Lovely Runner
50 people found this review helpful
May 21, 2024
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

“Run into your Unknown”

Yes, this is the best kdrama you will ever watch.

I don’t even know where to begin because this show has literally EVERYTHING! You want romance? They got it. Comedy? They got it. Drama? You best believe they got it. Fantasy, Mystery, and Thriller? Of course!

I’m writing this week before the show ends, hoping I can take my time to review everything I love about this show and why I think the show is a must-watch! The first thing that I should mention is that there is a familiarity when it comes to Lovely Runner from your favorite kdramas, such as Twinkling Watermelon, Strong Woman Do Bong Song, 20th Century Girl, Twenty-Five Twenty-One, and My Lovely Stranger. Yet, besides all of that, this show is very different. It’s nothing like the shows I mentioned. I don’t want to give much away since this is a spoiler-free review, but it’s safe to say there’s a lot of familiarity with the show, BUT there is also a lot of originality. The Twist and Turns… When I say this show is unpredictable, I genuinely mean it. When I tell you I did not expect a reveal so soon at the end of the 2nd episode, I knew that this show would continue blowing my expectations; I was not wrong. Every week, this show continued to surprise us in the best way possible. For a Romantic Comedy with Fantasy and thriller, the show thrives in everything! I have watched many dramas, and what feels like forever, it truly feels like you’re watching true love. What Imsol and Sunjae have feels and looks natural. When I watch each episode, I feel like I’m watching these two people fall in love repeatedly. It makes me all giddy inside as the two try desperately to hold on to each other. 

Speaking of Imsol and Sunjae, let's speak about the beautiful actors who portray them. Kim Hye-Yoon, THE WOMAN YOU ARE! I've actually been following this show since it was announced because of Hye-Yoon. I'm a big fan of her and happy to see her get the recognition she deserves since I believe she is one of the best actors I have ever seen (watch her in Sky Castle; there's no better example). Hye-Yoon always gives it her all and works endlessly to provide us with the best results. I mean, the fact I could tell which Imsol she was playing, I think, says it all. This girl has RANGE. Hye-Yoon plays Imsol with so much love, as someone once commented, "The person who loved Seonjae more than anyone else and understood Imsol more than anyone else was Kim Hye-yoon." Not to mention, this show would not have existed without her. She is the reason why we have this fantastic show to watch. For apparent reasons, I think a lot of the spotlight is more on Byeon Woo-Seok. Still, I hope Hye-Yoon doesn't get forgotten when this is all done and shines as much as him because she deserves it. 

Now Woo-Seok, I've been a fan of him since 20th Century Girl. I'd seen his work before the movie, and he always stood out to me with his acting; maybe his height helped a little, too. I genuinely appreciate Wook-Seok for bringing to life a character that feels fresh and exciting to watch. When I say, his portrayal of Sunjae being the GREENEST FLAG THERE IS, I'm not kidding. He indeed wears his heart on his sleeves, and with his facile expression, he is easy to read. Something to mention is that these two actors have to play teenagers, young adults, and adults, which is already impressive. The two perfectly play the awkward years and the maturing times. The two both play their character with love and innocence with a little of a rough side. 

As I currently listen to the music on repeat, yes, on repeat, because the soundtrack is that good. It evokes emotions that remind me of everything I love about this show. The young love that lasts through the years, the heartbreak, the joy, and the anticipation. It's hard to put everything I feel through words as I try to write, but I want to mention that I love every song dearly, and they share a core memory. A memory I hope to not forget.

So, in conclusion… yes, I highly recommend this show!!! Now go watch!!!

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Memory in the Letter
3 people found this review helpful
May 21, 2024
6 of 6 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 5.5
Story 4.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 1.5
This review may contain spoilers

Had so much potential

I was totally obsessed with this show the first four episode. The plot was complex and interesting, the main leads were cute and had good chemistry. I ate it up and was so excited for how the story would go until they made the age gap 20 years. that was totally unnecessary he literally helped his boyfriend be born like that is so weird and unexpected. A ten year age gap would have been slightly more acceptable. Songjam being Kyo would have been cool if he wasn’t literally almost 20+ years older than his boyfriend.
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Suspicious Partner
0 people found this review helpful
by Apurva
May 21, 2024
40 of 40 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 10
This review may contain spoilers

Lost count of the number of times I have rewatched this ( 4-5 would be my guess so far)

It's not perfect, there are certain things about the plot that have you raising eyes but the leads make up for whatever is wrong with the story. They have a such a blazing chemistry! This is the show that made me like Ji Chang Wook even before I knew his name. His pairing with Nam Ji Hyun is best to date. I'm sad that they haven't worked together again in any other dramas. Especially, Nam Ji Hyun, I really would like to her in more romcoms, but she prefers more serious roles. The entire cast is also great.

What I like about both the characters is that they have enough spine to leave to their cheating exes. They didn't beg for them to take them back but made it clear that they wouldn't want them back under any condition. Jang Hee Joo, Bong Hee's ex was such a pain in the ass, not only did he show no remorse for cheating, he went out of his way to make it so that she was the one who cheated. The women in the hotel, Na Hi Jae, wasn't any better either, she contributed to this plan knowing that they both messed up but still behaved all high and mighty. These are the kind of people that scare me, the ones who don't understand the difference between right & wrong. What makes it even more scary is that they get away with it. Even by the end of the drama, Na Hi Jae didn't face any repercussion for damaging Bong Hee's reputation, and irony is she is the one who becomes a prosecutor, who's supposed to uphold justice, whereas Bong Hee who was framed continues to struggle.

One thing that bothers me the most about the ML is he thinks that not submitting the second knife would have let him be continue to fulfill his father's dream of him being a prosecutor, but he doesn't even consider what his father would have thought of him being a dishonest one by hiding the other knife. Instead, he blames it on the FL. And everyone around agrees that he gave up his career not for the truth but because of the FL. I don't think this thinking was ever addressed.

While they end up arresting one Stalker, they glorify the FL's stalking of the ML. Between the two of them, the ML didn't really notice that she was stalking him, but once he found out, I don't think he minded it that much.

The best part about Bong Hee & Ji Wook's relationship is that there was always a nascent attractions between them, neither of them aware when they started to have feelings for each other. One day, they just knew that they did. Ji Wook did his best to deny those feelings but ultimately decided to stop resisting. Bong Hee surely had a tough time of it, since she was the one who recognized those feelings first and had to deal with it being one-sided for long, then came the rejection. It is beautiful to watch them be together, even when they fight about silly things.

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Dolce Amore
0 people found this review helpful
by Macy
May 21, 2024
137 of 137 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 6.0
This review may contain spoilers

A Fun Ride That Doesn't Stick the Landing

I started watching "Dolce Amore" right after finishing Enrique Gil's and Liza Soberano's previous project "Forevermore." In some ways, I feel like I set up "Dolce Amore" for failure in my mind. It was originally going to be my first Filipino telesyre but then I decided to watch "Forevermore." I anticipated it being better than "Forevermore." And it in some ways it does, but it in other ways it doesn't... For my "Forevermore" review, I mostly just summarized the drama. But for "Dolce Amore", I have more clear negative opinions so I'll skip the complete recap and just give a short one.

"Dolce Amore" has a great opening set-up that immediately draws you in. It starts by establishing the childhoods of Serena (played by Liza) and Simon "Tenten" (Enrique), both of whom are adopted but under vastly different circumstances, from different economic classes, and living in different places. Serena is from Italy and Simon the Philippines. After the childhood portion (about three episodes), the story falters just a bit when Serena and Simon meet as young adults. It picks up once the two become friends. Nearing the end of "Chapter 1" (first fifty-three episodes), Simon and Serena are now dating. (If I'm being honest, I find it hard to believe that Serena would fall in love with a man who acts so juvenile lol.) Now enter the conflict. Simon's brother, Binggoy (Kean Cipriano) decides to ransom Serena in order to raise money for their father's heart operation. This, of course, ruins Serena's and Simon's relationship. Though, she doesn't remember it, because, of course, she has memory loss.

Now going in "Chapter 2" (eps 54-106). Serena is back in Italy with her adoptive mother, Luciana (Cherie Gil), whom, of course, arranged the whole kidnapping thing. The shock of this revelation put Serena's adoptive father, Roberto (Ruben Maria Soriquez), into a coma. Why? Because Luciana wants her daughter to marry the rich Giancarlo de Luca (Matteo Guidicelli). Giancarlo has mostly been portrayed as a good guy though somewhat jealous so far. But *ding ding ding*, first red flag. Giancarlo goes along with Luciana's plan, and he eventually proposes to Serena after two years. After a woman, named Alice (Sunshine Cruz), claims to be her biological mother, Serena returns to the Philippines and meets her father, Uge (Andrew E.), and sister Angel (Sue Ramirez). Meanwhile, Simon has become a successful composer working with Angel who has just started dating. Serena's return causes the truth to come out to Simon's parents, Dodoy (Edgar Mortiz) and Taps (Rio Locsin). Soon, everyone knows but Serena.

Finally, Simon admits the truth to Serena. She's mad and returns to Italy to b*tch out Luciana and Giancarlo, before coming back to the Philippines to find herself with Simon's help. Simon and Giancarlo then squabble for Serena's affections. It ends with Serena falling in love with Simon again. Giancarlo seemingly takes it well at first, but soon turns into the most cartoonish, mustache-twirling villain I've seen put to screen. Aided by his evil uncle Favio (Alvin Anson), Giancarlo demands for Serena to marry him instead of Simon. In the process, Binggoy is accidentally killed instead of Simon. His death and funeral, unfortunately, feels so unserious despite becoming the emotional current for the rest of the drama. Serena decides to go with Giancarlo to save everyone else. Fortunately, at the alter, Giancarlo and his evil uncle are murdered. *And the crowd goes wild*

Now time for "Chapter 3" (eps 107-137). It gets even more complicated from here. Simon is now working in business with his "real" mother, Vivian Dubois (Tetchie Agbayani). Serena and Roberto, now awake, are living on a vineyard. Her and Simon's paths cross when he buys her family's previous home. Wanting to preserve it, Serena goes to the Philippines in hopes of negotiating with him. Simon keeps her on the line in order to get what he wants: Luciana returning to the PH so he can prosecute her for Binggoy's death. She does eventually come after reconciling with Roberto. Luciana strangely professes her innocence, only to later reveal the truth to Vivian. She was inadvertently involved in Binggoy's death because she worked with Giancarlo to have Simon killed. However, it turns out that Simon is actually the children she abandoned over twenty years ago. So she had Giancarlo killed and gave all her money to Vivian to give to Simon. Oh my f*cking god, what the hell was that?

Turns out that Giancarlo's evil uncle Favio with a bad Italian accent didn't actually die. Just when Simon and Serena become a couple again, he reveals Luciana's role in Binggoy's death. Of course, this stops the engagement. You know, I really don't understand what Luciana was thinking was going to happen... Anyway, Simon eventually learns that Luciana is his real mother. He doesn't take it particularly well, though his parents encourage him to find it in his heart to forgive her. Simon asks Serena to run away with him, which they do for a while. I think I would've prefer they ended it this way. But no, they had to make it "legal." After the wedding, the drama ends with a stupid comedic scene where Serena finally gets her memories back and gets jealous over Simon and another girl from *way* in the past now. Underwhelming to say the least.

Okay, so perhaps you see a pattern. At the end of the first two "chapters," the drama does something incredibly stupid just to keep the main couple apart for just a little longer. I absolutely hated the plots concerning Serena's kidnapping and Giancarlo becoming an evil, mustache-twirling villain. I cannot understate how bad Giancarlo and his uncle are as villains. The uncle, in particular, has the worse Italian accent I've ever heard. He's two steps away from just adding -a to every other word. Every time he pulled a gun out or something, I was just laughing my a** off. Giancarlo, on the other hand, was way overacting his role. It was so painful to watch him, though, ironically, he still succeed in me hating him lol. Luciana was the only decent villain thanks to her actress, who tried her best to act with nuance because lord knows that the writing wasn't doing her any favors.

As for the good parts, I actually think that the first two chapters are mostly good. Enrique and Liza have a nice, comfortable chemistry though their characters are not always written consistently. The supporting cast consisting of their various family members and some hangers-on friends help to give the drama a lighter tone when it needs. By the end, I was living for all three sets of parents becoming the best of friends. It was so cute. The drama, unfortunately, fell off because of Giancarlo's turn as a villain. It picked up a bit at the beginning of "Chapter 3" but honestly the damage had been done. They then crammed so much drama into the last ten episodes that the ending just doesn't seem feasible in my opinion. I was happy with "Dolce Amore" for a majority of the time, but it wasn't able to surpass "Forevermore" after all. Personally, I'm giving it a 7.5 for my list but the real score is 6.5 to 7.

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Karakai Jozu no Takagi-san
2 people found this review helpful
May 21, 2024
8 of 8 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 8.5
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I strongly recommend Teasing Master Takagi-san (aka Karakai Jozu no Takagi-san), if you’re looking for a lovely, slice of life, Japanese drama. The story explores a boy’s conflicting emotions as he interacts with a girl who constantly but gently teases him and usually gets the better of him. The two students’ interactions are treated with sensitivity and sympathy. I thought that both young actors were outstanding, particularly the boy. The whole thing takes place in a beautiful town on an island off the coast of Japan and the setting adds to the dreamy, idyllic tone of the drama.

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Dark Blue Kiss
0 people found this review helpful
May 21, 2024
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 6.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 6.0
This review may contain spoilers

Pete and Kao deserved better, but what a sh*tshow of a series they got instead.

From the very first episode they were nothing but a ticking time bomb that we had to agonizingly and slowly, oh so very slowly, watch ignite. It took nine episodes, NINE, for the lies and deceit to be found out. And then the final three episodes were nothing but the aftermath of miscommunication and bad decisions, which left very little to make be want to spare a single f*ck for them. Any happiness they had was shrouded in lies, and I personally think Pete could have done better than Kao. Which isn’t at all how I wanted this ship to sail! Pete & Kao had a brilliance in “Kiss Me Again” that was drowned in a series that gave them only conditional love that neither of them could navigate. They were set up for failure in the beginning and had no other option but to capsize. I don’t like it, I don’t want it, they deserved a better story ffs!

Sun and Mork were what kept me watching. And even their storyline became this reflection of how whether you tell a lie or keep a promise, it doesn’t matter, even the people who supposedly love you will still leave you without explanation, choosing instead to believe their own prejudiced opinions until it’s almost and basically too late.

I just know that my tone has got to be coming off as angry, but I’m not. I’m just disappointed. I’m upset that angst was chosen time again over actual character development. Instead of showing young adults learning how to be in a relationship, it felt like a bunch of kids in a sandbox fighting over their toys. You just wanted to yell at them to knock it off and grow the hell up.

We were robbed and so were the characters! We got good actors, but they had to play the facade of a character that could have been lovable instead of stuck in a rut of mundane and cliched tropes that were meant only to stretch out a story that was mediocre at best. The whole Pete, Kao, Non storyline should’ve been cleared up in a matter of a couple of episodes instead of being the focus of the whole series. I mean, come on!! That’s what Pete and Kao get?! A turd of a teenager affecting their relationship from beginning to end? Non should have been flushed so much sooner, but instead he just kept floating around and stinking up the show.

When all is said and done, I did get hooked and wanted to see how everything would eventually unfold. I just wish the story had been done better and wasn’t so focused on Pete and Kao’s relationship never feeling comfortable or stable until the very end. What a waste of potential this wound up being.

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Kansatsui Asagao New Year SP
0 people found this review helpful
by Erin
May 21, 2024
1 of 1 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

In Between

This special was really nice to watch the little "in between" moments of the family and the life they lead. I wish there was a little more focus on Tsugumi's character, but that could be a personal wish considering she was a very adorable child who portrayed her role incredibly well!

This special was also interesting to watch, it was sort of as if the story told here filled in the bits and pieces of what happened between season's 1 and 2, and what happened behind the scenes of some bits within the episodes. Once again, this story truly shone a light on the truth of family, friends, co-workers, and the reality of everything surrounding them. Honestly, if you look up the definition of "slice-of-life" then this show may be pictured. Though that isn't to say that the series is boring or not creative or imaginative. Truthfully, this show has one of the more suspenseful and mesmerzing stories I have watched for a long time; and the music fuels the expectations of each upcoming episode, while shining importance on the episode that just ended.

Some moments are hard to watch after getting to know the family and all of the characters around them. Some episodes, this special included, really tugged at my heart and caught my breath in my throat. This show really is an incredible epic.

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Beats per Minute
0 people found this review helpful
May 21, 2024
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10
This review may contain spoilers

An exciting and sexy story that portrays sexual awakening in adolescence

Yang Yong Ning enjoys the last days of summer alone before returning to classes for the upcoming new school year. Suddenly, he best friend Ji Yijie, who has not seen him for a long time, calls him and invites him to have fun and walk through the streets of Taipei at midnight, the only witness of the love and sexual awakening of the two teenagers.
From the dramatic and youth genre with LGBTIQ+ themes, 'Beats Per Minute' (午夜節拍 / Wu Ye Jie Pai, Wu Yeh Chieh Pai) asks us a question: can romantic love arise from friendship?
In his second short film, screenwriter, director and editor Lin Guan Chen portrays the queer perspective, the main trait that identifies today's youth.
As he did in 'Shift Gear' (2022), the Taiwanese filmmaker focuses on the LGBTQ+ community and how Generation Z can face their confusion in this chaotic world, in the effort to contribute to overcoming the heteronormative paradigm, leaving a priori behind binary according to which one is by default a boy or a girl, homosexual or heterosexual; in short, to understand sexuality as a broad spectrum.
'Beats Per Minute' tries to capture these new ways of conceiving identities and transmitting the processes that the protagonists experience when assuming, expressing and experiencing them.
In its almost 20 minutes, the short film exposes the obvious physical attraction between the two young men, while they talk about girls and making love with them, perhaps in an attempt to deny their true feelings.
Yang Yong Ning makes it very clear right away: he is in love with Ma Ji Yijie. That's why he secretly steals photos of him while he pretends to take snapshots of the stars, dances for him, plays constant pranks on him and suffers in silence when he discovers that they could separate when his friend has to leave to live in Canada, as is his mother's wish.
On the other hand, for the young man who, from his words, appears to be heterosexual, this feeling towards his friend is a new and unexpected experience. However, he does not hesitate to be the first to kiss him.
And yes, the attraction between the two protagonists will end up crystallizing when Yang Yong Ming also kisses his friend.
Tung Wang's cinematography helps to successfully portray the charming sparks between the two young actors and the beauty of the Taiwanese capital.
Although at the beginning of the century, queer fiction was defined by transgression and reaffirmation, as a form of resistance in a very hostile environment, this short film reclaims adolescence as the period of doubts and fears. Instead of associating it with transgression, the queer attitude is associated with vulnerability, tenderness and the willingness to get closer to the other.
Without ignoring fears, insecurities and vulnerabilities, the short film builds from fiction a warm, optimistic and luminous universe to embrace the queer experience of the two protagonists.
Produced by Yi Juyng Lin, 'Beats Per Minute' is a film that manages to portray what it is like to live in the closet during adolescence and that reminds us that LGBT+ people also deserve to live a love story. It is, in short, an exciting and sexy story that portrays the sexual awakening in that period of a person's life that lies between childhood and adulthood.

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Blossoms in Adversity
1 people found this review helpful
May 21, 2024
40 of 40 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
This review may contain spoilers

Great ensemble cast and female characters

Blossoms in Adversity is a historical drama with a strong Girl Power feel. The main story seems to revolve around the way the women in the extended family come together and find their voices. The female lead, Hua Zhi, is everything one would want in a female main character--smart, brave, morally upright, and hard working. Yanxi, the male lead, has similar qualities, but also killer martial arts skills, beautiful hands, and a cute, bouncing ponytail. Together they make an ideal couple, who actually talk things out with each other. (Maybe this is less of a historical drama and more of a fairy tale.)

I do have some quibbles. There are a number of unrealistic elements, such as the way that Hua Zhi gets away with mouthing off at people in power, the speed with which the Hua family claws its way out from ruin, and the repeated use of poor but virtuous and grateful commoners as plot points. Thank goodness for the emperor, who adds some much needed ambiguity and malevolence to the story.

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Immortal Samsara: Part 1
0 people found this review helpful
by ivybis
May 21, 2024
38 of 38 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0

Great Xianxia

Ah, I loved this one! A good old-fashioned xianxia served up with all the best plot devices, romance, numerous episodes, great acting, and strong writing. Without giving anything away, it's just a fun romp through xianxia land and took me back to the days of TMOPB and similar xianxias that made me fall in love with the genre in the first place.

As always I loved Yang Zi's performance as Yan Dan, the lotus fairy who is born into the Heavenly Realm. Cheng Yi and Ray Chang's performances were also noteworthy, but in this love triangle, I was team Yu Mo due to their wonderful chemistry! Deep down, I hoped they would just run away together!

There was some pretty bad acting among some of the supporting cast--Wang Hao Xuan as Dragon King Ao Xuan, but the leads were rock solid. They were endearing, especially when the trio went on their numerous adventures. I have to commend Vicki Xu on her portrayal as the evil fairy Ying Deng. Damn, she was one you really loved to hate.

Nice OST and impressive special effects made it a feast for the eyes and ears. Definitely recommend this one if you're a fan of xianxia shows. Looking forward to part 2!

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A Journey to Love
2 people found this review helpful
May 21, 2024
40 of 40 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 8.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.5

You won't regret the journey watching this drama

This show captivates from the very first episode. The costumes and cinematography are excellent, and the actors are perfectly cast, delivering stellar performances. The cast is not only talented but also very good looking. The story is beautifully written, and the acting is top notch.

The action scenes left me breathless and cheering. The bromance made me smile, the comedic moments had me laughing out loud, and the sweet scenes made my heart flutter. When Ruyi and Chief Ning gaze and smile at each other, it made me smile too! Their chemistry is undeniable.

The individual stories and character development made me root for them and love them. This investment in the characters is why their struggles broke my heart into tiny pieces and brought me to tears. Every twist and turn in their journey kept me on the edge of my seat, fully immersed in their world.

The soundtrack also deserves a mention. The music perfectly complements the mood of each scene, enhancing the emotional impact. The attention to detail in every aspect of the production is evident and adds to the overall enjoyment of the series.

The ending wasn’t what I expected, and I know many were disappointed. Without giving any spoilers, I hoped for a different conclusion. However, the final scene highlighted the enduring brotherhood and love between the characters, which softened the sting of the preceding events. The journey to the end was filled with so many memorable moments that I couldn't help but appreciate the story as a whole.

Despite my mixed feelings about the ending, I highly recommend this series. It's definitely one of my favorites. The blend of action, comedy, romance, and drama creates a rich and engaging narrative that is sure to leave a lasting impression.

Not perfect but give it go. You won't regret it.

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Kansatsui Asagao 2
0 people found this review helpful
by Erin
May 21, 2024
19 of 19 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 10
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

Perfect blend of reality with what we hope for~

The story of the Maki and Kuwahara families, along with their friends and co-workers, is an epic not to be missed. This is one of the most accurate, relateable, genuine, raw, honest, and beautiful telling of life as we know it; the ups and downs, the terrifying and exciting, the scary and hopeful, the good and bad.

This season of Kansatsui Asagao truly served as a beautiful and honest visual story telling of life itself. It broke my heart to continue watching some episodes along the way, but "that's life". And honestly, this wonderful story has very extraordinarily told the story of life's ups and downs, the peaks and valleys, the despair along with the joyous moments so very well. I don't want to say this story is dark and depressing, or full of medical jargon or gory details, because it isn't; however, this series does a splendid job at telling the truth for both sides of life, without hiding one detail.

A couple of episodes broke my heart or took my breath away, I simply couldn't believe what was happening or think of what was to come. I really respect the cast, creators, writers, directors, staff, etc... for showing their respect, kindness, understanding, and compassion to the March 11th tragedy throughout this series; that had to be hard to do. While I didn't cry during the first or second season, I did tear up a lot! As a foreigner, it was hard for me to remember March 11th, though not as hard as it had to of been for the actually Japanese, more specifically for Ueno Juri, Tokito Saburo, Ishida Hikari, and Emoto Akira. To have to deal with their roles throughout the series haad to have been tough, mentally and emotionally; and possibly physically.

It was really a treat to have such "cute relief" during the heartbreaking and hard moments from such a hard working and talented actor as Nagase Yuzuna; I look forward to more of her work! Watching Tokito Saburo as Maki Taira was incredible, his talent and power never cease to amaze me.

I wish there was more of this family to watch! Their story is a lovely story of life, how to win in the dark moments, and even how to celebrate both the good and the bad. The atmosphere created throughout this series showed one of the more realistic "slice-of-life" story's I have seen in a very long time!

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The Story of Park's Marriage Contract
0 people found this review helpful
May 21, 2024
12 of 12 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 5.0

Enjoyable overall.

May, 2024.
A time travel mystery rom-com, which has laughs, intrigue, threat, tragedy and romance.

Park Yun-woo (LSY), is not your typical Joseon woman and when she can no longer avoid getting married, her life takes an unimaginable turn. The emotions, characters and her life during this time, make for an entertaing watch, with the usual variety of characters from that period.

After finding herself in modern day Seoul, she becomes embroiled with a chaebol family, but holds her own. Faces are familiar, but out of time, and she has to adjust to modern life, whilst trying to find a way back to her past one.

This part of the story has the most intrigue and mystery, plus the most laughs. Her intelligence and tenacity help her adjust, but a big dollop of 'just accepting', is needed, in how well!

As the synopsis details, she meets a man who is the double of her deceased husband (BIH), with whom she enters into a marriage contract. There are times she feels like history is repeating and begins piecing things together, as so many links to her past begin to emerge. A strange but familiar character makes random appearances, guiding her, but rarely succinctly.

Her deceased husband was a lovely character, very different to his doppelganger; but they share a secret.

I really enjoyed this drama. It's classic romance, with many of the usual elements of the genre, plus some twists.

What I was disappointed with, and frankly didn't understand, was her attitude towards a key charscter, near the end of the story. It made no sense to me, given her feelings in the first part of the drama. I felt so bad and sorry for that person. It is possible to love 2 people, especially in this context.

Don't expect it to be logical throughout, and just embrace the fiction; then you might enjoy it, as I did.

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Move to Heaven
1 people found this review helpful
by Juliet
May 20, 2024
10 of 10 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 9.0


Oh my gosh this drama is one of the sweetest most heartcrushing drama ever.

I went into it once a while ago and immediatley dropped it, but I came back to it recently and I do not regret it. This story is so beautifully written, sparking such an emotional important conversation of grief. This story intertwines so beautifully with each episode and you can't help but to empathize with everyone on screen. It is simply a must watch if you wanna be in your feels and want something so raw and refreshing.
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What's Wrong with Secretary Kim
1 people found this review helpful
May 20, 2024
16 of 16 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 4.0
Story 3.5
Acting/Cast 6.0
Music 6.0
Rewatch Value 2.0

I thought it stunk

This drama made me think, do all Koreans talk to themselves ALL.THE.TIME.? Is it a bad thing for Korean ladies to have their natural hair color or is it a law now, of course this drama is a bit old, to have to dye it an awful reddish color? Do all Koreans sleep with the lights on?

Only good part for me was Park Min-Hwan's character is quite the cutie with a beautiful smile. Only reason I started watching it is cause Park Seo-Joon looks a lot like my late Japanese friend and I enjoyed his roles in "Itaewon Class" and "She Was Pretty", but his character is this drama is very unappealing. Very weak script IMO, the only thing that was interesting was when the two characters were children, but even that is quite unbelievable.

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