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Ainu Mosir japanese drama review
Ainu Mosir
2 people found this review helpful
by em45
Sep 8, 2021
Overall 9.5
Story 10.0
Acting/Cast 6.5
Music 10.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

Silently Beautiful

This film has been on my radar for a while and I'm so glad I got to watch it.

Ainu Mosir is a coming of age story, not just for the main character Kanto, but almost also for the people in the town.
We see the townspeople trying to balance between preserving their culture and getting by in modern Japan.
I really enjoyed the scenes with Kanto's mother in them.
I think she was a really good personification of this struggle for balance.

I want to especially point out the use of sound.
This was so beautifully done in my opinion.
I've marked this under music but it's isn't really music, but rather the background sounds you can hear.
There are quite a few scenes were you lean in (metaphorically and physically) to hear the tranquil sounds of nature.
It's beautiful, breathtaking, and also sometimes sad.
I thought this was a really nice way to contrast between the sounds we hear in the town; repetitive announcements that feel disruptive, but have been accepted as a part of everyday life.

While the story is about Ainu culture, I think many people will be able to relate with the idea of balancing different 'identities'.
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