Ask The Person Below You #2

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How would you spend your last day during a vacation and where?
At home for sure, probably watching some Dramas ^^

How did you spend your free time before you fell for Asian Dramas?
Studying, watching anime, movies, listening to music, reading books, writing... I still do all of those, just add the drama factor to it.

What is your guilty pleasure?
Eating chocolates and watching Kimura Takuya series/movies.

How often do you shop for clothes?
Once in a blue moon.

How would you describe your ideal birthday party?
That question is perfect for me since my birthday is in 3days ;p 
Well if it's an "ideal birthday party" then I'd say going to an EXO concert with friends on my bday.

Have you ever been to a korean concert?
No. I haven't been in any concert (but I really want to), and I am not a KPop fan. 

What country do you want to visit? 
Aside from Japan, somewhere in Europe where I can see the northern lights

Whats the most random thing about you?
I love pastel colors but i always wear black lol

would u go to a cosplay event?
Oh, I was already so it's a yes! 
What's your life goal?
Just to be happy & healthy

What do you hope to achieve before 2017 ends?
to find my prince

What is the one thing u cant go out without?
Sandals/shoes i guess.

What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
Go downstairs to grab my phone.

What is the drama that you hated the most so far?

Favourite OST?