True Or False #2

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True, if C=0, both equations would be 0.

TNP has been to a fan meet.

TNP has attended a concert before.

In an atom, the mass of the nucleus is larger than the mass of the electron.

TNP really thinks that spiders are insects
True.. I guess they aren't xD

TNP doesn't like most insects AND spiders :D
True. I hate all of them.

TNP likes Korean dramas more than Japanese dramas.

TNP likes to watch their pets doing silly things
False. I don't ever have pets hahah

TNP likes both chinese and thai dramas.

Next Person to post is a student.

The next person doesn't like to play Monopoly

TNP doesn't like mini-dramas
True... (I'd rather choose a 50+ episode drama ahah)

TNP had dropped Goblin
True lmao

TNP dislikes most variety shows
Kinda true.

TNP became a 'dramaddict' in 2012.