Who was the one who pushed CSS into the water? Was it LJT’s maid? 

Except the 3rd princess, they all got fitting endings (in my opinion). The 3rd princess changed later on, got better relationship with her husband and left CSS alone, but she became a cynic and was miserable with her own life without an escape. It was a kind of punishment, I suppose.

The only princess that got happy ending is the 2nd princess. She was sensible, in a loving relationship with her husband and was the emperor's favorite princess. Even the 1st princess got punished from time to time due to her stupidity in running her mouth against CSS (nearly the whole royal family by that point was very protective of CSS, even the Crown prince (the current 3rd prince)).

May I suggest watching ep21 for who’s who on the princesses?  Qiqi was gossiping to CSS and she identified each princesses. 

@rabbitcasa Thank you so much for this information! Watching the previews, I thought LBY got punished in place of CSS for something she did wrong, but this explanation is so much better and sweet! 

The funny part about it was since it was a trick from the emperor (he didn't want to punish LBY but had to for his ministers to see), LBY didn't get beaten severely as it looked like. Apparently, there are different techniques of planking, the one used on him looked really bad (bloody flesh...) but did not hurt. The 3rd prince knew this and was stoned face carrying out the punishment, LBY was confused why it didn't hurt, only CSS was innocent and kept crying her eyes out. Seeing her like that, worrying for him, LBY pretended to be hurt very much. The 5th prince also got planked (since CSS told on him to the emperor- because he was being a nosy body and CSS felt that LBY shouldn't suffer alone). Poor boy since he was hit for real!

The whole time the emperor was eager watching the scene at the back, with the empress questioning Consort Yue why did she fall in love with the emperor.  Consort Yue vaguely answered that the emperor was the most handsome male in her hometown back then (translated: I was young and stupid so I fell in love with his beautiful face). 

Really love the royal family interaction! :)

Loving all the spoilers and their amazing details! Thank you so much, everyone!

Am I the only one that keeps coming back for more spoilers? :>  With all this information, I'm at ease with the heartbreaking scenes we are about to watch later on.

Thank you everyone for the amazing spoilers. I was anxious watching the preview for 36 and seeing CSS being bullied and falling in the water, but knowing what comes after makes it so much better. 

Thank you all for all the explanation, much appreciated.  I have not read the novel but I understand from some fans that LBY’s fake mother ( his aunt or his real dad’s sister) pretends to be crazy to protect LBY’s life and real identit. The reason being was that she & LBY (his real  surname is Huo) saw Ling Yi killed LYB’s real dad, General Huo. Could someone confirm whether my understanding is correct please? 

 Thuc Duyen:

Thank you all for all the explanation, much appreciated.  I have not read the novel but I understand from some fans that LBY’s fake mother ( his aunt or his real dad’s sister) pretends to be crazy to protect LBY’s life and real identit. The reason being was that she & LBY (his real  surname is Huo) saw Ling Yi killed LYB’s real dad, General Huo. Could someone confirm whether my understanding is correct please? 

Yes, that is right in the book


Except the 3rd princess, they all got fitting endings (in my opinion). The 3rd princess changed later on, got better relationship with her husband and left CSS alone, but she became a cynic and was miserable with her own life without an escape. It was a kind of punishment, I suppose.

The only princess that got happy ending is the 2nd princess. She was sensible, in a loving relationship with her husband and was the emperor's favorite princess. Even the 1st princess got punished from time to time due to her stupidity in running her mouth against CSS (nearly the whole royal family by that point was very protective of CSS, even the Crown prince (the current 3rd prince)).

Do you referring to consort chu??Who hang along with SS before they go to General Huo death anniversary??


Do you referring to consort chu??Who hang along with SS before they go to General Huo death anniversary??

I think rabbitcasa is referring to the rude third princess, daughter of Consort Yue, the one that Consort Yue was roasting at the beginning in the last scene in episode 31.

I am trying to do an episode prediction of what will come when based on the book. I think the previews up to episode 36 match up to Chapter 99-100 in the book. I have a feeling Chapter 101 when LBY gets caned will be episode 37 next week. Given there are 20 episodes left and the SS/LBY's breakup happens Chapter 140, I think episode 47-48ish will be when our hearts will break if they distribute the novel evenly with the episodes. SS and LBY see each other again in Chapter 151 so they may be apart for about 2-3 episodes. Maybe around EP 50-51 they will see each other again and it will take the test of the episodes to reconcile. I am not sure if I should take a pause and accumulate some episodes because it will be a tough August lol. I am trying to find other things to watch to delay myself but every Tues/Wed/Thurs, I find the first thing I do is check if the episodes have been released. Sigh...

Zhau Lushi and Wu Lei is so perfect in this drama. The whole imagination of Ling Bu Yi and Cheng Shao Shang goes to them just like the drama. Been reading all the threads here (Thank You so much!) and just pictured them. If this ever created into a movie version, that would be amazing. With the same cast ensemble of course.

This scene in the drama where CSS being pushed and fell to the river will weighted another depth in their already intense romancing. As the clips continue to teases moments of next week episodes…

I have a bit feeling of LBY step brother who are the one with a long hair in the clips. It's seems more confusing since the teaser release. The guy with a long hair wearing like look LBY's general outfit which is gave us more hint what do you think??I guess I'm wrong but he seems to look like a general or something have a high rank.