Can anyone please recommend names of talented A     list Chinese actors who knows how to act,                      preferably non flower boy type.? 

 LotusRayne: idea what a "flower boy" type is (or what one isn't) but...sure I'll bite. Mainly I'll just list off actors I enjoy watching and like the dramas of.

Zhang Ruo Yun, Tan Jian Ci, Zhang Xin Cheng, Hu Ge, Bai Yu, Wang Yang, Liu Huan, Gao Wei Guang, Zeng Shun Xi, Li Yi Feng, Chen Chu He, Yin Cheng, Zhang Lu Yi, Chen Kun, Zhu Yii Long, Li Xian.



Jin Dong,
Wallace Chung,
Li Xian,
Mark Chao

These 4 are at top of my list as per your criteria. They are tough and can do acting.  (There are more, but right now immediately these many came to mind)

Arthur Chen, even though he is way more flowery, but he can exhibit tough appearance if the scene is demanding one.

(  @LotusRayne,  By flowery, he meant I think,

We don’t want our ML to have eye brows carved all the time.

We don’t want our ML to have layers n layers of foundations on the face, to that extent that it starts cracking n chipping off.

And lipstick???? What about that?? Have you ever seen any real life CEO wearing lipstick??

I mean, c’mon! ML just made 15-20 gangsters bite the dust and not a single strand of scalp hair is displaced?  
Not a single drop of sweat?

Makeup artists are the culprit (yes, I am blaming them) for giving flowery looks to actors.  At times it is acceptable but not all the time.

Thanks, there seems to be oversaturation of  make up on actors that they are causing too much distraction 😅😅

Male wearing lipstick in dramas is disturbing I'm surprised Chinese government hasn't banned it already. It's a good thing they are cracking down on niang paos and discouraging pretty boy look. Only women actually wears makeups in Chinese streets, not men.

China encouraging more "realistic" dramas are a good thing, those serious modern day dramas where the male actors are older and none wear makeups are the best. 

Liu Yi Jun is always phenomenal in any role I see him in. He has a subtle yet incredibly layered and impactful acting style.


Male wearing lipstick in dramas is disturbing I'm surprised Chinese government hasn't banned it already. It's a good thing they are cracking down on niang paos and discouraging pretty boy look. Only women actually wears makeups in Chinese streets, not men.

China encouraging more "realistic" dramas are a good thing, those serious modern day dramas where the male actors are older and none wear makeups are the best. 

I disagree with censorship like this, though I understand this is the state of things in various places in the world.  If people didn't like it, they wouldn't watch it.

Every actor anywhere in the world wears make up and yes, lipstick, when appearing in front of the cameras, because the lighting is so harsh.  It completely bleaches out your face.  Even those actors in your more "realistic" shows are wearing make up and lipstick -- just a different hue or less.   Even news anchors or tv show hosts wear make up.

 On cloud nine:

Can anyone please recommend names of talented A     list Chinese actors who knows how to act,                      preferably non flower boy type.? 

I haven't watched a ton of dramas, and I'm not sure if they qualify as A-list, but I second Tan Jian Ci, though he may be too pretty for your taste.  I've also enjoyed Zhou Yiwei and Chen Kun.

Many of the best actors, IMO, are actually in the "supporting" roles.

Li YiFeng aged marvelously 🤡


Male wearing lipstick in dramas is disturbing I'm surprised Chinese government hasn't banned it already. It's a good thing they are cracking down on niang paos and discouraging pretty boy look. Only women actually wears makeups in Chinese streets, not men.

China encouraging more "realistic" dramas are a good thing, those serious modern day dramas where the male actors are older and none wear makeups are the best. 

I agree with everything!!

Why has nobody thought of Jeremy Tsui?

In Fairyland Lovers he dances circles around Bai Yu (who for some reason was already mentioned twice).