Guilty or Innocent

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Very innocent

TNP gets easily annoyed

TNP doesn't like Science
Innocent. I'm in college now so Science is now broad to me, I also have advocacies about Science and Society so yeah, I love Science haha. But if you're pertaining to elementary/high school subj, I loved it too back then.

TNP has already went to school without taking a bath
tnp has been to the prom
Innocent- I don't like social events, or wasting money. I'm that weird person who likes to stay home all day. 
TNP has skipped school before
Guilty. I love learning, but hate traditional learning

TNP has confessed to someone he/she likes before

Guilty a bunch of times.

TNP thinks a 50 episode drama is too much.

innocent, ehh it's normal for me

TNP had once went through a week without showering
Innocent (at least not in the last 10 years xD)

TNP likes reading books

TNP would rather live without kpop than kdramas

TNP cries easily

TPN doesn't like J-Dramas

TNP has been secretly liking someone in his/her school

TNP stutters when he/she is infront of someone really attractive (in their preference)
Innocent hahah

TNP doesn't like GOT7