0 people found this review helpful
Oct 14, 2023
27 of 27 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 5.0
Rewatch Value 5.0

Unique storyline. FL is incredible!

ep 1 . thinking to myself "hmmm is this something I would really watch all the way through?"
but the high ratings made me curious.
Ep 3 in "This is kind of funny & entertaining"
Ep 11 in " OMG why am I crying?"

The FL casting is just perfect. She's one of the most beautiful unique looking actresses & she pulled off the character perfectly.
I am sure this story isn't for everyone. It's a lot of weird humor with OTP personalities.
For me I love the unique story line & most of the casting. However since this is the first time I've seen Wang Ying Lu as Feng Bao Bao, so looking forward to her future works!

Beyond Feng Bao Bao?
Well there's Neo Hou, I am happy to see him beyond the Chinese Ken doll character dubbed in proper voice. A lot more personality with Wang Ye's character.

Enjoyable watch!

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28 days ago
27 of 27 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.0
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 8.5
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 7.0

Great cartoon to live action

One of the best examples I've seen for a live action remake of an animated series.

Honestly, I watched it for Neo Hou and so I wasn't really that interested in what the MC was doing and what the whole plot was besides what Wang Ye was up to. I did get sucked into the drama and was pleasantly surprised. But I think my favorite aspect of this show was the fight scenes. An amazing adaptation. This is what I want to see when they do cartoons into live actions. It was campy and cringey and had a lot of playful comedic expressions and movement as it is intentional for a good adaptation of what happened in the cartoon. It doesn't take away from the plot or the serious moments at all.

And the fight scenes were incredible. This is what I want to see when incorporating martial arts into magic/bending! Every ATLA adaptation can take notes!

The show was good overall, and I will definitely go back for a rewatch, especially of the fight scenes.

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20 days ago
27 of 27 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 8.5
Story 9.0
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 8.0
This review may contain spoilers

one of the best fusion of modern and ancient adaptation

went into this show without knowing anything about it. it was in the last episode i knew it was adapted from a webcomic and subsequently an anime.

and usually adaptations tends to be worse and not good but this show is one of those that do justice and right up amazing!

my favorite character: Feng Baobao.
damn, her weirdness is a vibe. haha. I just LOVE LOVE LOVE her.

my favorite CP: Wang Ye & Zhuge Qing
come on, who doesn’t? their onscreen chemistry was solid.

my favorite side character: Feng Shayan
I love badass female characters and even though she wasn’t the inheritor to her father’s power, she still prove to be badass.

other supporting characters were awesome too, include Lv Liang etc.

I have to admit some parts I have to FF because I just want to reach the climax part and they still keep talking. but other than that overall a very good and well done production.

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1 people found this review helpful
Oct 27, 2023
27 of 27 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.0
Rewatch Value 9.5
This review may contain spoilers

Enjoyable mix between Fantasy, Martial Arts and Humor

The mixture of Fantasy, Humor martial Arts and action make this drama one of a kind. I came upon this drama by accident and I am glad I did. The mixture of Live and Animation worked very well.

This will be a short review. If you are not into fantasy lore rooted in heritage, this drama is not for you.

I did not know anything about the Comics of this drama, but the storyline made me understand on what was going on. The ML and FL had a great repour and the chemistry among the cast members was great. The action in the drama was through the roof. Fighting sequences were unblemished coupled with animation, had you on the edge of your seats. Humor throughout the drama is great and there were some spots where you will get sad on. The graphics are outstanding.

The only thing I did not like was the ending. They could of given it about another 2-3 episodes. Zhang Chu Lan and Feng Bao Bao together and did they have a happy life? Will there be a part 2? I wish I knew he whole story. I will watch this again. It is very interesting.

I really recommend this Drama.

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0 people found this review helpful
Feb 1, 2024
27 of 27 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 10
Rewatch Value 10

This is one of the best Chinese drama!!

one of the best no doubt! The cast were superb as well as their acting, the fx was so good. It was fun watching, those 27 episodes was all worth watching. From the main characters to supporting characters were all superb. The intro was also Good! it was catchy. As for the story it was good as well but I think there's something missing in the plot , I still have a lot of questions that wasn't answered in the show, but still I would recommend this. Must watch! I badly need the Season 2 for real!!
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Cutie Penguin
0 people found this review helpful
Oct 10, 2023
27 of 27 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 7.5
Story 7.5
Acting/Cast 9.0
Music 8.5
Rewatch Value 7.5

is series had an attractive script

This series had an attractive script with a wonderful characterization of Wuxia. The first two episodes, but one seems strange until you get to the fifth episode and fully connect with the world of the series. This was new to me as I was seeing modern Wuxia. the comedy was great. In some places, the story was serious, but most of the time we had a story that was not serious at all and you just burst out laughing. I want to say that this season was an introduction to the beginning and the series has a second season that they want to start filming, but they did not give any news about the names of the main cast, which will be announced this month.
The actors of the series who gradually fell in love with their characters. So you are going to face a professional team with talented actors. It is obvious that the director studied the story completely and tried to choose the best actors for each role. This is why I like Chinese live action. Their choice of actors is wonderful. On the contrary, Koreans always go for the strangest choices. let's move on..

It had wonderful music and songs. For such a style, he wants an emotional song that will stick to the whole song.

by the way series is extremely attractive.even though it is the second season, it will not leave you with nothing, A story arc is over and we have to wait to enter the new arc of the story and explain some things that are left. I heard that they are going to make my film. Anyway, it's an interesting series. I want to say that the violence of this series is not a joke. They kill me, they kill me. You can see that they are cutting hands and oars, and some places may not be bearable for some people. But there are ambushes.
Thank you for reading my review

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0 people found this review helpful
Dec 9, 2023
27 of 27 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 1.5
Story 1.0
Acting/Cast 7.5
Music 7.0
Rewatch Value 1.5

Nothing special

Too much focusing one particular charecter. Like football match everyone running after football. But in this case they don't know why they running after football. Because name football.
Main female lead protect him from childhood . This indicates like his parents or mother. Relationships with her is nonsense.
A lot of main characters but it only focusing one charecter. Story name should be changed like bodyguard of a nonsense idiot
It os like tiger and crane. But that Story is 1000 times better than that . At least Story present in it.
I don't like the main lead .
Disappointed with the Story specifically morality.
Story should be at least morality little story. action.. romantic etc.. means all in balance
As dr Strang full movie is based on protecting of that girl
In here all series with focusing nonsense act of the main lead
I don't like the drama

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1 people found this review helpful
Oct 6, 2023
27 of 27 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.0
Story 10
Acting/Cast 10
Music 8.0
Rewatch Value 10

Une surprise étonnante.

Supers héros ?
Soit je les boude, soit je passe mon temps à critiquer.
Il doit y en avoir. Des supers héros que j'ai tout de même apprécié. Mais pour tout vous dire, pas assez pour m'en souvenir maintenant. Si j’ai donc commencé ce drama, c’est en grande partie la curiosité de voir un Cdrama traiter ce genre-là. C’est un thème qui se démocratise un peu ces derniers temps comme chez les coréens avec « the uncanny counter », qui n’est pas mauvais en soi (mais pas mémorable) ou « L.U.C.A » (qui là, pour le coup était mauvais). Mais peu de ce genre chez les chinois. Juste par curiosité. Et par ce que « Lost you forever » m’a laissé sur ma faim. Et aussi par ce que le trailer m’a bien fait rire.
Alors ? le verdict ?

Vous aimez les super héros, avec des super pouvoirs de la mort qui tuent ?
Vous ne serez pas déçu. Loin de là. Des personnages extravagants en passant par des protagonistes classes ou de super grands maîtres qui déchirent tout sur leur passage (en fait, UN maître, qui me fait furieusement penser à Fu Zi « d’Ever Night », sa puissance est tellement grandiose qu’on en reste bouche bée !!!), des personnages dont les pouvoirs sont tout aussi intéressants qu’extraordinaires et uniques vont de par des scènes grandioses d’actions vous en mettre plein la vue ! La réalisation est d’excellente qualité, plus élevé que ce que nous pouvons trouver en temps normal chez les chinois et c’est un pur régal de voir tant de feux d’artifices durant les scènes d’action. Mon préféré ? Les pouvoirs de Wan Ye (normal c’est Neo…)! Ce sorcier a juste une classe de dingue, et son pentagrame durant ses invocations me rappellent les pentacles « d’Ever Night ».
La rapidité et la fluidité durant les combats sont maitrisés et on prend un plaisir fou à suivre les pirouettes et les coups d’éclat, tout cela au milieu d’un humour décapant….

Vous aimez rire ? Vous ne serez pas déçu, si l’humour absurde ne vous dérange pas bien sûr.
L’originalité de ce drama réside notamment dans le traitement de l’humour. Un humour hilarant dont les actions loufoques côtoient joyeusement l’émotion. Chapeau !
Le spectateur passe son temps à rire, lorsque soudainement, une scène émotionnellement forte vous prend à la gorge. Et rebelote, on repasse en mode « charlie chaplin » et on se remet à rire. Sans pour autant oublier de suivre avec passion un scénario prenant….

Ah oui, le scénario. L’intrigue est distillée au fur et à mesure, vous obligeant à sautiller sur place, en échafaudant toutes sorte d’hypothèses toutes plus douteuses les unes que les autres, pour finir par un « AH… quand même ». Si le scénario ne brillera pas au côté de « Joy of Life », il n’en reste pas moins que c’est intelligent et dont la finalité ne fut pas, loin de là, une certitude pour nous. Une intrigue autour d’un seul et unique personnage, le reste gravitant autour de ce personnage…

La multitude de personnages, extraordinaires, incroyables, touchants, drôles, absurdes, uniques…Malgré le nombre de personnages qui font leur apparition, le réalisateur réussit un tour de force. Chacun a une histoire, même minime. Chacun a son parcours. Ses choix. Et une évolution étonnante pour autant de personnages. Chapeau, encore une fois. Ce serait prendre trop de ligne que de vous parler de tous les personnages mais je les ai tous aimé, du plus insignifiants aux plus importants. Du plus sympas au plus psychopathes.
Chacun apporte sa pierre à l’évolution du drama et l’épilogue nous le montre d’ailleurs sans détour ! C’est une magnifique amitié qui nous est dépeinte ici, une amitié qui a grandi pendant le tournoi, un lien qui s’est créée à partir d’une rivalité somme toute banale pour devenir l’arme la plus puissante du drama. Rien que de repenser à la scène de fin, j’en ai encore des larmes aux yeux. Derek Hui est doué pour ce type d’amitié qui défie le temps et les obstacles, rappelez-vous, « Cross Fire »….

Pour finir….BaoBao est LE personnage du drama. Je l’ai juste ADORE. Elle est tout sauf banale. J’ai adoré sa façon de parler, sa façon de penser, sa façon de se battre (juste phénoménal). Elle est nous présentée d’une façon comique, apportant avec Chu Lan, un duo épique, un duo dont l'alchimie est juste explosive!
Mais à travers son passé, nous sommes touchés par la fragilité de cette femme à la force surhumaine et c’est avec avidité que nous souhaitons que Chu Lan la sauve, elle l’invincible, qu’il lui redonne son passé, ses souvenirs, son humanité.
J’ai vraiment adoré ce lien tangible entre elle et Chu Lan, et je croise les doigts pour qu’une saison 2 voit le jour. Cela serait dommage que l’on n’en sache pas plus. Il y’aurait encore tellement à raconter….

C’est donc une perle rare, un drama étonnant de par son mélange d’humour et ses scènes d’actions dynamiques, nous plongeant dans une intrigue de super héros dont le monde n’est pas forcément tout rose, mais dont l’optimisme ne se démentira jamais. Et c’est ce qui fait la beauté de ce drama. Malgré les épreuves, malgré les préjugés, malgré ce sentiment d’être à part, malgré tout cela, les protagonistes se relèvent et toujours avec bonne humeur, avec humour, avec espoir.
La scène de fin! La scène de fin peut paraitre un peu « bisounours », mais j’ai adoré le message. Seul, nous ne sommes rien. Tous ensemble, nous pouvons vaincre. Tous ensemble, tout est permis !

Je n’ai qu’un mot à dire : foncez.
Je regrette déjà cette bande de pote, unis dans le malheur, unis dans le rire, unis dans la conner*e.
Espérons revoir cette bande de délurés aux pouvoirs extraordinaires. Un monde de super-héros super colorés.
Aujourd’hui, nous en aurions bien besoin.

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0 people found this review helpful
Sep 24, 2023
27 of 27 episodes seen
Completed 0
Overall 9.5
Story 9.5
Acting/Cast 10
Music 9.5
Rewatch Value 9.0
This review may contain spoilers

Rir é importante

Cdrama baseado em mangá. Dizem que foi bastante fiel, só algumas cenas como a do personagem do Neo( luta de 3 contra 1), deixou a desejar. Têm alguns rostos conhecidos (Neo, Peng e Wen Bi), todos eles já foram protagonistas em outros shows. O drama começa lento, mas te fornece alguma curiosidade até que você não consegue parar de ver. A FL é ingênua,sim. Acredita em quem não devia acreditar, sim. Mas não é irritante! É leal, forte, tem cara de paisagem, mais entrega. Você pode meio que rir no meio do show, às vezes é voluntário e as vezes é involuntário. Eu prefiro ser pega de surpresa , do que o humor muito over. Tem luta , riso, choro, proteção pelos que estão mais próximos. Você pode gostar de assistir.

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I Am Nobody (2023) poster



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