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math or meth (i had to ask just once okay? lol)
Whoa, any other time I'd choose anything but math 'cuz I'm not really all that fond of it, but now it's MATH, come here math! XD

opium VS absinthe (since we're on this anyway, might as well XD)

hahahahahahahaha LOL  what's happening to you people ?!

Opium please ,,,for my back pain that I might have one day XD 

arresting  Sujach Vs arresting Rouzmary  
arresting  Sujach cause you made us chose math..  xD or maybe we have to arrest both i don't know.. ok now i am ginna change the subject
healthy food vs junk food 
hahahahahaha I'm sorry guys, don't arrest me xD

I'll chose healthy food, it can be as tasty ^.^

Christmas vs New Years eve
I'd choose Christmas as well! 

Summer Break vs Spring Break? 
Yay, I'm not going to jail! Dont' worry Sujach, I'll come visit you XD

Summer break! It's longer! :D

Doing nothing in-between some lectures/events VS doing smt productive, useful
doing smt productive.. 

rom com vs crime thriller
crime thriller 

non folding umbrella VS folding umbrella
folding umbrella

spring vs fall
Spring => it's kind of a new begin of life. everything starts growing and birds are singing again, and the days are getting longer and longer ^^

Summer vs Winter

IRIS 1 vs IRIS 2 (kdrama)  
I haven't watched either but I generally prefer the first of a season so IRIS1

Watch airing dramas vs. marathon completed dramas
well I'm usually late to the party so I mostly watch completed dramas :P

k-rock vs j-rock?