13. All of a sudden, I smelled something burning!

14. Oh! $h!£, i by mistake left footprints of my intimate conversation n pics with my ex on my desktop (btw my gf knows pw of it) n my gf is fumming out of jealousy  x(

15. The fire of her jealousy burnt me and I died.


Review of the supershort story by none other than ,             

The Book Book Book: 

Even though the end was sad, it was full  of fun.


Pls start the next one.



Review of the supershort story by none other than ,             

The Book Book Book: 

Even though the end was sad, it was full  of fun.


Pls start the next one.

Ha ha ha, for sure

1. Once upon a time, there lived a witch.

 She is a clumsy young witch-in-training, who never seems to get anything right at academy for witches

But she never give up, cause she made a promise to someone long ago

It was no success so she left the academy and she met

5. She met  an ugly cockroach, so she decided not be useless anymore and contribute to hygiene by killing that cockroach.

6. Soul of the cockroach travelled and entered the body of one handsome prince to whom that witch had promised so called something in the past.

7. The cockroach was surprised to find itself in a human, and felt it a grave insult, to enter into the body of a species who treated them as pest, and hence he vowed to increase the no.of cockroaches with help of human body.

( this was literally the best and most pointless shit I could come up with lol)

Hahaha,  interesting though

8. Damage has been already done, by the time cockroach realised that his DNA got entangled with the DNA of to that of Prince,  n progeny that are getting produced is now not the cockroaches but the chimera of cockroach and the handsome prince.

9. Then one day, on her journey to West, the witch encounters a chimaera, so she is surprised to find a hybrid of two species which has been an impossible feat of exclusion to mendels theory of genetics, hence instead of being a witch or a social worker, she decides to become a scientist.