True Or False #2

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TNP can't live without coffee
True ^^ I even listen to Coffee Songs sometimes :'D
TNP likes cats.
True - they are too adorable ♥

TNP likes puppies...
True (Pic is So cute ^o^)

TNP loves K-Pop
False (sorry I'm into J-rock :P)

TNP loves literature
True ^^

TNP likes to spend time in the forest or in nature
TRUE!! I wish I could just spend more time there, daydreaming pondering. :)

TNP speaks 3 languages
True :D German, French and English (French and English not perfect though, but I can communicate ^^)

TNP likes to travel
True I LOVE to travel

TNP have the perfect smile  
True (I guess) I have a problem though I smile way too much even in serious situations....

TNP prefers nighttime. 
TNP had an imaginary friend when she/he was a child 

TNP is a major procrastinator 
totally True

TNP love E-books 
True but I prefer physical books.

TNP is very hygienic
False ,,  few germs are good for the health

TNP writes some notes but never read it back