'I will' or 'I won't'

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I won't

Will you finish a drama today?
Well, If I have no self control...I will finish KMHM....

Will you put on make up today?
I will!

Will you watch a movie today?
I will (I watch one with my husband every week night!)

Will you order take out today?
I won't

Will you watch a scary movie this week??
I will

Will you see the new "It" movie?
I won't

Will you meet friends this weekend?
I won't.

Will you attend a wedding this month?
I won't

Will you go on a date this week?
I won't.....

Will you eat a snack tonight?
I won't

Will you stay at home all day this coming weekend?
I most likely will (never know with 3 kids! lol)

Will you believe in yourself today? 
I won't..

Will you be productive today?
I will

Will you talk to a friend tonight?
I won't

Will you be eating something yummy (in your opinion) tonight?