The actors carried this show because the writing was trash.
1. A family that rich and successful cannot be that reckless when it comes to their safety. They didnt get rich if they are that stupid. Maybe there might be 1 or 2 snitches, but their entire household staff being all in on the scam is very bogus. YES and his mom having more security personnel than the chaebols they are stealing from!! That make no sense in real life.
2. After their assets were released and they knew they were being targeted and threatened, they were still reckless. YES was always ahead of them, and they did not know any of his plots. The disclosure of sensitive information like this being normal was ridiculous; even a broke person would know to be careful. How YES was able to get patient details from a foreign hospital and to be able to track her down, even knowing details of her surgery date and time, is unreal
3. The entire surgery, hospital arrest, and YES coming into a patient room that's waking up from such critical surgery was a very big blunder. Which hospital in the world has such a lax visitor policy? A patient that checked in with one spouse, but a random stranger came and claimed to be related.
4. HH told the family she read about their drama online to confirm how close they were, but did the writers forget that YES too had scandals that would have been online, e.g., the press conf video would have been online
And it just continues to go downhill after she returned home. The writers let this story down. Still no explanation as to why the housekeeper/YES's mom was so entitled to their wealth and targeted the family. Maybe that's at the end, I dunno if I can finish it.