Word Association #2

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(How can you get summer from Christmas? :D haha) 

Lol @nina I live in Australia (southern hemisphere) so it's summer during December-February for us. Meaning Christmas is summer. You must live on the other side of the world (northern hemisphere) to have white Christmas haha. I do envy you though, since I've never experienced white Christmas before. Actually it's never snowed where I am even during winter (June-August), we only have rain here. XD

Endorphins (hormones that make you happy - can be as a result from being in love)
Haha Annabelle, you're gonna make this game hard for others with medical terms :P Anyway, my answer Oxytocin (also known as "cuddling/bonding hormone")

But I'll continue this game with the word "cuddles"
@Bongsookie makes sense. & yea I do, and I'm jealous of your long summers. :D
