Never have i ever....

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false never have i ever danced in front of many people
False. I have already performed on a stage. Never have I ever climbed a wall/a mountain/ whatever.

Never have I ever been too late for class.
I'm usually very punctual, but I believe that must have already happened at least once. Don't remember though. Never have I ever started singing in Korean/Japanese in public and noticed people giving me that weird look like "she must be crazy"...
haha false never have i ever been too embarrassed to go outside
True. Never have I ever not had white rice in the morning for breakfast.
False. Never have I ever ate kimchi for breakfast.
True. I've never had it. Never have I ever wanted to go to Korea.
False. Never have I ever watched Supernatural.
False. Never have I ever gone bunjee jumping.
True. Never have I ever watched Ghost Adventures.
True. Never have I ever listen to JJ Lin's songs.
true. never have i picked my nose in public. (ooopppps...)
true. Never have I ever cleaned my teeth in the public bathroom.
LOL why not? but me neither ;) Never have I ever flip someone coz I'm disgusted about him!