Ask The Person Below You #2

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Watch dramas of course? ^^ (and play the piano and meet with friends ^^)

If you're sad, what do you do to cheer yourself up?
I just cry it out and then every thing becomes fine ,,, sometime I put some make up and act like I'm doing a food commercial doesn't help but I do it anyway 

tell me a joke  

Do you watch Filipino telenovelas and movies?
Nope, don't

Do you arrive at meetings/events at the last minute possible?
No, I always try to be there atleast 10 minutes before in case something goes wrong ^^

When was the last time you told your parents that you love them?
Uh, never? I'm not good/comfortable with telling anyone, my family included, that I love them. I do love them, more than life, but I try to show it with my actions instead, cuz I can't tell it, don't really know why

Has someone told you that they love you?
yes :"D ,,, the first time I got a confession I didn't even realise it hahahaha I was so slow 

have you ever confessed your love to someone ? 
Nope, haven't...cuz there hasn't yet been one

Would you shave your head for a bet? 

never!!!!! no way !! impossible !!

what do usually say when you answer your phone 
Translated in English: "Hello this is *Insert my name*"(even though they call me on my cellphone and I see their name) ^^

What is your alarm clock sound (if you can make a link to youtube ^^)
Seriously it's either someone shouting or my ringtone so that I think someone called otherwise I'll stay in Wonderland. :P

Are you willing to burn all the calories you'll gain this Christmas? 

I'm willing ^^" but I'm not sure I can 

if you have the chance to send something to yourself from the past what would that be 
A letter

Are you always the first to initiate a conversation? 
most of the time 

what was your first asian drama ? 
My first asian drama were live action dramas of some anime. Like detective conan (But I've never finished them). Then I went over to "Hana Yori Dango" and finished that one.

Are you a "on-hold" or "drop" person? (Will you give a drama you didn't like or stopped watching a second chance or will you drop them?)