Before I die, I want to scream out of frustration in the middle of the crowd. - I wanted to do it soo many times, but never had the courage.
Before I die ill join you..[ just do it after your done just pretend nothing happened! easy said than done]
Right before I die I want to say something like "The treasure is in the..."
Before i die i want to see the ending credits
Before i die, i want to give my friends and family hugs and tell them i thankful toward them.
before i die i want to tell Obama just what i think of his obamacare plan
whats wrong w/Obama care plan?[ b4 i die i need to ask you this?]
Actually I gave up my political opinioning I just thought it was a funny post. I get too worked up. But i don't like the fact that now i'll have to pay 700 dollars more to keep my plan
I see. so what is this plan that u need to pay the much to keep
Before i die i want to do something adventurous
Before i die i want to take MarianaG with me on a mission to find the holy grail. We have to go to the UAE to meet up with my contact first
Before I die; i will sure hides from whoever seek my guidance on there trailblazing adventure.. I already found it and hide them from anyone curiosity. but if you seek the chalice for the fountain of youth?you have to pay me triple for that. coz i'm Indiana Jones adopted daughter lol
Before i die i want to celebrate Christmas Party
before i die ill sit and listen to my own thoughts..
before i die i'll make sure i don't go alone