Sad but beautiful, and you will need tons of tissue, lol. :D
hi, I just finished 10 episodes of this drama. In every episode, I cry until I have a headache, lol. before reviewing, as a note that I have not watched the film version of this drama, this is the first time I know the story of K & Cream.I enjoyed everything in this drama. I like the storyline, I like all the couples in this drama, the story of each of them is interesting to follow. for me, the interesting thing about Taiwanese dramas is the warm color tone and more vintage vibes, and it's really pretty. the cinematography of this drama is good. The OST songs are also very good, I cried many times while listening to these songs. I want to praise the acting of the actors, especially the cast of K & Cream, they did a great job, how to manage the feelings so that the audience gets carried away and feels the sadness. this drama is sad but beautiful. if you love someone then tell them, every moment in your life is precious, love the people you love. Even though they are gone, maybe their body or form has disappeared, but they are still in your heart. Thank you for giving us this drama. I will keep the story of K & Cream in my heart.
Edit : After 1 week, then I'm watching the movie. honestly in my opinion for the series is more perfect because it has more screen time when they are together (main lead), so we can feel deeply about their chemistry and pain. TT
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okay, maybe it's too early to write a review, but I've been in love since the first episode. good opening, clear, and on point. Mixing fantasy into historical drama is fun. the storyline is fresh and unpredictable. the actors played the roles well, kim yoo jung is an amazing actress and she is very good in historical dramas. Ahn hyo seop, this is the first time I've seen him in historical drama and it's really good. totally new and I will look forward to this drama every Monday and Tuesday. you should also try if you like saeguk drama. almost forgot, the ost song part 1 is very good. Baekhyun's voice is really nice to hear and suitable for this drama. happy watching everyone. ^_^I'm back again after finishing all the episodes. To be honest, I'm start bored with the story since eps 6. but I'm still continuing to follow the drama because I don't have any to watch on mon-tues night. I didn't get the story from the middle till the end. something that makes me not excited anymore to watch.
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beautiful and nerve-wracking at the same time.
Did not expect this will be terrifying about blood. I love the main story about your childhood game. the first episode may not be too interesting because most of it is still in the character introduction stage. but after episode 2 I couldn't stop watching it and finished this series in one night.the cinematography is beautiful, the shots are well taken. for the acting of the actors is no doubt, they do it very professionally. a cameo from the "class A" actor makes the plot twist even more exciting, hehe.
my heart is racing really fast every game. it's very stressful but I still enjoy watching it. oh, one more thing, I've never watched any other survival game-themed movies/series, so this is the first time for me. this series is very adrenaline pumping LOL. :D
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Fresh and Unique Plot Story
fresh and unique story.I just finished this film, what a unique and fresh story.
some elements regarding the environment are also embedded in the film. and kindness that we actually do unintentionally, may be things that have a big impact on others we help.
Regarding tragic love stories, I don't think all of them will have a happy ending.
In time, we must learn to let go, and continue to live with renewed vigor.
Thank you, this film is very warm and the ending made me cry so hard.
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Sad but we will love the story.
I had postponed continuing this drama since episode 12 because at that time I watched the Taiwanese drama More than Blue and my eyes were very sore from crying a lot. a few days ago I continued watching this drama until the end, and right as I thought, I cried until I used up a lot of tissue. the story is very sad, even though I have watched forever and ever, but still, the sadness of this drama is very heavy and it hurts to see the ending of shi yi, his brothers-sisters, and teacher Zhousheng Chen who are punished. since the first episode, I was amazed by this drama which has very beautiful cinematography, the soundtrack songs that fits the drama, and amazing acting from the actors.I'm giving 9 point for rewatch value because may be I need a time (a right time) when I need something to watch for crying, because a little bit heavy crying TT.
At the end of the conclusion, the sad ending is not always bad, this drama has a special place in the hearts of the audience because of the sad ending.
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Entertaining show
This drama really entertaining, the acting was good, I like the music, the story was fun to follow and not really heavy as a period drama, I like the relationship between FM and ML, the couple of the first brother always hilarious part lol :D , I'm laughing all the time when arriving to their scene. The 3rd brother and his wife sometimes funny too, now I'm waiting for the next story of the 2nd brother, I think he is so charming and charismatic general of war.And for the last couple of 4th brother and his wife, they are so cute, romantic, and mature couple. Love the way FL approaches him and vice versa.
This drama is my ongoing drama with one and only (another bai lu drama too). Both have different stories and feelings. Good for watch in your weekend. ^_^
Ps. Pardon my bad grammar and English hehe.
- sorry I've edited this review until I finishing all eps. the last part like not ended well. I mean, everything getting rushed and seems forced about the plot twists. still get enough about the second brother and his lover too lol :D.
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Series that will make you watch in one sitting.
At first, I was curious about what this series was like and wanted to see Han So Hee's acting, and then I fell in love with the intense story and characters in this series.The story is interesting, maybe some people will be able to guess who the culprit is, I also guessed he was, but instead I got carried away by the story and turned to support him because I thought he was a good person, and suspected the team head.
I like warm scenes like chamomile tea, at least in the heart of a gangster there is a soft side that is rarely shown.
The action scenes were very intense, I praised Han So Hee's acting because she acted very well in this series. The facial expressions she shows are also very slick, how it feels to desperately seek justice for his father, the expression of revenge against his father's murderer, the expression of sadness when the loss of loved ones, and the disappointment of being betrayed by a trusted person.
I watched it in one sitting, I was curious about the next episode. Thank you for this series, because this just 8 episode, so I think you can rewatch it anytime.
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Beautiful Drama
Not expect anything from the beginning, I'm watching this drama because I don't have anything to watch lol. then I'm addicted to more episodes and waiting every week till this drama ends. Jiu Ling is the smart and brave Female Lead. I love her character, and the acting from the actor is well-executed, talented, and beautiful actor indeed. The Male lead and his brothers made this drama funnier. Finally finished this drama, and feel not disappointed at all waiting for this drama when since on-going haha.Was this review helpful to you?

Beautiful story and excellence acting!
I am so grateful to have found this film and decided to watch it. A unique experience when watching this, the story is interesting and very warm, and the way it is conveyed is also good, I rarely see someone who works in funeral services in films/dramas so this gave me a new point of view. Crying in most of the scenes :( This film is very good in terms of story and the acting of the actors is also very good, especially the child actresses. ZYL acted very well, bringing his emotions and sadness to the audience. Very worth watching!"There is nothing more important than death in life"
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Light Drama
In my opinion, this is a light drama, easy to understand, funny, and adorable. Zhou Yutong always gives good acting, I like her since the drama Begin Again. when Ling ling and Lang han scene, they are very funny and fresh. you can watch this drama in your free time because it can be enjoyed without thinking too much. Actually, I'm always waiting for scene Yinfan and Yifan together with their girlfriend in one room, I think that will be funny LOL.For the minus, I think little disappointed with the ending, it feels like something is missing, I don't know what but feels like not complete,Was this review helpful to you?

Super brilliant drama
I know this drama had a high rating but i don't have any expectation. I don't usually watch political drama but this JoL is brilliant. I can't believe I'm finishing this drama. Super amazing plot and twist that make me crazy haha lol.I have watched other period cdrama but in this JoL I love how FX and the step mother can get along and support each other. And i like how the each character that has strength and power help FX.
FX brother so hilarious and FX sister i think she is strong and smart women too.
This drama has a unique story from the first episode. a story full of surprises, strategy and the unexpected. characters that will be remembered (at least, remembered with strong, clever and tactical characteristics).
I'm more shock with the ending, so Because of the curiosity I'm reading the last part of the novel. And now I know, how to breath in joy haha. I hope you enjoy this story too ^^
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Drama Pembunuhan Berantai yang Sadis
Saya awalnya nonton Voice yang ke 2, lalu beberapa bulan kemarin karena pandemi kekurangan bahan tontonan jadi saya memutuskan untuk menonton Voice 1 ini.Cerita pembunuhan berantai yang dikemas rapi, dan sadis. saya tidak bisa melihat kekerasan yang ada di drama ini, jadi selalu saya fast forward. Untuk alurnya bagus, akting juga bagus. karena setiap drama crime seperti ini saya selalu menunggu bagian tim IT-nya haha, karena terlihat canggih dan cekatan.
untuk kasus-kasus yang diselesaikan juga apik, sangat recomended.
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Good Drama, Acting, & Setting
I highly recommend watching the thriller crime drama like this when I a good mood to watch. I didn't read the synopsis or watch the trailer first, I just found out about this drama on Netflix and watched it, and surprisingly I liked the plot of this story and the cases that appear throughout the drama. At first, I was curious how these two male leads could work together and solve problems, and all went well smoothly. I like these two people who are from different eras solving crime cases.Serial murder drama from K-drama is on another level I think. because every drama has their own way to solve the problem and cases.
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The Brilliant Female Lead
I feel lucky and happy to able watching this masterpiece haha. First of all, sebenarnya saya tidak terlalu suka drama politik, namun setelah nonton episode pertama, jadi nagih dan keterusan. banyak aspek yang saya sukai dari drama ini, ceritanya sangat detail dan aktingnya juga apik, banyak hal baru yang saya pelajari dari drama ini seperti kedudukan antara istri sah dan selir, bagaimana nasib anak-anaknya nanti. Selain itu, musiknya bagus dan bikin terngiang-ngiang, saya sampai memasukkan ke dalam playlist saya karena shooting banget di telinga, kostumnya bagus semua, rapi. setting tempat juga apik meski di paruh pertama kebanyakan di rumah minglan terus hehe.karena minglan ini anak dari selir bukan istri sah, jadi sering mendapat ketidak adilan. sebelum ibunya meninggal cuma pesen agar dia gak nunjukin kecerdasannya, pdhl minglan ini pinter banget. nah ini yang saya suka dari drama ini, tokoh perempuannya gak menye2 minta ditolongin terus haha, ini strong woman yang pinter bikin taktik, minglan kepribadiannya tenang, tapi ternyata sedang mikir jalan keluar. neneknya juga sayang banget ke dia. untuk kisah cintanya sendiri dengan suaminya dimulai dari episode 45 keatas haha, harus sabar nunggu kisah mereka, tapi mereka sweet banget, suaminya cinta pol, karena itu gak mau punya selir lagi karena minglan aja cukup.
dan diakhir nanti bakal ada plot twist yang bikin hahh hahh sendiri wkwk, suka banget drama ini karena slice of life-nya dapet, minglan adalah tokoh yg gak ingin merepotkan siapapun dan bergantung pada orang lain. cerdas dan tidak mudah ditipu. this drama is such a heartwarming show. and I feel empty after this last episode. everyone has their happy ending. Masuk ke list rewatch bersama Joy of Life. sesuka itu. ^_^
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