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Healer Episode 20
12 people found this review helpful
Feb 13, 2015

Damn it!

I can't believe it's over...I REFUSE to belive! Damn it! It was too short T^T

Loved how they made fool of us in the last episode, I almost broke down in tears bc his video recording felt like a farewell and then he got shot! >_<
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Sep 13, 2013

But that ajhumma got back to Life!

I screamed like creazy when i saw Joong Won getting stabed, but then i thought: 'Ok relax, it is just for the love story. Like he gets stabed and lies in hospital and she realizes that he really loves her and a week later or so they finally get together and have to fight that evil twin of Cha Hee Joo.' But then while Ta Yang cried in the corridors i saw that silhouette and was like: 'Whaat? The sergary is over and he put his damaged costume on and gonna surprize herß' But actually i already knew that it was his ghost and tried to eliminate this fact from the world...

Then i remembered the episode with the ajhumma that was hosptalized but her soul was wandering even when she wasnt dead yet and later she came to life! I wanted to believe it was the same here and while in surgery his soul wanders, but but, he disappeared like the other ghosts that wenmt to heaven!

So right now im, confused and sad ;(

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Jan 14, 2017

first thoughts

first thoughts: the people in this drama haven't learned how to talk without yelling at each other or grabbing and being forceful.

ok its one story about the bitch fight but when he came to her shop to ask if she really doesn't like him and said that he came just to talk... this pose they were in... first he grabbed her waist and pressed her towards him and then she was even forced to sit down on his lap, but didn't break away right away instead they talked in that position?!

oh my.... too much for my innocent heart.
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Jan 7, 2017

freaking out rn!

the end of this episode and all the genres in turns. Melodrama, friendship, thriller, romcom &amp; finally horror!

No really I was so freaked out! I was continusly uttering oh my god oh god oh my god and whining 0.0

I found him already scary when he was alive and looked normal and now this, its like his inner self has been projected onto his outer looks. All dark, and disgusting.

PS: it's 1am over here and I'm alone in my room > <
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Feb 15, 2015

"I want you"

I just paused on the third munite (and haven't watched any further yet). Something is bothering or more than that, makes me going crazy. After The Emperor pressed Nyang on the bed said "I want you" (my feels: >///////<) and attempted to kiss her firt I noticed that she really didn't fight him and srly look like she is anticipating (she looked in his eyes). Then when He stopped and said he'll wait and she should go and rest after leaving the yurta Nyang said to her eunuch that she is stating feeling afraid, sighed out and left without words...What does it mean? My theory is that she starts having feeling for The Emperor and in this moment she noticed it herself but she is afraid of loosing her love for Wang Yu.

I so hope my theory is right >_<

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Nov 28, 2013

3 big twists in 15 munites!

First i should tell you that im currenty watching this episode and have paused it on the first 15 min. And the reason for me to already write a review (or more of a comment) is because in these 15 munites 3 big twists has already happened! (My god how awesome is this drama?)

Ok, its soo thrilling right now cause Chang Gong FINALLY understood how stupid he was to believe this vixen and how much hurt Xue Wu was and thats for he left Zheng Er in the woods alone where she got ripped by two hunters (no matter how much i hate her, i did not wish for her to experience something like that). After that humilation she decides to hang herself on the tree. At that time the crown Prince takes this root to go whereever i dont know where, and saves his beloved Zhen Er.

Chang Gong is trying to save Xue Wu from the bandits but has no idea where they are. On the same time Yu Wen who was camping with his men somewhere near the area Xue Wu disappeared, gets a paper with the latest slaves on the market and recognize Xue Wu. Thus he abandones his work and hurries to find her.

And yeah, that all happens just in these few munites at the beginning of the episode.

Well thats one of the reasons love this drama so much and keep clicking the next episode^^

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Dec 12, 2015

An AWESOME start!

Thankfully already the first episode didn't disappoint me and not only fulfilled my expectation but also surprised me positively.

Seo Jin Woo is exactly that kind of character I love. A tragic geneious, young and innoccent at the beggining. And Yoo Seung Ho just pictured him perfectly with his awesome acting skills.

Park Min Young's character seems also the way I like her roles. It seems her role here will be just like Chae Yeong Shin in Healer.

The plot is already veery interesting and I can imagine it to get even more thrilling.

What I didn't expect is that this gangster lawyer doesn't seem to be a 'bad' guy. from the teasers and the posters i thought he is villian boss and that I'll hate him. But I think it will turn out the exactly other way. I'll love him. Since he was following Gyu Man he must have some evidence or have witnessed something of the crime and so he'll become an important ally in solving the case. Not only bc he knows, but also bc he IS an experienced lawyer!

I'm so excited about this drama and all the characters that I won't be watching the second episode yet. I'll wait a little so I can marathon this.

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Aug 21, 2015

I love it!

So many twists at the end of this eisode...oh my gosh!

I didnt redict that the chief would cut young Ae when she is concious! I thought he has some fear or moral left but NO! -_- And I couldn figure out what Tae hyun planned, well it was clear he didnt really team up with her brother but I was wonder,ng if he knew that its a fake body bc he so willingly was going to hand her over to him BUT seems like chief trolled everyone! > < thats what I like about this character even thought he is despicable evil man he is sometimes so clever it leaves me stunned bc I think he is just a puppet. synthia was also so cool here, with her riping the skirt haha BADASS. It was full of action and twists as i said therefore I'll anticipate this drama from now on and hope it not to lose the action and suspense.

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Sep 8, 2013

Sweet confession

When i was watching the last part of the episode i was heartbroken when i saw Kand Candy watching them and this sad song started playing.

When i was watching Tae Gong Shil and Joong Won walking i wasnt expecting something so touching!

When Joong Won became serious and said " When an insane sun rose in my world, I tried anything to get you out. However, i realized that I was dragged into your gloomy world. I was struggling to stop and get out. I realized in the cell today. I... already.. went all the way."

Waah i was like: Wait a minute, was that a confession just now? Nooway~ It wouldnt come so suddenly...

But then Tae Yangs reaction! I really havent seen such a good reaction to a guys sudden confession. It was really really lovely!

Im so excited to watch the next episode right now, i just finished that episode and just had to wright my feelings down :D

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May 29, 2022

Five Stars

This episode broke my heart multiple times. It was really really hard to watch. It made me remembery late cat so I cried non stop.
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Sep 10, 2016

how can it be sad and hilarious at the same time?!

This show is so weird, how can it be sad and hilarious at the same time?!

First I almost shed a tear when Hwa Shin appeared at the funeral and looked so sad for his hyung. It was also kind of touching that all those people who hate each other and weren't in contact for years came together and even learn that they all are unexpectedly connected with each other.

But then when Hwa Shin's mom saw him in his bra.... that was so funny! But still, this feeling of pity was in the air. It's not like he's really wearing it for fun or bc of a fun circumstance, no. No matter how ridiculous it looks, he does have (or almost had) breast cancer, wich is very dangerous.

And then poor Hwa Shin witnessing Na Ri showing his video and laughing at him with his best friend. this actually is very very rude of her. 1. Bc Hwa Shins matter isn't something to laugh about and 2. It's a funeral!!

But then seeing Hwa Shin crying isn't only sad and pitiful it is ALSO funny! How can this be?! I don't understand myself anymore @_@

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Sep 13, 2015

I liked this episode the best so far

I liked this episode the best so far. It was really fun watching the 'gang' gathering and just let it all go . Ha No ra really needed it. It also looks like the relationship with her son isn't going the way I first thought it would be once he finds out about her attending the university. I actually thought his behavoir would be even wors towards his mom, very cold and distancing ant the atmosphe would be so depressing every time they face each other but I'm happy that it didn't turn out like this. It was so ciute and funny when they met infont of the elevator after clubbing and how No Ra gave advises to the son about not being caught^^ I think that way their relationship will grow very much and he finally will understand his mother. in My opninion the reason they are so distant is not only No Ras introverted character but the biggest role in splitting mother and son played this garbage like husband of hers. he drew the line between them in fully controling his son and wife forcing his standards on them >:

Anyway I hope at the end he gets the right punishment and No Ra gets the life she deserves.

PS: The last scene was so cute and touching when he found out she's not going to die. You could see the relive and happyness in his eyes and he even got wet eyes <3 Cute, hope she'll fall for him soon :P

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Mask Episode 12
3 people found this review helpful
Jul 3, 2015

Yess Ji Sook!

Finally Ji Sook gains confidence that lasts longer than 10 minutes and with this confidence and final determination comes power. Now really holds something against Min Woo and uses it wisely. Not only that, she also finally found out Seok Hoons and Eun Ahs relationship this secret I feel like will come handy to her in the future :)
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Feb 21, 2015

I'm shivering... @...@ I need a hug from Healer! Jung Hoo yaa~ T^T

I'm shivering of fear of the thing that the Emperor has become...

Why?...Did they do this to him?! I wouldn't mind it that much if they made him go crazy bc of the failes but not THAT crazy! Not cruel! He was just soo creepy when he faced Seungnyag with his bleedy face and smiled :S I don't only fear his current state, I fear that it will continue for a long time and I know that I will not be able to bear it ;((

I was just so shocked...and when I saw Nyang I also started crying, then the preview to the next episode appeared that started off with the last scene and Ta Hwans bloody, creepy, psycho face, then I screamed bc I was really frightened!


PS: On the other side we have to acknowlage that Ji Chang Wook pulled this psycho act amazingly great off 0.0

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Feb 21, 2015

Holy Shit! (Just can't find other words...)

This episode was quite exciting bc everything happened pretty fast and I loved the 'competition' beween Tal Tal and Nyang 8Aigoo how Tal Tal admires her intellegence and even respects her reasons for stealing the Gold <3, he should be the Regent.)

But MOTHER OF GOD! The last scenes were so intense. First I held my breath when the Emperors voice suddently echoed than when he put his hand on the chest and lastly when Nyang suddently teared open the chest and showed the gold to the approaching Empress Dowager 0...0

Seriously I thout my heart will explode and I screamed up!

Omg now I'm so excited for the next episode to see how Nyang will explain the situation. Well I believe she already has masterted up a clever answer :D

PS: Ta Hwan was yet again so thoughtful and even though she actually betrayed him he only thought on how to save her <3 ^^

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