OMG,  Koyama's style was WAY worse than Hira's.  Hira just wears ordinary chino's and button downs.  It's a very non descript L.L. Bean look (do you know that look?).   He wants to fade in with crowds and be, as he said, "invisible."  Koyoma, however, wants to be noticed. That's why he wears those loud red plaid coats and suspenders with one shoulder unhooked or something.  He is definitely trying to make some sort of personalized fashion statement by wearing distinctive, loud clothes.  I noticed he changed the plaid coat in Season 2 -- but it's just  an even uglier one, lol.  That ugly look is what Kiyoi noticed.  I also saw both translations -- ie, "milquetoast" and "terrible taste" and I'm going with "terrible taste" as the proper translation.  Because it truly IS terrible taste, lol

I have new content to share hahahha. 

Beside the bonus clip posted by Smash and translated by Lollipop, there is a second on released as well and it containts a longer scene of Kiyoi and Koyama interacting together in that scene where Koyama is lending Kiyoi that recipe hahaha.  Seeing them taking jabs at each other is really funny. 

 This clip has been translated by Micchifume, another fantranslator that i love. 

This is the link for it. 


I have new content to share hahahha. 

Beside the bonus clip posted by Smash and translated by Lollipop, there is a second on released as well and it containts a longer scene of Kiyoi and Koyama interacting together in that scene where Koyama is lending Kiyoi that recipe hahaha.  Seeing them taking jabs at each other is really funny. 

 This clip has been translated by Micchifume, another fantranslator that i love. 

This is the link for it. 

Hey Ximmich! Looks like Micchifune only translated part of the clip (maybe because of Twitter time restrictions) . I translated the whole thing here


Ah the Koyama clip! 

Actually I saw the full lollipop version too. Here's the link if y'all are interested

Edit: Ah the God lollipop themselves shared the link! I'll delete this then lol


OMG,  Koyama's style was WAY worse than Hira's.  Hira just wears ordinary chino's and button downs.  It's a very non descript L.L. Bean look (do you know that look?).   He wants to fade in with crowds and be, as he said, "invisible."  Koyoma, however, wants to be noticed. That's why he wears those loud red plaid coats and suspenders with one shoulder unhooked or something.  He is definitely trying to make some sort of personalized fashion statement by wearing distinctive, loud clothes.  I noticed he changed the plaid coat in Season 2 -- but it's just  an even uglier one, lol.  That ugly look is what Kiyoi noticed.  I also saw both translations -- ie, "milquetoast" and "terrible taste" and I'm going with "terrible taste" as the proper translation.  Because it truly IS terrible taste, lol

Wow, I clearly pushed a fashion button, lol. But you’re right with the loud colors and don’t forget those striped socks! In comparison Hira is much more plain and understated. BTW, I loved the fashion makeover in episode 1. The music was the perfect touch. “Very Nice!” Riku has got some cut arms on him. But I digress. Neither you nor Kiyoi will forgive Koyama anything, lol. I have to admit I thought he was a little cutie at first, but now I keep thinking “why the hell are you still here?”  


Hey Ximmich! Looks like Micchifune only translated part of the clip (maybe because of Twitter time restrictions) . I translated the whole thing here


Lollipop, thanks so much for the link. I enjoyed it but am glad it wasn’t included. It would have taken time away from K&H and that’s what I’m here for. But at this point I’ll watch anything from the show, lol. 

Girlfan62, or Deborah (that's your name, right?)  

Yes, you are right about pushing the fashion button .  I am known as a fashionista by friends and I must admit that I am into pricey clothes and fashion magazines.  The character of Kiyoi is clearly also fashion conscious .  He always had the right outfits for cool kids in their 20's.  I thought the Costume Designer for the show also made the right choice to put Hira in non-descript clothes until his fashion makeover.  And, wow, he was so much more handsome with his hair brushed to the side! So handsome that Kiyoi won't let him wear it that way anymore, lol.

As for your comment about the bonus clip and how you are glad they did not include it, I am glad too.  You and I were both worried that the director was going to give Koyama too much time (as she did in Season 1), and that this would be at the expense of scenes with Kiyio and Hira. But that did not happen, and we got plenty of Kiyoi and Hira scenes. Well, as much as one can in a mere 4 episodes at 80 minutes for a total of 1 hour and 20 minute show.  We need the 2 hour movie!

I was just thinking about how short the total amount of time was! I sure hope the movie is longer than that, particularly if they aren’t going to make any more movies after this, sob. 

I am totally not a fashionista. I know Kiyoi’s clothes are on point, but I found them very weird, particularly the plaid suit with the skirt thing. He looks great in anything, so it doesn’t really matter to me what he wears. 
Riku is a gorgeous man with those cheekbones and that chin dimple! From what I can tell from their videos and shorts, he’s a very outgoing person. They seem to be good friends, but they are actors, so who know how much is real versus fan service. 

Where do I find Disc 3?

Nvm to my last question, where am I able to find the disc for Nikurashii Kare (or is it not out yet, online?)

Also, I don't think there are CDs/audio for the 2 other ones online yet.. because as far as I know, BLCD.Online only has 2 discs and both of them are for Utsukushii Kare. So if someone can update me! That'd be great </3

I suppose one could find Kiyoi's plaid suit with that long shirt "weird," as you  said, but it's also high fashion and on point for someone in the entertainment industry. That's why I think the Costume Designer for this show has been excellent.  Not just in terms of Kiyoi's high fashion, but even in terms of putting Hira in non-descript, bland clothes, because that matches his character.  Hira even says he wants to "be invisible."  

As  for Koyoma's red plaid jacket, overalls with one strap down, and striped socks, well, he looks like a country boy, and not fashionable at all.  But it was also an excellent choice by the Costume Designer because this unfashionable  "country boy look" is very non-threatening and approachable.  Thus, it fits his character to have created a look for himself that's loud, colorful and friendly.  It's a look that says, "Yea, you can talk to me and I'll respond in friendliness."   

Kiyoi's high fashion look, on the other hand, says "Don't come near me unless you are on the same level as me."   You see, clothes give a message about one's personality, and this is why Costume Designers for shows/movies are so important.  Whoever the Costume Designer is for this show is doing a bang-on terrific job.

That’s interesting. I didn’t really think about it that deeply, but it totally makes sense and fits their characters. 

Most people are like you, and don't think about it consciously, but they are still affected by other people's styles even without realizing it.  For instance, if you saw someone dressed like Koyama you would instinctively think he's friendly, but you would not know why.   Because you would not be conscious of the fact that this is because his style of dressing is so non-threatening.  Again, this is why the Costume Designer for this show is so good.  

OMG, I finally got around to watching the Kiyoi and Koyama clip and it was wonderful!  It was also only 2 minutes so I wonder why they did not include it in the show.  To be clear, I would not want this scene if it were at the expense of another scene with Hira and Kiyoi together, because I wanted to see those two together all the time.  However, the entire episodes for this show were only 20 to 24 minutes long, so I don't get why they could not include this extra 2 minute scene.  I wonder if the station where it originally airs in Japan restricts the time to exactly  20-24 minutes because all the J-BL's are that length.  

At any rate, it was terrific fun to watch Koyama teasing Kiyoi and Kiyoi being totally On Top of It and calling him out for saying they were "dating" when they were not.  Koyama had done the same thing in Season One when he told his brother and the others in that play that he was dating Hira.  Poor Hira had no idea what the hell was going on when he showed up to the after-party to see Kiyoi, but the big brother kept saying Hira was his little brother's "boyfriend."  Hira never corrected them and, instead, just looked uncomfortable and confused.  

I thought it was obnoxious of Koyama to say Hira was his boyfriend in Season One, so I was pleased to hear Kiyoi call him on on that crap in this scene. That's why this scene would've  been so cool if it were included in the show.  I truly wonder why they had to cut something that was a mere 2 minutes????

Everyone involved with this series is at the top of their game. All the unnoticed touches: , the direction & script, the clothes, their echoing each others words, the repeating of their body positions in some of the scenes and even the chaos of Hira’s house. It all comes together for an unusual and really special series.