@busterboy please share some more. I'd like to know where is this going and how she finally accepted the 3rd engagement with Yuan Shan?

can someone spoil the rain scene where he was kneeling and she came over to hug him

is tat after the 5 years or before

I just hope that these wrenching scenes are show in the series.   That would the make the HEA that much sweeter .

Continuing in the novel out of Chapter 152...after the engagement is broken off with LBY/HWS, SS gets really sick to the point she looks like she is on her death bed. When HWS/LBY sets off to the northwest, he was hoping to see her but instead Cheng Xiaogong shows up to give him back the talisman that LBY gave SS before. He tells LBY that SS has lost almost half her life, and LBY has saved her many times, so they don't owe each other anymore...something like that I think. LBY is obviously in so much pain but he has no option but to leave. The queen gets demoted and SS decides to leave her family to stay with the Empress. It's a heartbreaking scene here because she is sobbing and asking the Empress to help her forget about LBY. She wakes up thinking about him, and still sees remnants of him everywhere so she wants to leave everything behind, and strip all her memories of him so she doesn't have to feel all this pain. The queen agrees and for the next 5 years they are together. Throughout all this, Yuan Shen is always around, visiting SS and he has changed a lot. He no longer picks on her and starts to really respect her. After 5 years, I think his parents are urging him to marry since he is 26-28 already. I skimmed this part but he asks SS and she agrees I think or she may have offered. By this point, they are very compatible in personality and to SS, he is a safe and predictable person. She knows YS well as their personalities are similar and he would never commit a massacre in the middle of the night. Then she gets news that LBY has done a lot of good merits in the NW and the emperor is bringing him back early. Initially there was still a year to go but the Queen's health was ailing and she requested to see LBY so his return was expedited. When he comes back to the city, he sees SS at the palace gate and she jumps on a horse to try to leave but she was given the wrong horse so she couldn't reach her stir-ups. LBY right away goes up to her and fixes her stirrups. There are 50+ people around gasping. SS asks LBY to stop and he says "Am I not even good enough to fix your stirrups?" It was said when he first saw her, she felt burning eyes on her. I can totally see Wu Lei in this scene because he can burn holes with his intense eyes! LOL While he was fixing the stirrups, SS notices scars over his hand and she asks what that is. LBY replies "Frostbite. Are you going to ask me if it still hurts?" She doesn't.....At this point, there's already another female (forgot her name) and there's talk they may want LBY to be engaged with her but after seeing this, the other princes were upset as they realized LBY still loves SS. They asked the emperor why he didn't bring LBY back earlier! Now SS is engaged. The emperor said throughout all these years, SS never looked like she wanted to get married. He didn't expect her to suddenly get engaged to YS :( I will keep updating as I read. 

I can’t wait to watch all of this ?

Thanks @busterboy. Your novel spoilers ease the waiting time for the next episodes. 


can someone spoil the rain scene where he was kneeling and she came over to hug him

is tat after the 5 years or before

Should be before the 5 years judging from Shaoshang’s hair. 

@Busterboy, thank you again for the update. I am eagerly waiting for your summaries, I really cannot thank you enough!

Thank You so much @busterboy… Cheering excitedly for your updates.

So … CSS actually did went disappointed first. Their romance is like a roller coaster isn’t it? LBY’s love to her is not enough to halt him seeing red. How very compelling plot…

To add to the above, Dowager was very sick and likely to die and she wanted to see SS married before she passed away, hence quick engagement and plans. Wendy( the emperor) pulled a sneaky one and recalled LBY to the capital for number of reasons. LBY was initially ready to give up SS and let her be happy with SY however after seeing her in person that plant was out of the window.
SS did not forgive him easily but in the end he is shown that he has changed and she can trust him to put her first (based on Google translate:)).

what, the queen gets demoted, oh no and she sick

i like fact that YS has changed in the novel after 5 years, i wonder if he gests married with another girl in the novel at the ending??? maybe in  the drama it will be the cousin of CSS?, but there is a boy who falls in love with the cousin in the drama

I added a few edits to LBY and SS's first meeting above!


The moment LBY (he has so many new names so I will just stick to this one) is back and sees SS, you can tell he still loves her deeply. At a banquet, as everyone was getting seated, LBY seats himself right beside YS and people are shocked. Why is the fiance and ex-fiance sitting together talking? That spot was supposed to be for SS so when she arrived, she ended up having to sit with Miss Lou, the girl who might be engaged to LBY. The girls start talking a bit and SS wasn't impressed with Miss Lou's character and after a bit, she said she doesn't want to talk to her anymore. Someone then points out and asks LBY why he is sitting with YS and what there is to talk about. LBY I think is being sarcastic and knows there is a lot of gossip since the day prior when he fixed SS's stirrups, it was witnessed by 50+ people and rumors were already flying everywhere. He stands up and say "we are taking about ShaoShang of course" and people gasp again. Then he says "we are actually taking about political affairs"...

A bit later, LBY catches SS and says he wants to talk to her and she is reluctant but follows. He thanks her for clearing his name 5 years ago and helping to clear his identity and finding the evidence that led to the conviction of the Ling family who were prosecuted heavily afterwards. She said that he being obsessed about it for over 10 years obviously couldn't see as clearly as her since she was an outsider. LBY asks her if she really wants to marry YS. She says of course and LBY comments YS is a good match for her and he has a good family background and temperament. LBY tells SS if she ever needs anything in the future, he will help her no matter how many times. When SS hears this, she gets excited because she knows how powerful LBY is so getting his help would be helpful. She said, no matter how many times?? But you will get married and have kids. How will you have time? But if you do get married, you really should take your time. That miss Lou is really not good enough! LBY tells her he will arrange so not to worry. SS then said "ok, 3 things! Just 3 is enough!" So they end their relationship amicably here.

Later LBY gets sued by someone and again there are too many characters and I cannot keep track but it's about an incident that happened over 5 years ago when he was still engaged to SS. When SS hears, she realizes she can be LBY's alibi because they were actually on a 3 day date during that time! So she voluntarily acts as a witness and LBY is really surprised to see her. It was a funny/amusing scene because during the 3 day date, they were pretty intimate and she had to recount everything they did together. At the end LBY was laughing because he remembers everything even more vividly than her. After that, the case closes. 

LBY sees SS leaving and grabs her wrist and says he needs to talk to her. YS sees and rushed up asking what he is doing. LBY says he needs to talk to SS. They ask can't YS be here too? LBY says ok and he puts once hand around SS's waist and one hand around YS's should and literally pushes them into his carriage LOL. It's funny because YS said everytime he sees LBY he feels uneasy and SS says, can we try to avoid him in the future?? It does show how LBY has such a strong and overpowering aura. In the carriage, the annoying 5th prince somehow weasles himself into the carriage too so the 4 of them are sitting there. I can imagine the awkwardness and LBY says to SS "ShaoShang, break off your marriage with Yuan Shen and marry me". 

And that is where I am now. I can completely see Wu Leiact this whole scene out and the gawking faces of everyone else LOL

Thank youuuuu @busterboy

thank you @busterboy cant wait to read more of your spoilers

the novel so romantic! haha