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Mrs. Cop
8 people found this review helpful
Oct 1, 2015
18 of 18 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 10
I have to say this was one daebak drama! You won't want to miss it! One police drama where I actually believe they are real cops! It's realistic and action packed, the criminals they chase and catch are some pretty horrible people played by awesome actors. The action scenes were all on point and completely believable - I loved watching three of the team members in particular fight - they were GOOD!

Kim Hee Ae as Choi Young Jin was great as the team leader - she puts her whole heart and soul into her job and doesn't give up. Her family life outside of work is very sweet, her little daughter is adorable at both ages. and her sister was perfect in her role. And I loved how her friend/co-worker played by Kim Min Jung would pursue her ^^ Their scenes were always humorous :) Min Do Yeong (Lee Da Hee) was awesome in this role (I truly think she should continue to do more of these kinds of roles - it really suits her) she was stubborn and "gangster like" after she joins this team lol. Han Jin Woo (Son Ho Jun) was someone who was made into a real person b/c of Young Jin bringing him to the team - the scenes between him and Do Yeong were sweet and action filled and in the end they will leave you breathless ;) Lee Ki Kwang as the cutie of the team and his buddy Heo Jeong Do were a hilarious duo ^^ Son Byung Ho (as Chairman Kang) was definitely hateful - luckily I never got stirred up - I was actually amazed with how clever he could be in a dirty way - I hated the dude and wanted him to go down - he just never raised my blood pressure lol (and I have to say that would be due to the writer director and everyone else who put this together in such an amazing way) I could sit back and watch this thinking "daebak" all the time lol

Music - suited the drama, I don't remember hearing any particular song though - I only remember hearing instrumentals.

This is definitely a drama I will re-watch and I highly recommend it - If you're a fan of crime dramas, then this is one you won't want to miss! I absolutely loved this drama! I became a fan of a few of the actors through this drama ;)

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Revenge and Passion
11 people found this review helpful
Sep 23, 2015
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
It's an old drama but it's a true gem for anyone who likes a good mix of action, romance and comedy! I thoroughly enjoyed it from beginning to end! I was laughing myself out of my seat half the time, cheering the lead guy on during the fight scenes and gushing over the romance ^_^ I started it for Ahn Jae Wook and I'm SO glad I did!!! This is not to be missed if your a fan! :D I highly recommend it! There aren't many dramas I'm willing to stay up half the night to just finish it! This was one of those times where I just had to see the end - I just couldn't wait! ^_^

Ahn Jae Wook as Kang Joon Ho was so smexy in this role! (gosh I love that hair on him) ^^ He'd make me giggle like a school-girl over his cute actions towards our leading lady ;) So adorable ^^ I would totally fall for a guy like him! He may be poor but he's got a good heart and fights injustice and has an awesome best friend - their antics made me laugh so hard :P Oh Yeon Soo as Min Joo was so pretty for one and I have to say I became a fan through this drama, she did an awesome job playing a hairdresser who falls in love with a guy who walked into her shop one day ^^ Loved their relationship ;) Kwon Hae Hyo as Dong Wook was awesome! His bromance with AJW's character was so cool and fun to watch! Son Chang Min as Lee Hyun Soo was great in his role as the antagonist - I liked to dislike him if that makes any sense :P and I love the song they played for his scenes ^^ Lee Kye In - I nicknamed him Iceman (b/c of one scene I saw him in) He was the "dumb" one of the bad guys which made him hilarious to watch! :P Kim Hye Soo as Mi Kyung was good as Min Joo's friend who makes wrong choices but tries to make the best of them. and Kang Sung Min as Dal Soo (a hairdresser) was also fun to watch (mainly b/c I kept trying to think of who the actor was, but also b/c how he liked to help Joon Ho and Min Joo) He was a sweetie ^_^

Music: Perfect 10 for me! I love the two Korean songs 'Appointment' by Root One & 'Leaving' by ?, the Italian song 'Respiro' by Franco Simone, and the English Song 'One Life, One Soul' by Gotthard. There were also a few other English songs introduced once during a couple episodes and they were perfect for their scenes ^^ I also loved the non-singing songs (wish I could find them too)

I would most definitely re-watch this and recommend it to fans of Ahn Jae Wook or lovers of action, romance and comedy ^^ I watched it raw on MBC Classic channel on YT ^_^

Overall is a great drama that never gets boring. (I marathoned most of the drama in 1 day) and the ending is great too ^^

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Match Made in Heaven
4 people found this review helpful
Sep 22, 2015
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 7.0
First off, I decided to watch this drama for Ahn Jae Wook ^^ and I'm glad I did - I watched it raw (MBC Classic has it up on YT) It was a great drama (not to be missed). It starts good and ends good! I never got bored while watching it ^_^

Ahn Jae Wook has great chemistry with Hwang Shin Hye ^^ I loved them together from the first episode all the way to the last :D Kim Suk-u (AJW) is a regular joe working at a technical office where he meets Jong Hee (HSH) who happens to be his best friends older sister ;) From there we see their relationship take off like the descriptions says - they fall in love, get married and go through obstacles/challenges in their married life - but can they overcome these hardships? Can their love see them through? Will they be pulled away? I loved how cute this couple was ^-^ and they were quite funny at times too (I still remember that one episodes ending! rofl! XD) I loved how Suk-u would call Jong-hee "Jong!" <super adorable! Jong Hee's brother and her best friend were also great in their roles :)

Music: Good but not captivating - Only one song really sticks with me (and I can't find it nor can I name it b/c I don't know the title) It's got a good beat and the singer bascially sings in a baritone voice "ba di ba da boom, ba ba daddi do, ba da da da doo..." lol - I'd love to find this, it really reminded me of that same type of song from 'Home Alone' lol - super fun to sing with ^^

I would re-watch this - why? b/c the leads were extremely cute! p.s the synopsis is slightly misleading.
When you finish, I'd recommend you watch the NG below - it's funny! AJW laughs a lot lol

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Sep 16, 2015
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 6.5
I enjoyed this, It was cute and sweet as well as funny ^^ I watched it for Ahn Jae Wook who plays Pil Seung. It was a hard drama to find, but I finally found a site I could download it from and shortly after I started watching it :)

Ahn Jae Wook was so cute as Oh Pil Seung ^-^ I loved all his "love note thoughts" throughout this drama <3 The female lead was fine but I had second "female lead" syndrome lol - both the girls were fine and neither got on my nerves, I just preferred the second lead over the main lead. The second leading guy was like Pil Seung describes toward the end of the drama "he's a guy you can't like but you can't hate either." < that sums up my feelings for him lol - Every actor played their role well, and those three business guys who were always scheming something (that never panned out) were quite funny :P Bong Soon Young's family were nice and funny. Pil Seung's grandma kinda had a stone face throughout the drama (but that's what her character was supposed to be like) I liked her anyways.

Music: 'Only You' by Jo Sung Min, 'Way of Life' by Oh Suk Joon & another ver. by Ahn Jae Wook, and 'mut dae ro mam dae ro' by Kim Gil Joong were the song's I managed to find and like ^^ (there was a ballad song I liked too but I can't find it...)

Re-watch value: 6.5/10 - It's re-watchable, I'm not sure if I will re-watch it - it won't be for awhile if I do.

I recommend it to fans of Ahn Jae Wook :)

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First Kiss
5 people found this review helpful
Sep 12, 2015
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 5.0
It's not boring nor is it amazing but it is oddly enjoyable. ^^

I started this for Ahn Jae Wook and I liked his role in this film - even if he did look like a gangster with that facial hair, the gelled hair, the gold necklace & earring :P He was lively & curious. I loved watching him constantly trying to find out about his co-worker (played by Choi Ji Woo) - He'd ask her questions upon questions and also offer her un-wanted advice lol - which usually made her cranky - and I found that oddly amusing :P Choi Ji Woo's character is a little too obsessed with the thought of kissing and at times I'd look at her strange for thinking and practicing it... O.o I didn't like their boss or his lover (but they can be easily ignored).

Two people that have never kissed meet and become attracted to one another ^^

The ending was cute - but funny at the same time. (at least I found it funny).

Music fit the film but I didn't really pay attention to it - I did like the last song.

I'm not much of a kmovie watcher so I probably won't re-watch this - but it is re-watchable

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Goodbye My Love
7 people found this review helpful
Sep 12, 2015
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 2
Overall 8.0
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 6.5
It's your common Melodrama/Romance - nothing new, but it's Classic! If you liked Autumn Tale (a.k.a Autumn In my Heart) or Stairway To Heaven then you should like this one too. It's a very realistic drama (and no not that boring type of realistic but the kind that is believable - like you could see it happening to your or your friend.) I liked the Classic vibe/feelings I got from watching it and I liked the realistic/believable aspect of how this drama was made and brought before our eyes. It's a beautiful love story - but remember it is still a melodrama - I watched it with ease and maybe b/c I've seen my fair share of Melo's I didn't really shed any tears (my eyes did get teary but they never came out). I decided to watch it for Ahn Jae Wook (as I am a fan of his acting and music).

Kim Hee Sun and Ahn Jae Wook have great chemistry (I need to check out their previous drama together 'Sunflower' now ^^ hehe). I enjoyed their scenes together, they were entertaining at times, romantic at times and painfully sad at times :'( Min Su (AJW) works for Ki Tae whom he saved from being kidnapped 13yrs ago - Ki Tae says Min Su is his friend - but he treats him more like a slave than a friend (a friend would never do the things Ki Tae does to Min Su...ever.) Min Su knows this but puts up with it b/c his job is ok and he gets paid well - but when he meets Yeon Ju (KHS) he starts getting tired of how Ki Tae has been treating him. As the description says he meets Yeon Ju and her friend Jung Ae at a club where they lie to each other (which they later regret). I liked Min Su, Yeon Ju, Jung Ae (once she started acting more mature) and Hee Jung (Ki Tae's sister) Lee Tae Ran plays Hee Jung and she's so young and pretty on here ^^ (yes I'm a fan) luckily she's nothing like her brother on this drama who I will describe as a despicable scumbag. No HJ is nice, kind and bold (I liked that I could like her character on this drama). I will be following more of KHS' dramas in the future too (she too is really pretty in this drama).

Music: All classic stuff, I liked it but my two favorites were: 'Last Promise' by Choi Jae Hoon and 'Sad Fate' by Choi Jae Hoon & Choi Won Suk ^^ - Other songs: 'Doesn't Matter Now' by Oh Se Hyung, 'Confession' by Oh Se Hyung & Choi Jae Hoon, 'To Me' by Jang Hyun Chul, & 'Goodbye My Love' Epilogue by Ahn Jae Wook :)

I probably won't re-watch this b/c sad melo's are something I can usually only watch once.

I would recommend this to anyone who likes classic old dramas and or are a fan of sad melodramas.

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The Time We Were Not in Love
6 people found this review helpful
Aug 28, 2015
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.0
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 4.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
First off, I have not watched In Time With You (YET). I started this drama for Lee Jin Wook and Ha Ji Won and was anticipating something awesome - but what I got was a big disappointment! The story was very draggy and boring. I really enjoyed the flashbacks to the past (they were cute) and I liked it when Choi Won and Hana hung out together as friends - BUT I found out through this drama that I don't like Ha Ji Won acting all "cutesy" <It does not suit her at all - It through me off and honestly kinda ruined her as an actress for me (at least for now) "hopefully she will choose a better drama in the future where she once again has a strong personality" I LOVED Lee Jin Wook in this however ^-^ He was super adorable! I loved his hairstyle too (totally fits Lee Jin Wook) ^^ I honestly couldn't really feel the chemistry between them (but they might have had it)...

As I said Lee Jin Wook totally nailed his role in this drama and I'd love to see him like this again in another drama just with a bit more of a backbone... Ha Ji Won as Ha Na couldn't pull it off for me (in style or character) in this drama. Yoon Gyun Sang as the 2nd Lead was thee worst 2nd lead in drama-land so far - he was a very stressing character and made the middle part of the drama that much more aggravating (I really hated his character and that's sad b/c I loved him in Pinocchio) "bad drama choice for him" I also hated the 2nd female lead, I don't know what it is about her but she just rubbed me the wrong way (you know how some people just do that to you, even if you don't know them). Ha Na's parents and brother were awesome.

Music: Not my taste but suited the drama....
The acting got a 7.0 b/c Lee Jin Wook nailed his role & for Ha Na's parents but if I were to rate Ha Ji Won's "character acting" it would be MUCH lower - Same for YGS.
I will not re-watch this...ever.

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My Beautiful Bride
28 people found this review helpful
Aug 12, 2015
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 9.5
WOW!!! This drama really takes you on a ride! I'm anxious to know what drama OCN is planning on coming out with next! I loved this drama SO much - and I loved Kim Do Hyung!!! <Gotta be the best lover/fighter in the world! There is one scene that I will NEVER forget! It was so awesome and I've never seen any other character do that! [that Fire-hose scene] I was stunned by that!

Helpful Hint: I found the first episode rather boring, the second episode ok, the third episode full of misunderstandings and then it gets good by episode 4 and you'll be completely hooked by episode 5!

"the heartbreaking, pure love by a man, who drives himself to the extreme situation in order to find his only love, his bride." <Pretty much describes the base of the drama - and it was presented in such a powerful and touching way! Thank you OCN!

Cast: Kim Do Hyung (Kim Mu Yeol) a man with a painful upbringing falls in love with a girl from his high school - they get separated and meet again, are about to get married and then she vanishes - he looks for her like any man would, finds himself messed up with the police and loan-sharks and something even more sinister behind the loan-sharks. I have never seen someone love as sincerely and as deeply as Kim Do Hyung does on this drama - it's powerful! It's a new definition of self-less love! He'd sacrifice and risk anything just to protect his "Beautiful Bride" - and man was this guy good at keeping a secret a secret! He was also in the UDT in the Marines for his military service - and I sure hope I get to see some more dramas with guys from that unit! B/c they know how to FIGHT! This guy wowed me several times with some of the things he'd do - I was stunned at things I saw - He was that good! And I loved how all the bad guys referred to him as "the bank guy" - I'd laugh whenever they'd say "the bank guy did that?" :P Yoon Joo Young/Joo Hee (Go Sung Hee) - not my favorite actress (she still needs practice) but she did pretty good in the beginning of the drama - towards the latter part I found her a bit annoying and she seemed to keep making stupid decisions (but that didn't ruin the drama for me). Cha Yoon Mi (Lee Shi Young) a great detective, who was a great partner in helping Do Hyung catch the bad guys and find Joo Young.
All other actors did well in their roles - especially Ryu Seung Soo as Seo Jin Ki - I knew he could play the bad guy role exceptionally well already - since he was the bad guy in drama special 'Sirius'.

Music: 'Stay' by Steelheart < My absolute favorite track off the entire drama!!! I love listening to it and singing it on repeat! <3 Awesome song! ^_^

I would definitely re-watch this drama if only to see those awesome action packed fight scenes again! ;) and the flashback romance stories were so romantic^^ <3

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Hello Monster
8 people found this review helpful
Aug 12, 2015
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
I loved this drama from the very first episode! I was originally not planning on watching this b/c I'm not a die-hard fan of either Seo In Guk or Jang Nara (although I do admit there acting is good - just their drama choices weren't always my taste). But I decided to check in on this drama after seeing so many good remarks on the feeds - I watched the first two episodes back to back and got hooked - It was one of my most anticipated dramas every week after that.

Story: About a criminal profiler who works as an adviser to a team of investigator cops, they solve crimes together - but there is also a bigger mystery that ties Cha Ji Ahn and Lee Hyeon together.

Cast: Seo In Guk as Lee Hyeon did such an outstanding job that he has now worked his way into my favorite actors list! The stoic expressions and serious tone of Lee Hyeon's personality was so perfect I'm amazed! I loved every single expression (his eyes told most of the story), his blunt ways of saying things always had me laughing. He is trying to find pieces of his past that are missing in his memory. Jang Nara as Cha Ji Ahn was a strong-willed, stubborn and fun girl to watch - her "stalkerish" ways of following Lee Hyeon around were almost embarrassingly amusing :P I have to say her character in this drama is my favorite of all her characters. D.O's brief scenes were seriously good. Lee Joon Ho (Choi Won Young) - I was constantly wondering what was running through his mind, how his brain worked - his thoughts were such a mystery to me! One look could say a thousand different things. Seon Ho (Park Bo Gum) was at times creepy and at times adorably cute^^ The child actors were amazing - you could really believe they were the younger-selves of the older actors - in both looks and personality/acting abilities. Lee Chun Hee was such an adorkable character^^ Loved him, he could be clumsy, funny, sweet, and brave! Such an admirable man! The rest of the investigation team were great, I particularly liked: Kim Jae Yeong (The cute detective - my first time seeing him) & Min Seung Wook the silly dork - I couldn't help but laugh at his reactions to "Dave" lol :P I was glad to see Seo Young Joo appear on here for one of the cases - love this younger actor ^-^

Music: 'I Remember You' by Dear Cloud (my absolute favorite song), and 'I See You' by Shin Yong Jae (my second favorite song on the latter part of the drama).

Re-watch Value: 10/10 - I will be re-watching this drama soon! and I highly recommend it to detective/crime drama lovers! :D <3

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4 people found this review helpful
Jul 31, 2015
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
What an amazing journey! I was addicted to this drama from episode 1 and continued to stay addicted to it until the very last episode! It's a masterpiece to me <3 The story starts off so amazingly crazy and stays crazy good all the way until the end (at least to me it did). A lot of people seemed to have compared this to 'Secret' b/c of the writer - but don't. I honestly like the end of this drama much more than the end of secret. (I honestly was disappointed by something that happened at the end of Secret - but this drama left me with no disappointments.

Story: [I wanted to edit this right away but MDL was shut down so it's updated a little late...] Byun Ji Sook is a hard working young woman burdened with debt. Seo Eun Ha is a rich heiress. They are doppelgangers (they look exactly alike) - when circumstances and situations shift, Ji Sook finds herself having to live the life of Seo Eun Ha. As she is pressured into this life that she didn't ask for, she at first does her best to survive & protect her loved ones (old and new), we see her character grow from a weak scared individual to a strong and brave woman who is willing to take a risk in order to set things straight. Enemies along the way try and hold her back and stop her as much as possible. Min Woo is the heir to a huge conglomerate and he wants that title but little does he know that someone has been messing around with his sanity. This drama is full of mystery, crime, romance, deception and uncovering truths. It's a melo in every way - but not your typical melo - It's breathtaking (maybe even more so if you marathon it - I personally watched 13 episodes in the span of 2 days! and watched week by week there-after) - but I knew from episode one that this would be a drama that would be best reserved for a marathon and I never lost that conviction.

Cast: The entire cast did an excellent job! Joo Ji Hoon as Choi Min Woo portrayed a tormented man scarred with loneliness, pain, and lack of affection/love. His character is the most beautiful to watch. While he fights himself - fights to keep his sanity and fights to keep his belief in himself. He does his best to stay strong but in the process he avoids as much contact with people as possible - that is until Ji Sook enters his life. ^^ Soo Ae as Byun Ji Sook/Seo Eun Ha - she does a wonderful job showing fear, anxiety, love, hurt, pain and joy. Even if she wears a 'Mask' she still stays true to herself and is loyal and protective to those around her. Yeon Jung Hoon as Min Suk Hoon, he can pull of a bad guy so well - his face literally looked evil - with one glance of the eye, one lip twitch... he can be so creepy - he almost seemed immoveable. Yoo In Young as Choi Mi Yeon - I really pitied her character, I understood where she was coming from and where she didn't want to go - but she did a few things that no matter how much I understood her - it was still wrong... I would describe her as being stuck between a rock and a hard place - she was trapped in a cage she created for herself, and that was just sad. I didn't hate her - but I did get angry at her a couple of times. Soo Ae and Ho Ya actually look like real siblings! lol

Music: The OST was simply BEAUTIFUL! I love each and every song! 'One Person' by Moon Myung Jin, 'It Hurts' by Zico & Sojin, 'I'll Pretend I'm Dead' by Chancellor & Vasco, 'One Day' by LYn, 'I Hoped It Was a Lie' by Navi, 'No Love' by Byul Ha, 'Where' by Yoon Do Hyun, 'Similar' by Junggigo, 'I Miss You' by Seo Eun Kwang & Mi Yoo - My personal favorites (I love them all though) are: One Person, No Love, Where and I Miss You ^-^

Re-watch Value: 10/10 - I will definitely re-watch this drama! To me it's a masterpiece, it may not have been perfectly perfect but I loved it! I highly recommend this drama and hope you'd enjoy it as much as I did :D

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High Society
60 people found this review helpful
Jul 29, 2015
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 2
Overall 7.5
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 1.5
I enjoyed it, or should I say "some" of it lol, I skipped all the "elderly" scenes, and basically watched the rest. I think It's a decent one-time-watch - just for the second leads.

Cast: Uee & Sung Joon were a very very boring and uninteresting couple with zero chemistry. Everything felt so stale and "fake" between them. Their "love" wasn't believable - even to the last episode. I don't know if it had something to do with the writer, the directing, the actors themselves or the characters they were trying to portray - but it didn't work... On the other hand, Park Hyung Shik & Im Ji Yeon had amazing chemistry and their scenes together were always adorably cute^^ - I stuck with this drama just for them <3 Chang Soo (PHS) was funny, realistic, Hot and very very charismatic ;D I loved his style (hair, clothes & personality) <He had a great role. Ji Yi (IJY) was also funny, down to earth, adorably cute - she's like no other female drama lead I've ever encountered before - It's no wonder our Chang Soo falls for her ;) She makes you wonder how her brain works - she amazed me with her responses to people time and time again. I was speechless at her unconventional ways of relating to people. *Best couple award should go to them*

Music: I personally loved the OST - Train "Just a Memory" (Played once during a bicycle race between Sung Joon & Hyung Shik), Jung Yup "Dazzling Day", Kim Joo Na "I Can't Live Without You", Acoustic Collabo "Don't Do That", Park Hyung Shik "You're My Only Love", Maximilian Hecker "Summer Days In Bloom" - I absolutely loved each and every song ^-^

I won't re-watch this drama entirely - But I would definitely re-watch any and all scenes with Chang Soo & Ji Yi^^ & I will listen to the OST for a long time to come ;)

I think it's good to watch at least once - and if anything - skip-watching may be best :) I'm glad I watched it for Chang Soo & Ji Yi and the OST - so I'm satisfied & I liked the ending ;)

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Lights and Shadows
4 people found this review helpful
Jun 17, 2015
64 of 64 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 10
Rewatch Value 7.5
A good fun drama for anyone who likes the older style of Korean music mixed in with action, suspense, and romance. Set in the 1960's-1989 or so ;) About a man who's life was turned around when a certain man destroyed his family. About a man who starts up a music business "No Business Like Show Business." He raises up singers and entertainers and has an enemy who tries to squash everything he does. Bad guys trying to take out the good guy and the good guy standing up to all their advances.

Cast: Ahn Jae Wook as Kitae - I loved him to pieces!! and I liked him more and more as each episode passed^^ Nam Sang Mi as Lee Jeonghye - I also really liked her character, she starts off naive and sweet and grows into a mature, elegant dignified lady :) Son Dam Bi as Yu Chaeyeong she's our second lead girl who's not really evil for a change, I did get annoyed at her ignorance a few times (especially in the middle of the drama) but other than that I liked her. and Lee Pil Mo as Cha Su Hyeok - he made my blood boil so much! I couldn't believe the things he was doing to someone who never did a single wrong to him! There was only a short time at the end where I liked him even a little. Shin Da Eun as Kang Myeonghui (Kitae's sister) she annoyed me throughout most of the drama - only during the last few episodes did she start being nice. Jang Chul Hwan one of those guys who I seriously wonder how he has all these connections with that extremely hot temper of his! He made me mad all the way until the end - I just wanted him gone! Jo Taesu was hilarious! Loved him! :D I won't name anyone else but they all played their roles exceptionally well - you either loved them or you didn't and some you just couldn't ever figure out.

OST - Perfection! I loved every song: Favorites: Afterschool's "Did You Forget", Wax's "Love", Ahn Jae Wook's "Please Heaven's", Son Jin Young's "Men Don't Cry", JM's "Foolish Love" and Ahn Jae Wook's "Wind" :D

I may re-watch this.

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Jun 13, 2015
129 of 129 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 9.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 9.0
This was a great daily drama! It started beautifully and ended beautifully! I really enjoy daily dramas like this one and others I have watched that are similar in style ;) I liked how all the characters stayed true to their nature/personalities even as they went through different things. I liked how they didn't dramatically change their character throughout the drama (like some dramas make characters do), we all have our own personality/traits/beliefs/way of doing things - and these characters stuck to that as they went through various trials and situations. It also easily transitioned from on thing to the next - it had a nice flow to it. I had read a negative comment before I started this drama and I constantly worried about it and was afraid to say it's really good b/c I thought I might say that too soon and then "oops" I jinxed it - but NO - there is NO need to worry - NO situation that arises messes anything up! So go at it safely and continue! :D Enjoy!!!

Characters: My favorites were Han Chaewon, Seo Jinu & Han Minhyeok, I loved everything about them! <3 I'd fall in love with Jinu so easily^^ and Minhyeok is a definite candidate too with his intelligent, strong and smart good looks ^^ Jinu has lots of emotional wounds ground into him from his father, he's a doctor and a really loyal son, who is sweet, compassionate, loving and smiles a lot :D Chaewon is "the happy virus" lol as her friend calls her^^ She's strong, independent and very loving, when she sets her mind to something she doesn't let it go (stubborn if you will) :P Her character never got weak or worn down, she had strong beliefs and made sure people understood that. She stands her ground well. I loved her the most! Minhyeok is Chaewon's brother and he too grows up with lots of emotional wounds but that doesn't change who he is or how he acts - I loved that no matter how someone in his family treated him, he would still be loyal to them and love them, he isn't greedy and is very well-mannered (a gentleman one might say), He doesn't trust people easily (which is actually a good thing in his profession). I felt for each of these characters, I'd cry with them and smile with them! I laughed quite a lot too - especially when it came to Jinu & Chaewon ;P

There is also Cha Kyeongju, her character feels like a victim and since she has this "victim mentality" she does things that she thinks she has a right to b/c "the world owed her", I liked her and didn't like her at the same time, I felt for her at times and wanted to kick her butt other times lol I could never fully hate her (honestly she never did anything that ticked me off that much - sure she did bad things and things you can't brush off or ignore, things she never should have done - but she did know when to back off on certain things. I even cried with her a little at the end.

The supporting characters were good and enjoyable to watch as well (I didn't skip anyone ever or any scene) I got slightly annoyed with Jingu's childish acts and his wifes constant complaining but they were amusing at time too. I never warmed up to their daughter Jina (such a crybaby >_<) I'm glad she wasn't shown too often. Jinhui was really adorable, a bit of a troublemaker, but she'd laugh all the time and her voice when she sings is So BEAUTIFUL!!! I loved her song "To My Dad" that she sings later in the series^^ The grandmas is hilarious and adorable^^ The Dad made me mad so many times with how he treats his kids -_- I wanted to speak up for his kids whenever the dad would say or do mean things to them and when he wouldn't listen to them I wanted to yell at him to shut up and LISTEN!!! His kids, even if they get hurt by him, are really filial towards him, which I found impressive!

Music: The intro song by C-Real is really cutesie (and i love cutesie intro songs to my daily dramas lol) I loved one song the most though : "Have You Listened" by Yu Seung Chan and Jangeunsuk "Reason to Live" (it was only played one time but I liked it and it really brought the emotions of the moment). There was another song that was only played a few times by RH? and it was really pretty too (but i can't find it) and Jinhui's "To My Dad" song was really beautiful^^

I will more than likely re-watch this drama at some point lol <3 and I definitely recommend it to people who love these kinds of long dramas^^

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Emperor of the Sea
1 people found this review helpful
May 27, 2015
51 of 51 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 10
Rewatch Value 1.0
I watched this drama for both Song Il Guk & Choi Soo Jong and I was pleased with both of their acting. The story however was a bit slow and they drug out certain scenes that could have went by much faster (I think a lot of old historical dramas are like this) - so during the last half of the show I set it on speed & watched it in double time lol - honestly I liked it more that way :)
I liked Goong Bok & Yon's deep friendship and how they'd risk anything for each other ^^ They were like blood-brothers. The relationship between Goong Bok & Yum Moon was strained at best, they were friends but enemies at the same time, more friends in the beginning & more enemies toward the end. I constantly found myself struggling between like and hate of Yum Moon's character. I pitied him at times, loved him at times and hated him at times...
It seemed like the characters would go through the same exact things in a hundred different ways throughout the drama. Goong Bok & Yon were born slaves and lived most of their lives as slaves, they ended up meeting the right "master" and started climbing ranks and eventually succeeded in business & became powerful influences who strived to make all statuses equal, were not greedy for power & gained respect from people who liked that and made several enemies b/c of it too. Madam Jami was the worst I think - I really hated that woman (besides not really liking the actress & her horrible hairstyles all the time). I think I liked it most when Goong Bok was high enough in status & he started attacking the pirates (I think it's from episode 30 something plus).
And then we have the girl that both men loved - One whom she loved and one whom she cared for but didn't love. Her fate is actually really sad and depressing - I wouldn't want to be her. I know she loved GB but honestly I was wanting her to be with YM so she could take him out of who he was under, then YM could have lived an entirely different life. I shipped GB with Chae Ryeong.

The OST was the best thing in the drama I think ^^ My favorite song is "Leaving You" by Kim Bum Soo (ost 2) & then "Prayer" by Yi Hyeon Seop (ost 5) // other songs that were good but didn't catch my attention: "Love Like the Wind" by Moon Myung Jin (ost 6) and "Tears" by Kim Bum Soo (ost 9)

It was good for a one-time watch but I won't watch it again.

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Falling for Innocence
36 people found this review helpful
May 24, 2015
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
I really enjoyed this drama, from the story-line to Jung Kyung Ho's acting and everything in between. It is filled with sweet/cute moments and silly situations or happenings b/c of the main guy - Kang Min Ho - 's heart transplant. He starts to have emotions and unconscious thoughts like his donor, from taste in food to taste in women! It might sound ridiculous but it's hilarious and honestly quite sweet. ^^ I enjoyed it from beginning to end, the acting was well played for every character, the comedy was excellent - I laughed so many times at Kang Min Ho's actions, sometimes even just one look or one expression would get me laughing :P I loved the "Captain Hook, Peter Pan, Wendy & Tinkerbell" references ;)

All the cast did great jobs - especially Jung Kyung Ho as Kang Min Ho & Kim So Yeon as Kim Soon Jung - Their interactions were always funny & cute. The actor (won't give out the name) who played the villain did a great job at making himself a believable villain. This was also the best role Ahn Suk Hwan has ever played! A kind-hearted dad for once who didn't have a stupid laugh between every word. PLEASE play more character roles like this one!!!

The OST fit the drama but was nothing too impactful - the song I remember the most vividly is Dong Wook & Min Ho's Ringtone song: "Each Time You Do That"/"?????" by Toy/?? - If I had a cellphone I'd make this my ringtone^^

Yes, I would re-watch this - even if it was just to watch Jung Kyung Ho's adorableness some more ^-^
I recommend it for anyone who loves cute romantic dramas with a splash of detective/business...

"People forget love with the excuse of work." - Kang Min Ho

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