1 people found this review helpful
Jun 2, 2024
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 6.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 1.0
This review may contain spoilers

final horrible

le iba a poner 7 estrellas, pero en el capítulo final no mostraron el matrimonio, Min apareció de la nada y Se notaba que les faltó presupuesto. Además me desesperaba un poco que todos los personajes, siendo abogados y policías, fueran tan ingenuos y descuidados.
Ahn hyeo seon lindo como siempre.

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Only Friends
0 people found this review helpful
by Dahney
Jun 2, 2024
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 8.5

A Rollercoaster of Emotions: A Late-Night Binge-Watch

When I first saw Ray with his head resting on the toilet seat, I knew he was the one. Have you ever watched a movie or a drama and felt an inexplicable connection to a character? Ray was that person for me—twisted and flawed, yet profoundly relatable. Life has a way of molding us into unexpected shapes, and Ray’s journey resonated with me.

As for Sand, he's such a sweet guy. I mean, he saved my Ray and made him a better man. What could be more perfect than that? I admire his hardworking nature, the way he takes care of the people he loves, and his deep bond with his mom. It pained me to see him cry or suffer, but such is life.

Mew's situation is perplexing. I felt anger toward Top for betraying him behind his back. It's as if fate inscribed in red ink, 'Innocence gets you hurt.' Mew possesses a forgiving heart—a quality I lack. If I were in his shoes... well, let's not dwell on what I'd do.

Top is still not my cup of tea from the first time I saw him. His character resembled a predator toying with its prey, inflicting wounds and then licking them. Perhaps my bias influenced my perception, but anyway...

And then there’s Boston, a lost soul who struggles to understand love and how to be loved. When he settled down, I hoped he'd find stability. Alas, he stumbled again, losing something precious. Boston reminded me of a thirsty lamb in a desert, bypassing an oasis to wander deeper into scorching sands. Sometimes, we all need a wake-up call—a metaphorical smack on the head—to alter our course.

Nick, the sweetheart, faced perpetual bad luck in love. His heart woke up one day and chose unrequited love. I'm relieved he eventually found self-awareness and escaped the torment he inflicted upon himself. Innocent face, wounded heart—sweet Nick.

The friend group was f**ked up to the core, probably why I sometimes wish I remained friendless to avoid the drama, betrayal, and complicated love dynamics.

The series itself was a whirlwind of emotions. Stellar performances by the actors, perfectly crafted scenes, and an engaging storyline held me captive. So here I am, writing this review at 5 a.m., fueled by my all-night binge-watch. Was it worth it? Absolutely.

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Let's Go Karaoke!
10 people found this review helpful
Jun 2, 2024
Completed 3
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.0

A bond is a bond, whether forged in the innocence of youth or the wisdom of age.

I can't believe there aren't any reviews for this awesome movie! Even though I'm not the best at putting my thoughts into words, I'll give it a shot and try to convince you why this was such a fun watch.

Imagine a gangster asking a 9th grader for singing lessons because his boss has this weird birthday tradition of hosting a singing competition, and coming last is a big no-no. Sounds crazy, right? But these two actors made it look like the most normal thing ever. You'd almost believe it could happen at your school!

This drama is about a sugary-sweet yakuza and a cold-hearted teenager who's the poster child for teenage angst and icy glares.
It's a quirky reminder that friendship can blossom in the most unexpected and peculiar ways possible. The story takes time to warm up, but as you notice changes in their expressions, you realise that, oh, they are totally into the BFF game now.

What's fascinating is that our teenage protagonist isn't your typical rebel; he's surprisingly cool-headed. On the flip side, there's another teen in full tantrum mode, plus a mature girl their age always trying to cool things down, showcasing the many shades of adolescence.

I enjoyed this movie a lot. There are so many fun moments, some literal god-level smart writing, and, of course, a totally heartwarming climax. I know my review is kind of wrapping up now when I hardly wrote anything but anything more than this can be a spoiler, and I don't want to steal your joy away.

Just to make this review a worthy read, I am going to tell you the most important thing about this movie, which is the post-credit scene. Please don't miss it, and look closely at the tatto on our sweetheart yakuza and smile like I did.
Now go and watch this gem right now, and please return and write a better review than me to attract more viewers, I believe in you hahaha.

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Dropped 26/36
Only for Love
2 people found this review helpful
Jun 2, 2024
26 of 36 episodes seen
Dropped 1
Overall 6.5
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 2.0

Cute dumpster fire that I couldn't summarize even if you asked me to

One-dimensional characters, unresolved love triangles, miscommunication break-ups, foolish FL, typical CEO ML, cliche plot done badly, know-it-all BFF who knows nothing, dragging, dragging, dragging plot...

If you like this, I don't know what to tell you. If you don't, you probably shouldn't watch this drama unless you're trying to support some of the actors (who honestly did fine, the script was just... unbearable).

I did like Qin Shiyue though, and I liked how Shen Yujie portrayed her. Will keep looking out for this rising actress because she's adorable : )

These dramas make me wish that good actors and actresses could genuinely get good, thought-provoking plots sometimes. You know?

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The Youth Memories
0 people found this review helpful
Jun 2, 2024
38 of 38 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 5.0

The Little Soap That Could!

This No-Budget Soap Opera starts in the 70s with a bunch of childhood friends who we follow thru the decades and their trials and tribulations. What grabbed my interest was how 'communist' it was compared to other C-Dramas I've watched. I really knew nothing about this time in China's history. The other interest here was, well, I was the age of these characters in the 70's in America. And so while I was listening to the Bee Gees, they were doing all sorts of different things.

If you want to know if you should watch this show with as little spoilers as possible, I'll tell you this: I've watched better shows. So if you're new to C-Dramas, this won't disappoint because you have not seen better yet. What I will tell the experienced viewer is that this is a very calm show that doesn't put you to sleep. (I enjoyed THREE BODY but man was that sleepy!) So if you're even curious like I was -- skip the rest of this review and give 3 episodes a try to see if you want to see Ep 4, okay?

Here's some thoughts in no order of importance --

1. Damn this thing was shot on a piggy bank. Pocket change. That's what I mean by a 'little' soap, like a small bar of soap in a hotel room. Despite this the show was pretty good looking. The photography wasn't inspired as much as... urm... just nice to look. The sets were crazy cheap but not as distracting as one reviewer had said. Lots of scenes were reported in on the phone as to avoid having to stage them. You don't watch this series for amazing production values. You watch it for --

2. -- this TERRIFIC cast. I came here for the male and female lead. I frankly feel they're much better here than they were in JOY OF LIFE Season One.

Li Qin ran around JOY with a leg of chicken being cute until the writers gave up on her. Here her character starts a little interesting but simply gets more and more interesting as the show progresses, especially in the 2nd half. (Be patient!) And she's particularly deep inside her character in the remarkably intense final episode.

Xiao Zhan is tackling a very difficult role of being a great guy, a dreamboat, and yet humble, and yet magnanimous, everybody's friend but sometimes someone's enemy too. Several someones. To be honest there were times where the demands of this role exceeded his abilities. The thing is he's just a little too handsome and that can be rather distracting from his character's struggles. You're like, "How can this gorgeous youthfun hunk of man be suffering?!?" Yet he did a pretty good job and I'd bet this role has made him a better actor. Give him time and he'll be the new Wallace Huo.

Liu Rui Lin and Cao Fei Ran play the most important supporting roles. As our ML's main 'brother', this Chinese Richard Gere clone has a thankless job playing Guohua... but kinda nails it. His love interest Hongling plays an even trickier role where you want to slap her sometimes but she can't help every last decision destiny has dropped on her. This actress carries a lot of the show's weight in the first half.

So you think that's it for couples in this show? HARDLY.

Zhao Xin and Cui Hang also make the experience worthwhile. Xin's 'Ye Fang' gets more and more interesting as the show progresses, and this poor actress must restrain herself the entire time. Hang's Hongjun is all over the place in a role that shouldn't work but utterly makes sense.

And get this. There's one more pair to tune in for: Zhang Ling Xin' and Lenox Lu are terrific too in an unexpected way. When Qi Tian first shows up in his truly stupid hat -- I didn't expect much from him. But his low weird gutteral way of speaking made him very different than the rest -- and like I keep saying -- his character grows on you.

There's even one more pair of actors that were eeriely like the Chinese Ralph and Alice Kramden (You Xian Chao and Gao Yuan). No, seriously. Check The Honeymooners on YouTube if you have no idea what I'm talking about.

3. The songs and incidental music in this show are lovely. A good soap opera has themes the play over and over and over and over (Twin Peaks) and this soap has them too. Mostly gentle piano pieces, and the lyrics of the songs they play translate well.

4. This show has two sets of parents that are nearly identical to Western eyes. Prying pushy Momma and Pushover Papa. This was the only casting mistake I caught in the series. Or really a writing error where on couple should have been Pushy Papa and Caring Momma.

5. I don't know what the deal is with C-Dramas but several I've seen end early. There's an episode around 27 that gave me the impression the story was minutes from being over. It feels like the producers were only allowed to produce that many episodes but when the studio saw it they said 'add 10 more'. The good news is that the additional episodes work fine, except perhaps the final one.

6. So if the production values are good, the cast great -- the only way to make this thing watchable is STORY. This is a story that relies heavily upon soap opera melodramatic tropes, which can make it feel so generic as to be generated by AI. This sounds like a knock but, hey, it's fun to watch a soapy melodrama as long as it's not stupid. And the inclusion of the military episodes in the first half is more inventive than hospital scenes, although those eventually merge.

As a Westerner and America, I was fearful this story might be propaganda. For the story starts in heavy communism but ends in vibrant capitalism. So which 'team' is this show on. What makes THE YOUTHFUL MEMORIES interesting is that it's on both teams.

(From here on I might get mildly spoilish -- so stop reading now if you want to be surprised. I won't be offended.)

The show starts with the idea that although communism isn't the most lavish of lifestyles, and that in the 70s if felt like everyone was in the military one way or another, it presented these days with the idea that everyone could have a place. All for one, one for all. Yes, there were misfits who resorted to criminal behaviors, but overall the show suggests that there was a sense of law, order, family, community, propriety, brotherhood, sisterhood, and love. Perhaps thru rose tinted glasses, but you follow me.

By the time commerce smashed into China, and times had changed, a weird thing happens. Brothers turn against brothers. Love and family may not be as compelling as getting rich quick. The unfortunate reality that capitalism generates WINNERS and LOSERS, introducing the idea of MUSICAL CHAIRS to communism. The same misfits and criminals are around societies edges, but this time capitalism is their friend instead of communism their enemy.

The show isn't as political as I'm making it sound. It's really who loves who and when and who doesn't and why, like any good soap. But I will spoil that the show ends with a happy medium politically -- if we meld the brotherhood of communism with the profits of capitalism, maybe life can improve for all in China.

Like almost every C-Drama I've watched, the show's ending was slightly fumbled. Towards the end of the penultimate episode, a new plot is introduced. And it's a biggy. It' s SUPER melodramatic. The problem is it's not what the story was leading up to, it's not named as a specific historical event that happened, and I think was thrown in for sensationalism and nothing more.

Often in American TV shows after 9/11 they threw in a 9/11 like event to rip open the wound and horror, and I believe this show did the same on a different type of tragedy. That said, the show handles this 'big' weird finish well so it's not a failure as much as a fumble.

Hope this helps someone!

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Love by Chance
5 people found this review helpful
Jun 2, 2024
14 of 14 episodes seen
Completed 2
Overall 6.5
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 6.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 6.0

Cute Main Romance but with Many half-baked and messy side stories

If I were to rate “Love by Chance” solely on the main romantic story between Pete and Ae, this would have a higher rating. Unfortunately, this drama as a whole is messy and half-baked. There are too many side storylines that were introduced but not properly developed. I call this suffering from having a second season syndrome. These half-baked plotlines might continue in the next season, but this makes the first season full of plot holes.

But I do really enjoy Pete and Ae. They are really adorable together and have great chemistry. Yes, some of their lines are quite cringey, but I can look past that. Pete and Ae are just such good guys that it’s hard not to root for them. Ae is so sweet and kind, and seeing him slowly developing feelings for Pete and trying to understand himself is the most honest way, is a breath of fresh air. Pete is shy and I was worried that I would get annoyed with him in the beginning. I am not a fan of dismissive and passive characters. Thank goodness Pete surprises in a way that, though shy, he’s honest and will speak up and communicate his feelings. Pete and Ae really have one of the healthiest BL teen romantic relationships. They are honest and communicative. They are sweet and innocent in a way, yet the drama does not shy away from showing us that they are hormonal teenagers with desires. I think in that sense, the drama did a pretty good job, BUT only with Pete an Ae.

Unfortunately, the rest of the pairings are so much more problematic. Tin and Can have the second most screen time in their enemies-to-friends/lovers romance. It has a bullying and mean start but in the end, it touches my heart and I was saddened by Tin’s experience and how their story ended at the end of season 1. But I have to sit through their repetitive and annoying banter for a long time. Then we have these half-baked stories - Pond and Chaaim, Type and his never-seen boyfriend/girlfriend, annoying Chompoo, and Pete's ex and money stolen. But the two worst storylines are Tar and Tum. Tar has gone through something horrific but their storyline is an afterthought that has nothing to do with the main plot. It’s very unfortunate that a serious plot is thrown into the drama without proper writing/execution. The other horrible storyline is Good’s experience with the teenager. What the hell is that? Came from left field and was set up so horribly with another ‘toxic’ romance.

Additionally, the acting for the whole cast is pretty below-average. I know most of them are young actors and it’s their first drama. But I can’t just ignore the fact that I cringe at their acting quite often throughout the drama. I like Perth’s portrayal of Ae the best, and he’s my favorite in the drama. Saint’s Pete was hard to watch in the first few episodes, but he got better as the drama goes on. There are also quite a few loud and annoying characters. Ae’s roommate, Pond, is loud and obnoxious. He’s a good guy, but I can only take him with small doses. The annoying high school teenage girl, Choompoo, also gets on my nerves. I can’t stand her character and her high-pitched whiny voice. Luckily, she doesn’t have that much screen time.

If you are a fan of Saint and Perth, then I would recommend this drama for you since this is their first drama. They are really cute and their story is written in a very positive way. Otherwise, I will skip this drama. I also don’t think the introduction of the other characters' story is attractive enough for me to watch season 2 to find out their ending. If I do watch it, it’s because I see Perth looking quite handsome in this supporting role in season 2.

Completed: 6/1/2024 - Review #447

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Dropped 12/16
Lovely Runner
103 people found this review helpful
Jun 2, 2024
12 of 16 episodes seen
Dropped 2
Overall 1.0
Story 3.0
Acting/Cast 6.0
Music 5.5
Rewatch Value 1.0
This review may contain spoilers

Cheesy, thoughtless, incomplete details

I'm sorry my dear friends - I truly tried to be fair and complete the episodes. But from ep.10 itself it started dragging so badly that I barely managed to torture myself till ep.12.
It had so much promise so I waited for all episodes to be released then decided to binge watch. But alas!

Maybe the story/ screen play writer went back in time and forgot to come back??
Or they flew into the future and left the balance script for amateurs to fill in the gaps??'s an irresponsible story with vague events, one sided chemistry from the ML, worthless romance etc etc.

Is someone beating you guys up that you have to produce such high quantity at the risk of poor low quality dramas?

I have not seen one decent romance k drama to date in 2024.

Your country, culture and wonderful entertainment has taken the world by storm - hope you can go back to making high quality dramas with some time, effort and love ?

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Lovely Runner
8 people found this review helpful
Jun 2, 2024
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

Superb drama! The best K-drama I have seen in quite a while!

What a superb drama! Romance, thriller, suspense, comedy and drama all achieved in spades. Don’t MiSS it!I highly recommend watching it! The leads had such a fantastic chemistry between them…every scene was a delight to watch! I cannot say enough about this pair, a truly brilliant pairing! Would love to see them in another drama together soon. Their acting was on spot in this one and made us really love their characters.
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Jun 2, 2024
26 of 26 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 7.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 7.0
This review may contain spoilers

how can the first half be so good, and the second be so bad?

I loved the first half (before the time jump). I loved all the characters, the story, even the over dramatic mothers. and especially Yoo Junsu.

but after the time jump? it's like a whole different drama. the characters are not remotely the same ppl. even putting aside the fact that the older and younger actors look nothing alike, they're also very much not playing the same characters. did the actors sharing the same parts even talk to each other about the roles? and the worst part is what they did to Yoo Junsu. they made him such an arrogant jerk.

so, while, yes, I still have this drama a good score, that's because I fully endorse and think you should watch the first half. but once the time jump hits, consider it done.

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Lovely Runner
11 people found this review helpful
Jun 2, 2024
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

In the track of my heart, you are the only runner.

Lovely Runner it's undoubtedly one of the best dramas of 2024.

It has all the elements that make a drama a mega hit: comedy, romance, time travel, well written characters (both leads and supporting ones) and an engaging plot line that never bores you. Starring Kim Hye Yoon and Byeon Woo Seok, adapted from the web novel The Best of Tomorrow by screenwriter Lee Shi Eun and directed by Yoon Jong Ho and Kim Tae Yub, the Lovely Runner team achieved a perfect execution in front and behind the scenes.

I think the true star of this drama it's the writing and on this I can't commend Lee Si Eun enough. I had already seen her potential in dramas like True Beauty but here she really manages to shine through a well crafted, smart and cohesive story with no loose ends. I'm incredibly impressed by her talent.

The writing was perfectly complemented by the directors's outstanding work in leading a film crew that was on every detail of each part of the story, in each timeline, never missing a beat. Always delivering their A+++ game. But there was also great work done from the directors part in helping the actors get the comedic timing exactly right, the more emotional scenes to deliver and the team work among cast and crew to be flawless.

This might be a big hit now, but it's actually a sleeper hit because the lack of promotion this drama had was embarrassing to watch and if it wasn't for the devoted fans, studio executives would have never realized they had a gem in their hands. So, Lovely Runner it's not only a great drama with a super fandom that really fought for this story, it's also becoming yet another prime example in the list of films and tv that achieved all of it by themselves because artists delivered nothing short of excellence.

On this point I can't ignore the incredible performances given by the entire cast. Kim Hye Yoon and Byeon Woo Seok are definitely the standouts, they stole the show, this is their story and the actors chemistry it's electrifying. But the way supportive actors would show up in a scene and push the story forward in a coherent way and even make it better, it's wild to me. The chemistry this cast had it's a rare feat for an ensamble cast and how they managed to transition seamlessly through different phases of their characters's lives and relationships when events, in each timeline, were changing because of the things our leads did they still remain truthful. So, not only the leads are well developed in this drama but also every single character that shows up, no matter how small the role is.

The best example of this it's actor Heo Hyeong-Gyu who has been working for sixteen years, playing very minor characters, finally having a breakthrough in the industry because of his role in this drama. And while his presence was prominent and important to the story, he barely had lines. So his entire performance is mainly based on micro-expressions or physical stunts.

I also fully expect the actors like Song Geon-Hee, Lee Seung-Hyub, Song Ji-Ho or Seo Hye-won to receive a lot of what korean entertainment industry calls "love calls" aka commercials, dramas and films, among other things.

Experiencing watching Lovely Runner alongside the fandom, waiting every week for a new episode, it's a big part of what made this drama so good. Healthy and good loving fun people, clowning, poking fun at our faves and crying at heartbreak. It's been a long time since I have been able to engage in this way with other fans and I am thankful for them, the cast and crew for all these amazing weeks of fun.

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Lovely Runner
11 people found this review helpful
by soljae
Jun 2, 2024
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

Tomorrow's Best

Lovely Runner is based on a web novel titled Tomorrow's Best. I personally read the manhwa while the series is on-going I can see that they made some drastic changes from the story. The manhwa is less complicated compared to the series, but I like the changes they made on the story it actually adds up to the uniqueness of the drama. What I really love about Lovely Runner is that it never fails to make me laugh every single time. I like the balance of the show's theme it's a combination of comedy, romance, thriller, mystery and drama.

Aside from this the cast did so well that their acting felt so natural, all of them deserves to be recognised for their versatility and they played an integral part on the story. The villain did his job so well that I almost wanted to be included on the story just to choke this guy. I would also like to point out how I love Baek In Hyuk's character, he's the best wing man ever. Ryu Sun Jae would've been a forever simp without the help of this guy. I am looking forward to Lee Seung Hyub's future drama where he'll be the leading man, I bet he's gonna be a great male lead since he already showed his exceptional talent in Lovely Runner.

Kim Tae Sung's character is also my favorite from this drama, his character development is the most noticeable among them all. He unknowingly fulfilled his promise to Im Sol that he'll protect Sun Jae in the future. It's just kinda sad that we didn't get to see a glimpse of his back story.

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My Second Aoharu
0 people found this review helpful
Jun 2, 2024
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 6.5
Rewatch Value 6.0
This review may contain spoilers
I’m not sure what to say about this drama that I neither love nor hate. Maybe it’s easier if I started breaking the parts I enjoyed. So what I liked:

1) Hirose Alice’s acting as the thirty-something year old woman who got a fresh start in life by entering a college to study what she missed out on a decade ago because of an unfortunate accident (apparently, she had quite a few of these). Her quirky expressions when she’s excited, and her stern face when she’s focused, were all captured on film.

2) The various characters living in a shared house. Their camaraderie, despite their distinct personalities, was refreshing and natural. They supported each other in their school work and their respective career paths. When there’s a disagreement, they talked it out or gave advice when requested, but mostly they listened to each other.

3) The inspiring messages the show imparts about not giving up, nor is it too late to pursue your dreams at any age as long as you strive for the path you created.

Now on the parts where I thought were disappointing:

1) I love noona romances, but the main pairing lacked chemistry. I’m not even expecting sizzling or hot-for-each-other attraction. But it wasn’t even lukewarm. Not to say Michieda wasn’t adorable as Taku, but it seemed like forced attachment on his part when paired with Sayako. So it was difficult for me to buy into their romance. All I see are two people who play a lot of rock-paper-scissors.

2) There are half-baked characters in the drama that don’t really serve a purpose for me, and are easily forgettable.

3) The time skips that flashed rapidly at the end. Are we supposed to believe that neither of them even attempted to contact each other during those years? I get it that both of them are doing what they thought it would be good for the other person, sacrificing their relationship so both can focus on their career. But if Shogo didn’t tell Taku that Sayako rejected him long ago, would Taku have gone back and looked for Sayako? And she’s no better at the end, postponing marriage until when she’s settled? Until what, she turns 50 and is too late to have kids?

Anyway, watching this drama is like expecting a firework display but ended up with just a birthday candle.

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Kare no Iru Seikatsu
0 people found this review helpful
by lluc
Jun 2, 2024
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
This review may contain spoilers

Not life-changing but a good watch if you're into the friends-to-lovers trope

Mmm. What to say?
It's cute. The actors do a decent job, and they have decent chemistry. Some of their scenes are *adorable*, like I'm talking lovesick stares and forehead touches and all that jazz.
I think the series gets more and more mid as it progresses. I guess it didn't really make sense to me why they weren't communicating properly at the end, when they both knew they liked each other. They kept being dramatic and not talking and I was just like ??? Just fking tell him ??
Maybe this is just a cultural difference but in every Japanese BL I've watched it feels like the main couple don't ever feel fully comfortable around each other -- they keep talking formally and apologizing for everything and walking on eggshells not to offend the other. When they confess, it still feels as if they're both expecting the other shoe to drop. Then again, maybe this is my Spanish ass that's used to couples being wayy more affectionate.
Also. Honorable mention to Haruna, my man, my boy, he was trying to get those two dumbasses together by any means available to him and I love him for that. What a great friend.
I'd like to add that the ending was *so* open. So much so, in fact, that I didn't notice the series was over lmao. I want to know, how do the friends react? The family? The sisters?? This is one of the issues I have with couples getting together at the last minute --you don't get to see them after that, being domestic and all that. It's so sad. And it still didn't fail to give me whiplash, going from Natsukawa being confused to both of them openly declaring their love for each other. It happened so fast, didn't it?
Maybe I'm too cynical. Idk.
But yeah, that's that. It's a light series, easy to watch, and it won't wreck your brain or make you feel uncomfortable. But I wouldn't go out of my way to recommend it or watch it again.

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Ongoing 1/38
Castle in the Time
0 people found this review helpful
Jun 1, 2024
1 of 38 episodes seen
Ongoing 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.0
May I know where I can watch this drama with English subtitles? Because I searched everywhere on the internet, but couldn't find the episodes to watch with English subtitles. Would be really helpful if anyone who knows where to find the episodes with English subtitles. May I know where I can watch this drama with English subtitles? Because I searched everywhere on the internet, but couldn't find the episodes to watch with English subtitles. Would be really helpful if anyone who knows where to find the episodes with English subtitles. May I know where I can watch this drama with English subtitles? Because I searched everywhere on the internet, but couldn't find the episodes to watch with English subtitles. Would be really helpful if anyone who knows where to find the episodes with English subtitles. May I know where I can watch this drama with English subtitles? Because I searched everywhere on the internet, but couldn't find the episodes to watch with English subtitles. Would be really helpful if anyone who knows where to find the episodes with English subtitles.

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Blossoms in Adversity
0 people found this review helpful
Jun 1, 2024
40 of 40 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

A PURE GEM ヾ(◍’౪`◍)ノ゙♡

Historical series "strong woman" with Hu Yi Tian as ML and Zhang Jing Yi as FL, with a touch of mystery/investigation.

+ a super cute CL, with great chemistry. One of Hu Yi Tian's best roles, where he abandons his "cold" or poker face appearance, and his micro expressions are brilliant. His fighting performances are impressive ヾ(◍’౪`◍)ノ゙♡ I also really like Zhang Jing Yi (discovered in “Lighter and princess) who brings to life a fantastic FL.
+ All the actors are excellent and bring endearing characters to life. I really appreciated the Sen Huan & Sao Yao couple, very refreshing.
+ Coherent, realistic, intelligent story. No useless love triangle, no lasting misunderstanding... That's good!
+ Fast, skillful production (all the knowledge of Chu Yui Bun, distinguished director) with the right balance of suspense, action, romance. The slow motion effects on Yanxi's arrival scenes are excellent. No length in 40 episodes, it's rare! I enjoyed every scene.
+ Very good OSTs

- the CGI is sometimes too obvious (somewhere low quality). For example, 2 small sails for a "cargo" boat, ... Also the number of dolphins following the boats, is completely unrealistic and spoils the effect.

=> A series that I will certainly rewatch with pleasure in a few months.
A pure GEM !
Série historique "strong woman" avec Hu Yi Tian en ML et Zhang Jing Yi en FL, avec une touche de mystère / investigation.

+ un CL super cute, avec une great alchimie. Un des meilleurs rôles de Hu Yi Tian, où il abandonne son aspect "cold" ou poker face, et ses micro expressions sont géniales. Ses performances en fight ont impressionnantes ヾ(◍’౪`◍)ノ゙♡ J'aime aussi beaucoup Zhang Jing Yi (découverte dans "Lighter and princess) qui donne vie à une FL formidable.
+ Tous les acteurs sont excellents et donnent vie à des personnages attachants. J'ai beaucoup apprécié le couple Sen Huan & Sao Yao, très rafraichissant.
+ Story cohérente, réaliste, intelligente. Pas de love triangle inutile, pas de malentendu qui dure ... ça fait du bien !
+ Réalisation rapide, habile (tout le savoir-faire de Chu Yui Bun, réalisateur émérite) avec le juste équilibre de suspense, action, romance. Les effets de ralenti sur les scènes d'arrivée de Yanxi sont excellents. Pas de longueur en 40 épisodes, c'est rare ! J'ai savouré chaque scène.
+ Très bons OST

- les CGI sont parfois trop évidents (pas de grande qualité). Par exemple, 2 petites voilures pour un bateau "cargo", ... Surtt, le nombre de dauphins qui suivent les bateaux est tout à fait irréaliste et gâche l'effet.

=> Une série que je regarderai certainement avec plaisir, à nouveau, dans quelques mois.

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