Ask The Person Below You #2

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these days a lot of scolding from my mumma .. for waking up late ..otherwise bread butter jam is an usual 

well.. in the name of scolding

the last person who scold u &
the last who scolded by u..
my mum and my students (im a teacher)

Do you continue watching/surfing eve if you and your eyes are so tired?

Do you like to go for a sweet dinner out sometimes?
well of course Yes .. who doesn't want to..?

Truth or Dare ?

If you could be a another person for a day, who would it be and why?
Harry potter wait .. Hermione granger .. 
why why.. cause it 'll be fun to break the rules ..or maybe i can't think of any others right now since i'm currently watching it. 

(anyway chibiladychoi choose dare ... then Go grab a broom and do a salsa with it.. try to be honest)

wht is the most irritating question your family ask these days .. 

@Rashmi: I didnt expect Hermione would come up here lol I did the dare, just had to youtube how to do a salsa hahaha :D

To keep the ball rolling, the most irritating, if not cringe-worthy question i usually get is when will get married or do i have a boyfriend. 

Next, Tell me something about yourself.
wasn't that fun chibiladychoi 

n about ur quest. let me tell u first i'm suck at particularly these kinda quests. but i'll try
i think i'm a pretty simple person with 2 simple wishes .first for me. to stay +ve n calm..even in the most chaotic period of time. n the second one is, if there must be complications, i wish its only with the situations n not the people surrounding me whom i like..

PS my friends n cousins used to tell me tht i'm a confidant n always treat me as a tomboy 
i'm quite satisfied with it.

What is your weirdest habit?
biting my nails

Would you go back time?

Did you ever regret something you did when you were younger?
Yes..many things...

How many times a week do u wash ur hair?
it depends, sometimes 4, sometimes 0 kkkk

do you consider yourself a fair person?
not sure, maybe?..

what was the most clever thing that you did when you were a child?
Clever thing...i think the time i sorted out my friend as to who are those true to me and not. Helped me big time.

What was lowest point of your life and how did you overcome it?
When Infinite came to my town and I couldn't go. I treated everyone like trash then. 
I also was the most over-weight I've been at that time. =P
I over came it of course with starting to eat healthy, and also just taking care of people and not thinking of myself only... 
I've become a woman of good sense.. Or at least I try now. XD 

Whatta question I ended up with.