I do rename most people i meat within the first encounter, but only if i really enjoyed their company i assume you won't mind me referring to you as Jack Jack from now on
xD go ahead. I assume, like me when you kind think about English language and you find it very strange.
Guilty. Even though english has long been my first language i have a thing for languages so i think about its peculiarities often i assume english is not your first language
Lol, false. I find English words very odd when I think about them, like meet and meat, to and too, their and there and I wonder how does anyone understand this as a second language? ;p I assume you would like to live somewhere else.
False but i wish i could visit anywhere i wanted when i wanted I assume you know i forgot you are the from US(or am I not in the right, write, rite,)
xD you are right. I assuming you are writing something about how right the word rite is.
nope you got it i assume you are assuming i assume you are. Ok i got nothing
I assume that you assume the world is flat.
I assume you believe that Christopher Columbus sailed to the americas to prove it wasn't
I assume you believe Christopher Columbus is a fraud.
No I assume you are a C Columbus fan girl
That'd be awkward 0.0 I assume you know too much about technology.
I know some stuff I assume you still play dress up
>.> I assume you like to dance in women's clothes when you are drunk. :)
Thats just ridicules I don't get drunk I assume you don't know i am nearly emoticon illiterate