The Bride of Habaek
4 people found this review helpful
Aug 26, 2017
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 5.0
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 1.0
The reason why I watched this drama was out of curiosity because of the vast amount of criticism I kept seeing. And, after watching it I see why that happened.

Story: 1/10
The biggest problem that this drama had was the script and story line. As I watched the drama I felt like I was being insulted. The writers gave so little thought to the viewing audience in terms of background and reasoning. Once I completed the drama and looked back on what I had just watched, two scenarios filled my mind. One, the writers gathered in a room, wrote down a bunch of ideas and randomly pulled them out of a hat each episode. Or two, they had so much that they wanted to fit into the drama that they didn't have enough time to delve deep into the situations and instead, caused total chaos and confusion.

Acting/Cast: 8/10
A lot of people had a problem with Shin Se Kyung's acting. After seeing her in many dramas, I realized that she is an actress that doesn't have a wide range of facial expressions. Her happy face, sad face, confused face, or even her angry face, look pretty much the same. This was even more obvious when working alongside actors/actresses who use their faces actively while acting. I think that she is an okay actress, but this role just wasn't the right fit for her. And the chemistry between the two leads was just horrible. There was no sparks and it became painful to watch. I was eager for their scenes to end and watch the side characters instead. The other actors/actresses did a phenomenal job. They played their roles well; however, no matter how great a job they do, if the script is garbage then there is no salvation for the drama.

Music: 9/10
Now the music on the other hand was amazing.Overall they felt almost mystical-like and were very easy on the ears. The singer's voices fit each song well and they worked perfectly in the moments they were played. My favorite OST was Glass Bridge By Savina & Drones (???????).

Rewatch Value: 1/10
I will never watch this drama again. I got through it once because of the actors and music but the drama is too infuriating to watch it again. Instead, I'll just watch other works with them in it.

Overall: 5/10
The tragedy of this drama is the wasted talent of the actors/actresses and beautiful OST set. It had a lot of promise but the haphazard job done by the script writers and the casting of the main female lead ruined the whole drama. I always say that you should try it to see how you feel about it but this time I will say that with a warning; be prepared for confusion and constant wondering if you missed something in the previous scenes.

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Ongoing 46/48
Rush to the Dead Summer
1 people found this review helpful
Aug 26, 2017
46 of 48 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 3.0
Story 2.0
Acting/Cast 2.5
Music 4.0
Rewatch Value 3.0
I am not really that fond of long dramas..but somehow I endured the Love 020 and the Eternal love…actually I was hooked to Chinese dramas after it was recommended by a Chinese friend. So when I saw this drama with Zheng Shuang as the lead actress, why not give it a try… but it's not worth the hours of watching. There was something missing in this drama… the romance between FXS and LX was not progressing. Chemistry does not exist with the two of them. I just hope that the writers justified the story itself. It looks promising but towards the end of the drama… I was getting more frustrated.

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Queen of the Ring
1 people found this review helpful
by season
Aug 26, 2017
21 of 21 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 4.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
I have a lot of mixed feelings towards this drama. A lot of things it did well, some things not so much.

First of all, the drama itself doesn't really care about the sense of the story. It's very rushed (well, it's a short web series drama, but still, lol) and doesn't really pay attention to key elements like the whole logic of the ring and how it actually works. Nevertheless, I'm cutting it some slack since it IS a web series.
The overall message of "You don't have to be beautiful to be loved, when someone loves you, you are beautiful in their eyes" is very important. Some people call this drama shallow + for Korea's beauty standard, but being honest, not everyone is beautiful on the outside, it's just not how it is. There's all different kinds of shapes and body types we were born with that we are stuck with, but they make us who we are. We can't change it, but when someone truthfully loves us, they will see us more beautiful than any model could ever be, and that's the truth. I think this message in the drama was done very well for a measly 6 episodes. If this drama was over 10 episodes, it would easily lose it's meaning and purpose, in my opinion. The message is not something that takes a long time to present.

I was indifferent towards both leads. On one hand, I would love the female lead's determination, stubbornness, and just being an overall enthusiastic character, but I'd get fed up with her being very shallow and thinking, "Well, I might as well be someone else, I just want his love. I don't care about him actually loving ME." But that's because she's never thought it was ever possible. She's gotten used to her being a "backstage" person and thought she'd die alone. She's still young and she has a lot of immature thoughts, but that just shows her character has flaws. Her growth wasn't very well executed, but again for 6 episodes it did work somehow. As for the male lead, he was EXTREMELY shallow, only caring about a girl's looks, but throughout the story he was gaining character and he was showing his own type of struggle, no matter how shallow it was. You can think this all sounds stupid, BUT keep in mind: both these leads who had these ideals their ENTIRE life, changed just by simply falling in love with each other in a short period of time. They aren't the greatest characters, but they represent their situation the best I could ever see it presented. Their chemistry was bad and nonexistent up until the last 2 episodes, in my opinion, but it's probably because of the fact absolutely no development or the message that the story was trying to portray came into place until the last 2 episodes. As far as the side characters, they were cute and gave me a bit of chuckles. The writers showed that even the side characters had their struggles. They weren't perfect. There was no evil villain or cliche backstabbing friend in this drama. This drama felt very human to me and accurate on society nowadays when it comes to the topics discussed in the drama.

They were pretty average. The male lead's actor was a SWOON. Literal definition. There were some scenes I think could've been better but I think it was probably the director's decision rather than the actual actors/actresses.

Average... sometimes very annoying. The times at which they chose to play music felt out of place, sometimes the volume would go up loud out of no where trying to display emotion, but it reaaaaaally annoyed me. Yes, I know dramas usually do the cliche emotional music scenes, but these were just really out of place and waaaaay too much. Could've turned the music lower and made it less dramatic and instead just what the scene actually implied.

I would totally give this a watch again on a weekend. It's just really short and cute. If I ever felt bad about my appearance a particular day, or worrying I'd die alone, this would be something I'd watch. It's lighthearted, not too serious, but still cute and emotional when you look at the overall picture.

Being 100% honest, this is something really good to watch when you're feeling bad about yourself. It's only 6 episodes and rather short but gets to the entire point rather fast. If you're looking for a short but meaningful reminder in life, (because well, we ALL need reminders time to time) this is the perfect drama for you. It's worth watching just for the last 2 episodes.

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Love O2O
0 people found this review helpful
Aug 26, 2017
30 of 30 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 9.0
Overall: 9.75

Story: 10
The story was one of my favorites. For many reasons, but the number one reason was that it didn’t rely on traditional cliches. The two leads never got into a huge argument, they never broke up, then got back together, they were just two people who went well together and dated. I feel like if they did go the traditional route, of breaking up and getting back together or having misunderstandings there would be many plot holes in this drama just because of how the characters are actually described and portrayed. One reason this wouldn’t have worked and would have gone against the characters is that, both leads like to know all the facts before they jump to conclusions and makes decisions.
The other big story plot that I liked in this piece was that whenever someone tried to say she wasn’t good enough or she got there on her looks she would just nod, than prove them wrong silently with a quick attack, yet she was still portrayed with feminine qualities. (This of course is my own Opinion and others may differ).
Another thing that story had was the slow build up that actually worked and showed how trust was built between characters, that that trust isn’t actually easily broken, unless communication doesn’t happen. There are some things about the relationship that slightly bothered me, but the story plot showed a open and honest relationship between two people that was built over a length of time.
On a last note on the story, if you have read the novel, it sticks to the script of the original piece (the novel) perfectly. This was a good interpretation of the already good original piece. I fully enjoyed the ride and wasn’t disappointed in the least.

Acting/Casting: 10
I know some people had some issues with the casting of the female lead, and I understand why, but for me, her acting was phenomenal as the role. I have watched both the movie and the Show as well as read an English translation of the novel, and this actress was more close to the original text than Angela baby was. Yes I thought Angela Baby didn’t a great job, but I’m not a huge fan of the movie.
Now that has been said, I think the casting for this film was done to a perfect ‘T’. The male lead, Yang Yang, was mysterious and handsome and played the little innuendos perfectly. The female lead, as said before worked the best with him, and in my opinion I thought their chemistry was what really sold me on the acting.
The supporting characters such as Er Xi and Cao Cuong, I wasn’t the biggest fan of in the beginning, but I slowly warmed up to them. Although it did take me re-watching the show to actually like Er Xi’s character in the slightest and this time around I could understand better why she was angry. The complexity of human emotions of getting your heart hurt by everyone only to find out they were hurting her, because of your best friend was really well done. I appreciated the acting more on this note the second time around.
The ‘villains’ were perfect and I liked how the weren’t actually labeled just bad guys that they all were redeemed in some sort of way except for the few who weren’t supposed to be.
To end on a good note, I fell in loved with most of the characters and the ones I didn’t (excluding two) I felt some form of Empathy for that made me enjoy the show even more.

Music: 9.5
I thought the music for this drama was one of the best for teen drama. It was very well placed, the instrumental background music helped established the mood of each scene, the heartache scenes, as well as help build the tension. Even sad mood scenes, instrumental wise that are usually are reserved for the leads or protagonists were also used for the ‘villains’ in the story during their sad moments. It helped expand the characterization of each, even though sometimes characters appeared to be two dimensional.

Rewatch Value: 9.0
I gave the rewatch value a 9.0 because this is one of those dramas that people will love to rewatch if they enjoyed the first watch. Its one of those that when you are tired of other dramas, you want something fresh again, I would come back to this. But I do understand that’s it's not everyone's cup of tea, the leads don’t fight, the drama is slightly mediocre and it's mostly just watching of a build of a relationship that relies heavily on chemistry between actors. So I would highly recommend this for a rewatch value and to keep on your list of dramas to watch on a saturday or sunday afternoon, with the knowledge that not everyone likes Fluffy things.

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Reply 1997
1 people found this review helpful
Aug 26, 2017
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
one of the best korean dramas I've ever watched it's just simple and nostalgic well the best high school drama and the best season of Reply series
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Reply 1988
0 people found this review helpful
Aug 25, 2017
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 7.5
very nice drama it's nostalgic I cried whit them at last episodes I laughed with them so hard it was a good drama but I liked reply 1977 more don't know why
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The Eternal Love
6 people found this review helpful
by Kaihua
Aug 25, 2017
24 of 24 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 10
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 3.0
Rewatch Value 10
A typical modern-time-travel-back-to-ancient-China thing. Which is something I oddly really like!!! Idk, I just always think time traveling to ancient China is the coolest thing ever... I really like the ideas thrown in to make this drama of how and what it became. It later on turns out really unexpectedly weird with a sort of plot twist in the end, which though it does all makes sense in the end in it's own way, I guess.

Acting is 8/10, most did very well and some did ok.
Here are some of my thoughts of the main characters:

Xing Zhao Lin as Mo Lian Cheng:
OMG he is soooo adorable and sexy. I freaking fell deep in love with him. How can a 20 year old be so freaking hot!!! *Sweats & gulps* I caught myself falling for him and I was like, why does it feel like I am falling in love with him?! So weird?! Okay! Okay! Anyways! This drama shows very well of his acting skills. When watching Princess Agents, I never thought Xing Zhao Lin would have such skills!!! XD His character is so full of love and soooo fucking romantic even I felt the need to want to be his wife, LMAO. He is suuuuch a maaaan, whooo!

Liang Jie as Qu Tan Er/Xiao Tan:
She is a real talent... I am very impressed of her playing as 2 different characters. It shocked me like wow... It seem so legit like she can truly act as a gentle woman and you would believe that is her nature until she was playing as someone else who is wildin. That was the part of her that got me the most, so I think they did a good job choosing her for the role. When actors and actresses are to portray different characters in one show or movie & it is that believable for you to dislike the "other side of them", that is when it shows their true talents. She did a very good job in this drama. She's very funny, it's cute, I truly enjoyed her in this drama.

Wang Richards as Mo Yi Huai:
He is very handsome. LOVE his cheekbones, LMAO! This is my first time watching him and I really love and enjoy his cheekbones and his pretty face, ahahaha. Overall, I think his acting is very funny. I can't really take his acting seriously, it just very funny... He still needs a lot of improvements or so. But his acting goes well with comedy, hahahaha.

Sun Yi Zhu as Jing Xin:
Looool. This girl was very entertaining to watch! She is suuuuper cute and adorable. I grew to like her a lot. She does a very good job as Qu Tan Er's maid. I really love how they designed her as a maid that stands out, loved how they styled her hair, it is very cute on her. How she portrays her character dealing with Qu Tan Er's switching issues is what caught my attention the most.

I've heard better soundtracks for dramas. I usually obsess over and fall in love with soundtracks from dramas and add it to my playlist and listen to it often, but I was just not feeling the music for this drama at all. So I would not download the soundtrack for this drama ):

This drama currently tops as my #2 favorite drama out of all the other dramas I've seen in my life as Ten Miles of Peach Blossom tops as my #1. If I were a DVD collector, I would definitely buy the DVD set just to rewatch as I grow older, lmao. But I am more of a "watch-it-on-the-internet" type due to the new generation & technology of shows and movies online. So my list is visible on my MyDramaList account! Any that stays on my top 10 is definitely worth rewatching.

Love, love, love it so much. This masterpiece will always have a spot in my heart forever! It's so cute and I'm glad I had came across it to be a part of my life. As a 24 episode web series, it is definitely must watch!

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Reply 1988
0 people found this review helpful
by Pablo
Aug 25, 2017
20 of 20 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
Reply 1988...the first of the reply series that i have seen. I was hesitating about seeing this drama...1988, 1997 or 1994...i just picked a random and 1988 was that..
I am not regret..
About the characters, everyone has their own shine..the ost was really good , especially the song "Dont worry"..
I like every single episode, i dont care that the episodes are really long, it really worth it.

Watch it!
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The Bride of Habaek
2 people found this review helpful
by meghxn
Aug 25, 2017
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.5
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 6.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 2.0
Sigh.... I truly was excited for this drama to come out that this was the first drama that I had watched weekly in such a long time. I'm going to be blunt and say it was disappointing. Anyways, I think I should talk about the rest in it's categories.
Story: 7.5/10
I gave the story it's score because yes, it was okay along the way but the ending,like everyone has said, was very bad. I was hoping episode 15 and 16 were to give me more answers and be more hype than the rest of the episodes but it turns out that they were the worst episodes. I watched the first episode and thought it was very boring but I thought, maybe they could clean it up with the second episode. I was not really right about that. It was very slow paced and the romance is actually a hit or miss for people, but for me it was a miss sadly. I think the only reason I actually wanted to finish was because of the secondary characters of this story, which leads on to the next category. (btw, I felt that Ha Baek's power should have been shown more.
Acting/Cast: 6.0/10
Wasn't really impressed with the main characters acting. Nam Joo Hyuk is amazing but just not in this drama. I felt like another male actor could've played this role like Park Bo Gum and a different female lead and a proper story line. Shin Se Kyung.. I've seen her in Girl who see's scents and she was pretty good. In this one though..not so much. I found her character annoying. I have to say though, I think it's not the actor's fault rather than the director and writer for making the characters bland. Krystal,Gong Myung, and Im Joo Hwan were the scene stealers for me. Every time they came on screen, my attention would be stolen. My first time seeing a drama with Im Joo Hwan and I got to say, I'm lowkey a fan of him now.
Music: 8.0/10
Music is pretty good. When I was watching the drama, Glass Bridge by Savina and Drones seemed to play a lot. I checked the soundtrack and sadly there are only 6 OST's. Usually kdrama's have about 8-9 right?
Rewatch Value: 2.0/10
I don't think I'll be rewatching this because I didn't really enjoy it nor did it entertain me :(
Overall: 6.5/10
I don't really know the full story but was there a reason to why they couldn't do it the historic way? I feel like if they did it like that, the story line would have been so much better. Though I think I may have heard rumours was because of the budget.

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Red Balloon
0 people found this review helpful
Aug 25, 2017
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.5
Music 10
Rewatch Value 8.0
No matter how hard you fall, how bad it hurts, there will be someone to get you back up, and someone you'd recognize at hello.
You're weird, but I like it.
Some people, fall in love for words,
Some fall out of love for ties,
Yet I never thought
We will part for a song.
We are like balloons,
We can not fly to the highest,
Yet we do not live on the ground.
Love can not be faked.
By far the second to the top of my list. It was a short series, so I just watched the movie because of short episodes but it took my attention. The storyline was indeed fantastic. Chinese people likes to make short series, unlike Thai who are very diligent in writing long series.

The actors were really great. Subtle is acting and portrayal but good. I just wished that the longer the story would have been the case it ended really fast. Overall, it is in second place, following 2 Moons.
Red Balloon (2017)

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Ma Boy
1 people found this review helpful
Aug 25, 2017
3 of 3 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 6.0
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
If you want to see the most stupid movie/drama on earth, then go for it. Seriously, it was ridiculous, but fun to watch. They could have chosen a better guy. It was so obvious he was a man. That muscular body? Hiding constantly the adam apple? Really? A girly face alone isn't enough. The movie "Jellyfish Princess" had a boy crossdressing as girl who was much more fitting for such a role. Boys with small bodies and slim figures do exist.
Overall it was cute, romantic, funny, entertaining. If you don't take it too serious, it is very enjoyable. I even watched it twice and I don't do that often.

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Princess Jellyfish
2 people found this review helpful
by Simona
Aug 25, 2017
Completed 0
Overall 6.5
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 3.0
I will start this off by saying that I have not read the manga or seen the anime, which is why I didn't have any expectations prior to watching this movie.

I think that the most important thing to note about the overall enjoyment is that in order to enjoy this movie, you need to throw every expectation you have about it in the water.

The story was nice - I think that's the most fitting word for it. It was pretty predictable plot wise, but still enjoyable since it provided an unusual twist on the world of otakus. You don't see a girl obsessed with jellyfish every day, nor a crossdressing dude who juggles some strong masculinity and femininity so perfectly. The side characters each had things to contribute to the plot, even if they weren't huge plot points. It's a nice story about finding who you are and accepting yourself fully. The focus isn't on the romance, it's more on the sisterhood and friendship that blooms between the characters. Overall, predictable but interesting. 7/10

I was very torn about how to rate the acting. In the end, I decided to go with 8/10 only because of Suda Masaki. He is outstanding in this. Without him, I would have rated it 6/10. If you're making live action, you need to play the part, because anime characters don't exist in real life. In my opinion the only one who succeeds in this is Masaki, because the role fits him like a glove. Everyone else is sorta over-the-top, literally trying to incorporate anime aspects into Live Action, which is always my biggest problem with it. Masaki manages to portray both the masculine and feminine sides of his character, and they're both presented wonderfully. 8/10

The music was okay. I actually didn't notice it much until it became TOO noticeable, when it was overdone slightly. Again, it's music that would fit an anime, but not a Live Action. 5/10

I don't rewatch movies like this, and it's pretty average when it comes to this genre. That's why I gave it 3/10.

Overall: Another attempt at making a real life anime. That is the distinction between good and bad live action remakes. Watch this if you don't really have other cutesy stuff to watch, or if you like Suda Masaki. He doesn't disappoint. 6.5/10

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Kleun Cheewit
3 people found this review helpful
Aug 25, 2017
15 of 15 episodes seen
Completed 1
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
This is my first time watching Thai drama and I liked it, I have always been a sucker for enemies to lovers romance. This drama was generally fast paced and clicking next episode was very easy, no draggy parts except for the crying scenes and the Last episode dragged a little. The biggest gripe I had with the drama was the huge misunderstanding btw the main couple and chaiyan and piak, seriously I really wanted to give a tight 'piak' to chaiyan for being an idiot and his Wife, Piak, very deserving name if you know what I mean. There were a few plot holes but overall definitely still a very watchable drama. The ending not exactly perfect cos Piak had a sudden change of heart which wasn't convincing for me. Otherwise i would've rated this a 10.

Acting wise I really think Yaya is very talented and I believed in her character, as for Prin, the initial episodes weren't so good, I didn't feel the emotions, and his eyes weren't expressive enough. The scenes with Yaya he really improved and got better, I think Yaya brought out his character with her acting. Eventually I liked Prin's acting as he got better.

I didn't like the background music at all, reminds me of those Long running Taiwan dramas, overly dramatic and unnecessary at times. Perhaps that's the way how Thais like it.

Rewatch Value
I don't think I will be rewatching this, however, I will certainly watch other dramas acted by both main leads if the storyline is good. I'm not sure if I will watch another Thai drama as general ratings are not that good, the reason I picked this was because it was the TOP 10 Asian drama, and I'm Glad I did.

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My Secret Hotel
0 people found this review helpful
by Ivana
Aug 25, 2017
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 3.0
Story 2.0
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 5.5
Rewatch Value 1.0
I only recomend this drama because of the cast...
Everything was promising at the start and it had a very nice mystery feel to it..but the writers ruin it, idk even know how they could end it so bad?! There is nothing really romantic... and this character Koo Hae Young crossed the line wayy to much, his behavior was not as clingy or childish as disturbing at times. He had zero respect towards the female lead. This is the first time acharacter has made me angry.. I legit wanted to punch him... and even the female lead too. Like, if someone's ex acted that way even an idiot would call the police on him. His actions are not acceptable.. at all.
I finished this drama only because of Nam Goong Min.. :(

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3 people found this review helpful
Aug 25, 2017
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 2
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
Initially when i had seen the overview, i was hesitant as the main lead was an emotionless character.
But man, as i progressed with the first episode, just after a few minutes i was hooked. The background music worked well for me. Jo seung woo did an excellent job portraying the role of a cold prosecutor. Even though he did not have any emotions, he was full of feel. Bae Doona was awesome as the lady detective. All the cast did an excellent job. Hope to see a second season with Bae Doona and Jo seung woo as the leads
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