True Or False #2

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Trueeee :)

Next person can knit.
false unfortunately ): I've alway wanted to learn. I can sew however :))

The next person considerers herself/himself to be pretty fashionable.

next person is currently watching more than 3 dramas at the same time
True :)

The next person is watching Rain's new drama.
False,,,, i'll try it later

the next person prefer japanese drama than korean drama
Overall yes but I think I prefer korean dramas in the comedy genre.

Next person has a Wii U
false,,,, what's that?

next person can playing game all night long

Next Person has a forgiving nature
True-ish. It depends on how offended I get. If it's a minor incident I won't really care and be very forgiving. However if it's sormething that truly pisses me off or hurts me terribly than I can really hold a grudge, even if I try not to :/

The next person is friends with their ex-gf/ex-bf
good answer :) grudges are hard to beat sometimes

False, he's a monstrous git who deserves to be castrated every day of his remaining life

The next person hates it when people dont respond to their text messages
I don't hate it but I have to admit its kinda annoying when you know the other person has read the message and gives no reply at all.

From your top 5 favorite dramas 3 or more are Korean?

False, only 1 is Korean :(

There's at least one kpop song with lyrics in Korean that you know in its entirety.
True Girls Generation's Genie, Gee and Flower Plower 

Has watched Battle Royal atleast once
True, and maybe will not watch it again,,,, 

the next person spent most of the time in front of laptop

the next person has watched atleast one Thai drama