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I didn't think they'll add a death in here O.O That was really sad. I wonder how they'll add comedy from now on since she probably won't recover so soon after this.
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I really liked the beginning of this! The story is a bit different from what I expected, I thought the girl would be one of those strong characters, but SHE ended up chasing him lol And she really is a bit annoying, don't know why; there's something in her behaviour. But I really like the music! Especially the song when she's at the cafe *-* love it.
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Getting better and better

I really didn't expect this to be so weird, they made the girl seem really mental in this episode, the way she was obsessively looking for that doll of hers. Yet it's still so fun to watch! All these actors are so cute ^^ The episodes are too short though, I wish they were at least an hour.
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Jul 21, 2012

Something's missing... but overall great ending

Jae Joong has such a beautiful voice *-* So soothing. And his secret hobby lol XD he looks good even in that pink apron :D

All this talk about relationship approval is still annoying to me, even if I'm used to it. Why must Asian children always have that kind of parents?! I really didn't expect this of PTB. Even if they're approaching it lightly, the matter is still there, and it's annoying to think about.

I really like No Eun Seol XD She's so awesome. She can see through anything Ji Heon is trying to do lol She's so casually asking if he's proposing XD I feel a bit sorry for him, he can't surprise her lol

I'm happy they didn't show much of the wedding, I really find those kind of scenes TOO cheesy and a bit depressive. I felt something was missing though... I'm not sure what, maybe they should have ended in a funny way. But it was ok. Much better than other drama endings.

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Jul 20, 2012

Slowly breaking the dullness?

There's nothing but conflict lately. The episodes are getting really dull. :(

But towards the end it's getting interesting FINALLY! :D I get to see those two together again ^^ I've missed them! Ji Heon is starting to get his cute personality back ^_^

I'm really sorry for that Na Yoon X_X She really has no pride :O I feel embarrassed FOR HER gosh the way she kept staring at him ahhhhhh I was laughing and at the same time thinking "stop stop stop before you do something stupid again!!!" omg when I saw that kiss and what followed I couldn't believe it was real O_O Thank GOD it wasn't! He could read through her ahhaa XDDDD
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Jul 20, 2012

Surprisingly dull...

Oh seriously now!!! Tell me they DID NOT do that! Of all the Kdramas out there, I DID NOT expect this one to have that classical hug from behind! The most unique and unpredictable drama is adding such a scene just what the heck I nearly dropped my laptop when I saw that. I had to pause just because I couldn't stop laughing and recover from my shock at the same time. They're chipping away the originality of this show with little unnecessary moves like that.

I admit I'm getting a bit confused at this point. Maybe I'm just slow at getting some things, but I really don't know how they got to this point. Why did they have to break up? And why did he get so mad? They're giving out too many explanations that I got lost. I can't understand what's true and what's fake. He didn't break up with her because of his father, but his reasons weren't clear either. And also, if he was mad at her, and told her to stay away, how come the next time he's seeing her he's acting like nothing happened and they happily go on a date? Am I missing something? Are the subs wrong at some part or am I really just that slow? O_O

I really like how the president is messing with manager Park's mind XD at least that's all the fun left in this episode. They're really pushing this conflict very deep. I hope it's gonna be over soon.

Oh right, there was also the scene when she got past the guards XD I really love that song they always play. No Eun Seol is so amazing, I wish I had her strength!

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Just good

This was a rather annoying episode for me since that guy who's been in the center of attention now is my least favourite character of all. Some scenes were really too annoying, even though I'm used to the silliness of this show, they managed to bother me a bit. Still, this drama really fulfils its purpose: making me fall asleep more easily. I always watch it at night to tire my brain, because it has no serious plot that requires concentration. It's that light, so I'm grateful for that.

At times it actually scares me a bit with how realistic some scenes look. They really capture the lives of common high schoolers sometimes.
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Jul 17, 2012

Starting to get more serious

It's a shame the amusing bits are starting to decrease. "Why is even the water against me?" That was probably the funniest line from this whole episode lol I'm actually starting to like her a bit. I didn't expect her to end up living with No Eun Seol O.O Anything but that. Honestly, this show is too unpredictable. How do they even come up with such twists lol

I especially didn't expect No Eun Seol's father to show up and to actually be against her relationship too. You don't really see that in typical dramas. I also really like the way those two met her dad XD so sudden and again, atypical.

Ah, but I don't really like the way Ji Heon's changed his hair :( I liked it the way it was before. The ending was so very sweet though :)

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Jul 14, 2012

Perfect pace

So far no other drama I've watched had such an interesting first episode. This is just incredible! I'm loving it! I had very high expectations for this one and it exceeded them! This is the exact style of drama that I like oh my goodness I can't get over how wonderful this first episode was! No boring moment at all and I laughed so hard the entire time.

I love the female lead! And the boss is so funny, his childishness is so lovable ^^ but I'm afraid Jae Joong will catch my attention more than he should... WHY do they always make the most attractive ones second male leads?

Oh oh oh and the music is outstanding! I didn't expect it to be so good. It fits so well with every scene.

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lool that phone book! XD And I love You Jia's reaction when Ah Jie offered her some corn. This might seriously be funnier than Disney cartoons. But OMG the scene with all of them tied up - could they exaggerate this show any more?!? I knew it wasn't meant to be serious, but I DID NOT expect them to push the unrealistic side this much! XD How is this not more popular? It's an instant mood lifter. And I think I finally learned their names now! :)
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Jun 30, 2012


Man, I cried a lot. This was the most touching episode. So many relatable scenes... The letter the teacher read in front of the class, his graduation, the school fight. They were very emotional. They managed to capture everyone's feelings in such a realistic way. The music really emphasised many moments in this episode. Especially the fight and the scene with the teacher alone in the classroom - that one gave me goosebumps for real. The music was exquisitely beautiful.

On a lighter note though, his positive thinking was HILARIOUS! XD

I like the way Makio matured. He now has different priorities and sees things in a different light. He actually cares about his friends and has learned to appreciate others.

I'm really glad he went back to school. The ending was perfect. It was realistic but still happy. And gosh, do clothes change a person! :O Umemura really looked like an older person dressed like that!

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Jun 30, 2012

Like expected

The humour is pretty much gone in this episode. It was expected though, since it's approaching the end, they need to get serious and handle the boss matter. They're getting more and more intense. This episode also has some very touching scenes. His speech really made me cry. (Well, except for the beginning of course XD ...). He truly acquired a new perspective on life; it's incredibly touching to hear him speak about his friends and having that inner fight with his own feelings about the future.

I'm STILL not sure how I feel about his brother. He's not the bad guy for sure, but he's obviously not being entirely honest to Makio either. I just don't understand his mind. I feel that he cares for his brother and wants him to be happy, but doesn't have the slightest intention of giving up on the boss position either. I expected his shell to crack near the end of the drama and reveal his true self, but he's still so composed all the time, wearing that fake smile. It seems they won't lead the association together after all. I still think this would be an ideal ending.

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Jun 27, 2012

Oh Happy Day ^_^

Oh it was a Happy Day indeed lol and quite an interesting one. Though it turned a tad bitter-sweet near the end. Sakaki's facial expressions are seriously hilarious! And I think I'm really starting to like Makio paired with Sakurakoji rather than Umemura or any other girl... They just MATCH! ^_^ lol Ahh too bad that's not gonna happen in this drama :(

The classmates scenes are surprisingly touching. They almost bring me to tears every time. Friendship-related things always get to me and plus, they're all great actors.

The ending in this one is even more confusing than in the last episode though. They manage to twist the story in very interesting ways! This exceeded my expectations a bit. I wasn't expecting much of a background story and proper scenario or seriousness at all. They're adding quite a bit of conflict in here though. I keep wondering what will happen with the brothers. That Mikio is hard to read :/ I don't think he'll be the bad guy in the end, but since I've learned not to expect anything predictable in jdramas, he might not side with him either.

And what's up with that doctor?!? They're just throwing subtle hints here and there which seem kind of useless (so far) unless they have a significant importance to the core of this story. I guess she knew about Makio from the very beginning, but what relation does she really have with him and his father? And was it really worth adding it to the story?

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Jun 26, 2012

Getting serious

The story seems to be getting more serious in this episode. I didn't expect to actually shed some tears even on this drama. Seeing Sakaki cry was really touching. I guess you can expect this of Japanese dramas, right?

I'm not sure how I feel about Umemura and Sakaki though. Age and look-wise, Sakura-something (lol it's contagious) fits her better, but I also feel bad for Sakaki since it was pure love he was feeling and I always want true love to win... But for the first time I really don't know how I feel about the romance in a show :/ Those two do look a bit off together because of the age difference, but hey, that's never a problem in real love. The thing is, this isn't the main point of the drama, so I'm pretty sure they won't be able to develop this matter. This means they probably won't have any real relationship after all. She might end up with that Sakura guy. Which would also be fine. I'm fine either way. Or neither way lol it's not about romance (for once!) in this drama so whatever turn this love will take it won't be disappointing in my view.

Also, the end just brought a new idea in my head - I didn't think it could be possible for both brothers to lead the family business! Now that I think of it, this could be a possible ending. At first I thought Sakaki might give up on his initial purpose, but this could be an even better ending - brothers finally ending the constant competition.

And hey, Sakura-something will probably find out the truth in the next episode! Yaaah lots of interesting things are happening in this episode!

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