Guilty or Innocent

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Innocent You have rolled down a hill before
Innocent You have biked down a steep hill before.
innocent you have never had pancakes before
Guilty. I don't think pancakes are a thing in my country. Never heard of anyone ever having pancakes over here. You never had waffles before.
innocent. You never had a cannoli before.
guilty you wish you can go to the moon
DiaNine wrote: Guilty. I don't think pancakes are a thing in my country. Never heard of anyone ever having pancakes over here.

You never had waffles before.

That has to be like the number one of my top five ways some one can say no one eats pancakes here that I've ever heard.

And about the moon. Nah nothing there to see I think

your birthday has already passed
Guilty..16 days ago. You secretly believe in zodiac love signs.
False none of that for me thanks. you are shorter that you would like to be
Guilty. You wish you can fly
Guilty You rather be watching dramas right now
Innocent [working]

spacing into nothingness.
innocent you are thinking about something fun
Innocent You're eating food right know
Innocent rainy days make you blue