I guess it's mainly a problem of curiosity. Only few people are really curious about C Dramas meanwhile with kpop and all that stuff related people tend to be curious about K Dramas.
It's pretty sad because there's so many great chinese dramas that are not subbed by anyone, but as it was said earlier, translate a drama is really hard and it takes so much time if you're doing it alone..
All we can do is hope that more people are going to like C-Dramas and that we'll get more subbers 

I think there are a few reasons why C-dramas often don't get subbed.

1. China's large population.  They can make enough money just from Chinese people, so there's less motivation to market C-dramas internationally.  Japan and Korea have smaller populations, so they need an international audience.

2. The types of C-dramas that get subbed are too narrow, so they appeal to a more narrow audience.  If you browse the C-dramas on Viki, for example, you'll get the impression that the majority of C-dramas are historical dramas starring young good-looking actors.  People who don't like that type of drama will probably think "C-dramas aren't for me."

There are actually many different types of C-dramas, but most of them don't get subbed.  They don't get subbed because they're not popular internationally, and they're not popular internationally because they don't get subbed.  Some C-dramas do get subbed but don't get promoted, so K-drama fans don't even know that they exist.

3. C-dramas tend to be longer than J-dramas and K-dramas, so people who are new to C-dramas may be afraid to make the commitment.

I think C-dramas will eventually become as popular as K-dramas, but it might take 5-10 more years.  I think streaming websites need to license a good selection of high-quality C-dramas from a variety of genres (e.g. crime, thriller, modern fantasy), and more dramas with older main characters, and do a good job of promoting them.

It might also help if more people start blogging about C-dramas.

If the Chinese movie/drama producers want to have outside of Chinese speaking community and increase their popularity, they definitely should improve the endings.How many of the long Chinese dramas end with an open or tragic ending?  How many people would prefer to have those kind of endings after investing long hours in them ?

Another thing I do not understand is that even if they sub it, they display the subs in white text with smallest font possible so that no one could read it.Just search in YT and you will see it yourself.What do they gain form doing that I really do not understand. 

"It might also help if more people start blogging about C-Dramas."


There is a blog I really like cdramabase.com. I love it because they put info on all dramas and not only the popular ones. They even sub dramas! But I don't think many people know about it which is a pity.

I also follow cfen.si and and cnewsdevotee.wordpress.com. But they don't update often. dramapanda.com is probably the most known blog. But I have the impression they focus more on rumors and news about actors' private life instead of dramas lately.

What I'm really missing is a blog that focuses on recaps like dramabeans for Korean dramas.

Thanks for the links.

I read blogs of C Drama base. 

I think it's a mix of a lot of things. Kdrama is bigger in demand than Cdrama. Cdrama's are more work when it comes to subbing - often waayyyy more episodes than your normal kdrama. The language tends to be harder too, especially for someone with no background to it, so people dont really learn it easily. 

Also, I think people who watch cdramas are often looking at the wrong places. People look at viki and other sites that are mostly kdrama focussed. Try to go to youtube, look up the first episode  uploaded by the official account and go see if there are subs there. There usually are subs but it's sometimes not mentioned in the title. Hope this helps!

If you have to search on Youtube to find C-dramas, that might be part of the reason why K-dramas are more popular (internationally), because to search on Youtube, you have to know what you're searching for.

I think Viki and other similar websites are part of the reason why K-dramas are so popular, because you can easily browse to find something to watch, and there's a good selection of K-dramas all in one place.

I think k-pop is part of the reason too, because some people get into K-pop first, and then get into K-dramas.

Agreed. Even the most random and low Rating K-Dramas are available online with Subtitles within a day or two of broadcast. 

Hi, this might be not related to this group. But i'm fluent in both mandarin and english. I currently do have some free time and would like to try subbing for all the c drama fans out there. Anyone know how i could go about this?