhaps not Gon's dad but who knows) and it caused no damage to either dimension.  Basically, telling us that once the flute is back together, the worlds should be fine. 

Lee Lim once said that Sinjae was his wrong move is it because Sinjae doesn’t want to kill his Lee Gon or take the other half of the flute?

Since reading all the comments after eps 13, I begin rewatch this Drama from the beginning.. hahaha.. seems there are a lot I’ve miss.. 

JUNE 12TH!!! I didn't watch last week's episodes so that I could marathon the last 4 and the last episode isn't until June 12th!!!  #&%*(&@#!!!  OK hissy fit over. 

Episode 15.  Um, huh?  Maybe it's because  I've been up for 19 hours straight, but this is the first episode to truly confuse me.  I mean wth is he doing?  Bring everyone back to life?  Stop those that crossed worlds?  I don't get it.  Who says it would be any better?

I think YoYo Boy is the avatar of the makanomapthingamajiggy...old flute.