Dropped 6/24
0 people found this review helpful
Dec 15, 2021
6 of 24 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 4.5
Story 5.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 2.0

Really really good episode 1.

Dropped the show as early as episode 6. I wanted a little bit of romance with a bit of suspense to spice it a bit.

At first, the show had a really interesting plot with good looking actors. The show did good in introducing the players of the show.

By episode 2, I started skipping from time to time. The show was tagged as Romance/Thriller/Suspense, but I don't feel the romance. What there is, is just barely an unrequited love. I was also not thrilled in any way, I was bored. Bored to the point of dropping the show. Not for me I guess.

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Dropped 2/8
Peanut Butter Sandwich
0 people found this review helpful
Jun 18, 2023
2 of 8 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 3.0
Story 2.0
Acting/Cast 4.0
Music 4.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

Beyond Boring

Honestly, I'm sure this is someone's cup of tea but not mine. I was thoroughly bored throughout the two episodes I watched. The absolute only saving grace for me was Honoka because I enjoy her acting.
The story is really just bland; some girls looking for a stable relationship. The organization just kinda spies on them....without any significant reason.
Anyway, I think this would work better as just a manga. There really was no reason to make this into a live-action show especially without making it more interesting.
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Oct 17, 2023
2 of 8 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 1.0
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 2.0
Rewatch Value 1.0

Dropped after 2 episodes

- I just can't with this whiney ML
- don't like the editing style in general, although I enjoyed some scenes.
- don't like the manga this dude is drawing xd
- don't like the female friend -> to overdone
- don't like the overacting, even if it's typical for japanese dramas. (At least this is what I read about a lot of japanese dramas. I'm new to them lmao) I already watched drama where I can stand this, where I even can enjoy it and find it funny! but here: no chance
- I think the story is very predictible, so I prefer to safe my time and not force myself to watching this
- it's just boring and nothing in this story is exciting or interesting to me. x.x
- I really don't like the humour at all.

+ Tsubasa is actually a character I like so far!
+ Shiny smile (Issay expected lol) is overall a group of characters I really like! Probably would enjoy a show about them a lot more lol.
+ Kyou is goddamn cute.
+ I really like Ryuujis calm personality.
+ Yeah...totally whipped for Shiny Smile, sorrynotsorry.

I don't want to say people shouldn't watch this show, because obviously a lot of people enjoyed it. But for me, it's just not it. I wouldn't say it's a bad show, but it's definitely not for me. So don't hesitate and if you're interested, give it a try!

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Dropped 3/12
Boy for Rent
0 people found this review helpful
Feb 16, 2023
3 of 12 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 3.5
Story 3.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 3.0
Okay... Fon Sananthachat first appears wearing huge glasses & pigtails to announce to the audience that her character is still a virgin. She meets Lee Thanat's in an elevator (seriously) and decides to pursue him. Her bestie also loves pursuing boys. She's portrayed by the cute Ciize Apichaya, kinda young for an aggresive man-eater, LOL.

Aye Sarunchana, even younger actress, who nevertheless has proven she can portray grown and sensible characters ('Friend Zone', 'Friend Zone 2') portrays a girl who is already taken. Her boyfriend seems to never be there when she needs him, though. She does catch him feeding her clear lies.

The plot goes crazy since episode 1, where the girl with looks of Fon Sananthachat decides to hire a "boy for rent" to teach her how to be seductive with men, so that Lee Thanat's guy won't refuse her again. We can see her in a sequence wearing no glasses and tiny shorts & top, which only reveal that her body is tiny also, like a middle-schooler's. Also, she's to PRACTICE how to win guy's heart... with somebody else.

Meanwhile, Aye Sarunchana's taken girl also decides to hire "boy for rent", as she figures she doesn't have to be guilty for it. Unfortunatelly, no one hires Victor Chatchawit, who is there only as a intermediary. Mond goes shirtless for most of the episode 2-3, still he cannot quite compensate, and I actually prefer him dressed, LOL.

I must say I ceased to understand the "plot" soon. Also, I had no idea who the endgame couples are supposed to be. Usually, all it takes is to scroll at Cast & Credits on MDL and click "View All", usually the couples are listed nicely next to each other. But here, we have girls next to each other and boys next to each other. It all gives me kinda similar vibe as 'Friend Zone', like "we don't care whether this looks like romance line for you, let's just try and put together these two, then these two".

We then watch the... er... couples? That's where the problems starts. One couple is Mond & Fon. He's there for her as "boy for rent" to help her out in romance department & also protect her, because she gets almost molested after being shown at stage at a club, where everyone could see there's nothing much to see on her, still one of the guys follows her and tries to molest her? (A weird and unconvincing scene, if you ask me.) While he actually dates Aye Sarunchana's character, but he has to broke up with her because he can't really be there for her, blah blah blah... It's all so not enjoyable watch. I was willing to give the chance to 'Friend Zone', though that was also not enjoyable for the entire 1st season. But, not again. I find this entirely dumb, to be honest.

Fon Sananthachat isn't cute, she is weird 25 year-old with a 15-year old body. I didn't cheer for her with Mond, I didn't cheer for her with anyone. Aye Sarunchana's character cried most of the 3rd episode and I honestly was tired of her couple line with Mond's character already, too. Should she get together with Lee Thanat, instead? He portrays a guy that seems to be too much above it all... And I don't even like these two together, either. I don't really care what happens. And if I don't care about it now, I don't need to waste my time 9 more times.

Someone obviously thought the 'Boy For Rent' sounded cool and had interesting concept, but what of it? It's not like they could really rent a boyfriend. It wasn't about sex, either. Honestly, I didn't get what it was about.

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Dropped 5/20
City Hunter
0 people found this review helpful
Jan 6, 2021
5 of 20 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 1.0
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 6.5
Rewatch Value 1.0
This review may contain spoilers

Wtf is this

Dude's father got murdered and wtf is he doing wasting precious time i have no fkin idea. :S it is hella boring. I have heard they took this show from a manga and while the elements of manga are there it doesnt add up. Most of the episode is him just wasting his and that girls time and i am really not a fan of unnecessary stuff in a drama thats 50+ minutes long.
I CAN'T FKIN BELIEVE I FELL FOR ITS HIGH RATING. this is no doubt the worst emotions driven shit show j have ever seen all thay crap of 28 years of revenge were for nothing in the final episode we all wasted our time. Please dont waste your precious time watching thid shitshow ever in your life. Go watch something like forest of secrets or signal.

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Dropped 2/8
Unlock Your Love
0 people found this review helpful
by Vivian
3 days ago
2 of 8 episodes seen
Dropped 1
Overall 1.5
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 1.5
Music 2.5
Rewatch Value 1.0
This review may contain spoilers

After watching two episodes, I've come to the conclusion that this series isn't my cup of tea.

I’m constantly on the lookout for new GL series, but the acting was disappointing.

Right from the start, I felt a wave of annoyance as the coworkers were excessively dramatic. Their acting skills were lacking, to say the least. But since they were just random characters, I decided to brush it off. I just want to highlight that it’s unusual for a series to irritate me so quickly.

The cheating boyfriend? The way the infidelity was "found out" came across as poorly executed...

Plus, what was going on at the bar with that woman touching another woman's cheek with her nose? It was just cringeworthy.

Sadly, the second episode failed to make me eager for the next one. I don't feel a strong connection to any of the characters.

I wasn't particularly moved by the flashbacks either. Even though Rain is Love's love at first sight, the scenes from the past didn’t make me feel any excitement about them meeting eachother again.

I was hoping to find more GL series to enjoy, but this one just isn't hitting the mark for me. While Love and Rain are beautiful, the plot feels weak, and sadly, the acting can't save it.

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Dropped 2/8
Long Khong
0 people found this review helpful
Aug 18, 2023
2 of 8 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 1.0
Story 2.5
Acting/Cast 2.0
Music 2.5
Rewatch Value 1.0

not worth watching

i just started cz of bounprem. bt I'm disgusted. i know It's about black magic. i wasn’t comfortable at all. Not everyone can watch it actually. this genre is not my type at all. i dropped it after 2 episode. they made boun character dirty. that main girl wasn’t even at fault. it was creepy tbh. so whoever want to watch it because of boun prem just Don't. You'll regret it big time. I don’t know what happen at last. and I don’t want to know either. I should have read the reviews beforehand. if you want to watch it bcz of bounprem just watch their clips at YouTube.

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Ongoing 4/36
Word of Honor
9 people found this review helpful
by Kimnat
Feb 24, 2021
4 of 36 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 10
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

Worth waiting for.

After 4 episodes, so far this drama didnt fail me. The storyline I didnt give a full 10, reason being still early to judge. But music, and actors acting skill full score. Cannot deny both the MLs are very good actors. Worth waiting for it to be aired. Comments before it aired, this is a BL drama. After 4 episodes, my point of view, this is more to a brother/friend kind. I think this should be ok unless it crossed the "line". Nowadays there are a lot of BL kind of drama but it depends on the level of it. Here, would like to give a thumbs up to the martial art crew, director as well, very well and beautifully done.

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Lovely Runner
6 people found this review helpful
Jun 2, 2024
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 7.5
This drama demands your full attention; otherwise, you might find yourself rewinding to grasp the storyline. Byeon Woo Seok, portraying Ryu Seon Jae, and Kim Hye Yoon, playing Im Sol, delivered outstanding performances. Keeping up with Im Sol’s character was a thrilling challenge—she truly had my head spinning. Byeon Woo Seok's mere presence and his gaze into the camera were captivating. The height difference between the two actors was notable; I hope he didn't strain his back! Kudos to all the actors and actresses for a job well done. I’ll never look at a wristwatch the same way again!

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Dropped 6/11
So in Love
0 people found this review helpful
by Snurry
Mar 26, 2023
6 of 11 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 4.0
Story 5.5
Acting/Cast 5.0
Music 3.0
Rewatch Value 3.0

I couldn't finish it

How this show works: 5 young women and 4 young men live together to find love. Sounds like the average dating show but there is a twist: they've never been in a relationship. So they have zero experience in the love field and the dynamics are different from the usual.

Why I dropped it:
- most of them are quiet and passive, so it's a little bit awkard
- the pace is kinda slow compared to similar shows
- the music is a little random, sometimes there's silence and other times the music starts, plus I didn't enjoy the selection

This is just my personal opinion, I watched 6 episodes but I found myself searching for other dating shows, I wasn't even curious to see the final couples (also, if you don't want spoilers, avoid the comment section, a lot of them are about a specific couple)

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Ongoing 2/13
3 people found this review helpful
by tomo
Feb 29, 2020
2 of 13 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 10
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 9.5
From the first episode you can already see what you're going to get, a fun and charming story!
There's quite a few twist and turns here and there that also make it funny and enjoyable to watch, while still keeping you on your sit wanting more and more.
The episodes go fast, and as the story progresses you see yourself wondering what's going to happen to the leads, you can tell who's going to fall in love first and who's going to deny it for a long time. The acting is fantastic, giving even more props to Win since this is his first series. He portraits someone who is often told he's 'good looking' and he has been on and off a lot of relationships which caused him to understand that it's going to be hard to find 'the one'.
Sarawat's character on the other hand is someone who likes to stay on the downlow without calling too much attention to himself, someone who is reserved yet still likes to be around his own crew. Two totally different characters who will definitely grab you and make you wonder, is this going to work? A fun and charming story for those who love BL series!

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Ongoing 2/14
Moon in the Day
4 people found this review helpful
Nov 3, 2023
2 of 14 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 7.5
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 6.5
This review may contain spoilers

A Reincarnation Saga with Fantasy Element

Adapted from the webtoon “The Moon that Rises in the Day” (낮에 뜨는 달) by Hye Yoom (헤윰), ENA’s new drama “Moon in the Day” is a heartbreaking, remorseful romance that transcends over centuries. Starring Pyo Ye Jin and Kim Young Dae in lead roles, the storyline depicts the story of a vengeful spirit seeking retribution for his wrongful death. The main actors portray two different characters, from variant timelines. It has been an eventful week with quite a few new premieres like “Castaway Diva”, “Perfect Revenge Marriage” and “The Matchmakers”. Certainly, the show has a tall order to compete with when compared to those recent releases. What works in its favor is the rustic chemistry between the main actors. The script is slightly odd paced, but that doesn’t take away the fact that the characters are intriguing and their backstory is equally riveting. We are given glimpses of their past lives as the first two episodes concentrate on the character’s present lives. As unlike as they are, Kang Young Hwa and Han Jun Oh aren’t peas in the same pod. Let’s dive into this narrative and learn more about them!

Read the complete article here-


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Dropped 6/50
The Untamed
8 people found this review helpful
by Kwave
Mar 31, 2020
6 of 50 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 4.5
Story 4.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 4.5
Rewatch Value 1.0

Not my cup of tea, sorry.

I've started this drama because of all the good reviews it has received but I ended up dropping this drama at the episode 6. I even forced myself until the episode 6 because I wanted to see why it has received all those good criticism, but for that I've skipped a lot of scenes, way too much to be honest.

The story sounds like a mess, to me. I really did not understand anything. Fantasy is not my cup of tea so it does not help at all.

The two main leads are very good especially the main one (the one who is quite stubborn 'in a good way'). They are good looking and well written. But even their interraction became boring after a while.

The action/fight scenes were really bad. To be frank I've skipped them all withouth hesitation. The reason is simple, it is as if we could see the rope that held the actors even though they did not appear on the screen we could clearly guess that they were well present. It is annoying. And, again, fantasy did not help it, I think it even made it worse.

The music is really not my cup of tea as well so I did not find it attractive, but that's my personal taste.

I respect those who have enjoyed the drama but to be clear, I would not recommend it. I am not saying this drama is bad, but in my opinion, it is overrated.

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Dropped 6/50
Meteor Garden
2 people found this review helpful
by kilala
Mar 11, 2020
6 of 50 episodes seen
Dropped 0
Overall 3.0
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 5.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
I was excited to watch this drama I thought it would have the doki doki romance moments even with the plain to see build up of the fl and ml's romance relationship. But I have got to say I was BORED. I stopped at ep 6, yell at me for giving a poor review but not even finishing the drama but I can't help but feel lack luster with the depth and story line of this show. I mean the fl is not lovable but annoying. The misunderstandings or her attitude is not cute. And the side character whatever her name is, the one that was a previous classmate but joined the fl and her best guy friends circle. I have no clue what her back story is, poor but maybe doesn't like that she is, maybe like the ml but is insecure. Whatever the problem is , she not only boring, a waste of screen time I just don't like the girls attitude and what is her role is this story.

I loved lei and jing's characters they probably is the reason I even lasted until ep6. But the fl and ml are not carrying me further in this drama. I don't get the high ratings and rave reviews of the show.

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Ongoing 2/16
Love Next Door
10 people found this review helpful
Aug 19, 2024
2 of 16 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 7.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 5.5
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 3.5


Massive K-Drama Fan... South Koreans are Masters at the craft of compelling stories. Superb acting and off the charts OSTs. So, it pains me to offer some critical analysis of "Love next door". So far the only thing this show is doing well is the wonderful last 5 minutes of the first 2 episodes. The female lead is over-acting to the point of being grating. The male lead comes across as someone who wishes he were somewhere else. The Mothers of each are uninteresting cliches... the writer and director have sacrificed spontaneous acting for hard and fast "Yang style" aggressive females...a trend that is becoming boring. Don't get me started on the cliche characterizations of the Father... and the Male leads "Office" friends make we want to slap them for the over acting Simp portrayals. The only compelling couple is the Reporter and the EMS girlfriend of the female lead. This production is just high gloss "Paint by Numbers" and I blame the director and possibly the writer. It all seems staged and un-organic...
The Producer...director and writer have chosen to overdose on discord & antagonisms creating,,, harmonic dissonance like a song or a symphony with too many notes and to many sharps and flats... I am reminded of my niece who believed one could make a better chocolate chip cookie by doubling the number of chocolate chips and adding an extra cup of sugar.

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