Guilty or Innocent

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Guilty You have pet fishes.
Innocent You like spending a lot of money
guilty. You use credit cards over money.
innocent You like loads of freebies?
Guilty If you see someone in a brand handbag and other designer things you might see them as superficial.
Guilty You like to party like crazy?
innocent [can't tell the difference]

you usually dress in a classy fashion
innocent You like to stalk your bias
innocent. You usual put on what ever is clean.
innocent [though they do have to be clean]

you don't like going to the beach
innocent You have never travelled to another country
Guilty. You sometimes wish you had different colored eyes.
innocent you want to move to another country
Guilty You want to buy some new shoes
Guilty (you can never have too many shoes!) You thought of going down a hill in a human sized hamster ball.