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neither of them :D Japan v. Korea
both!!! guy with long hair vs guy with short hair
Depends on the guy but would say short.....mhm but I like guys with long hair too so BOTH! male-group(singer) v. female-group(singer)
Male Group You're Beautiful vs. Ikemen Desu Ne
you're beautiful comedy/romance dramas vs. action dramas
romantic comediesl

Jang Keun Suk vs Lee Min Ho
Jang Geun Suk Bo Pu Shang vs. Dun He Lian - skip beat
Dun He Lian King Hwon vs. Prince Yang Myung
Dun He Lian King Hwon vs. Prince Yang Myung
Prince Yang Myung Cute VS Sexy
hot Looks Vs Talent
oops! talent heart vs. Mind -join :)
Mind Cute Binnie vs sexy Binnie. (Binnie=hyun bin)