Swedish: Native speaker
English: Fluent
Chinese: Intermediate
Japanese: Elementary/beginner (somewhere in between)
Korean: Beginner
First language: Arabic
I'm fluent in French and English
I'm learning Japanese and Korean, trough drama
And I want to learn many other languages in the future
My native language is Lithuanian. I'm nearly fluent in English. I studied Russian at school for 5 years, but I know only basics of it and can barely say a sentence. I know few words in Japanese and Korean. I want to learn German and either Japanese or Korean or even both, but I don't have enough time for that :/
My first language is Polish.

I can speak 3 languages : German, English and Polish
And I'm learning Japanese.
My first language is Dutch, second language is English. Third language would be Japanese, as I've been studying it for 5 years now. (advanced level)
I've also learned French, German and Spanish in high school but can't really communicate in those languages anymore. Maybe German a bit more than the others. I can also speak a little Korean. 
The answer to that would be 3 in general. 
English. (Fluent. Grew up in Canada. Speak. Understand. Write. Read.)
Arabic. (Born in an Arab country, lived half my life there. Speak. Write. Read. (but weak because I spend most of my time using English in school/ with friends). Understand (moderately.)
Somali. (Home/mother-tongue. Understand. Speak. Read. Mainly conversational. I can't spell...)
Korean. (Dramas/Kpop. Read. Write. Understand (if they don't speak too fast!) Speak. (average)
French. (Learned it in Canada for a few years. Forgot everything now. 10%...lol)

I would love to be fluent in all Asian languages and speak to all my Asian oppas. haha. 
German - Fluent. Was born in Germany. 
Portuguese - My parents are from Portugal. I can speak and understand it. But I don't write it that much.  (I don't need to write it in my daily life, so.. yeah. :D)
English - Fluent. Got it in school 12 years. 
French - Basics. Got it also in school, but only 2 years. 
Spanish - Basics. Can understand it and read. 
Korean - Still learning it. I can read it and understand it sometimes. (If it is easy to understand)

But I'm just 100% fluent in German and English. 

My first language is English, my mother tongue is Chinese and I'm studying Korean in uni right now!!
I am fluent in Bahasa Indonesia and English. I also can speak basic Chinese!

Right not i am planning to learn Korean~
and i can understand some Japanese, but not enough to hold a conversation
i know polish,english,korean and a little bit od german
I'm a filipina so I speak Tagalog/Filipino. I learned english at school. And I'm fluent in italian since I've been living in Italy for almost 10yrs now. I also studied french and chinese (too difficult). I'm learning korean through dramas. 
So many multilinguals :O

I'm fluent in English, so there's that...
My Korean is intermediate level, I'd say. I could get by in Korea but any business meetings or political discussion would probably have me lost- I can read webtoons and short stories, nothing too long. (Not Harry Potter at least) That's through listening to it casually for a little more than 4 years. 
My Japanese listening comprehension is conversational. Reading comprehension, speaking, etc... not so much.
French reading comprehension- 90%. Anything else? 20%. #justCanadathings
I'm currently starting my journey to learning German (on Duolingo, for whatever that's worth. They say I'm 20% fluent :D) Loving every second of it too.
I have very very basic Esperanto and Mandarin Chinese. I'd like to learn Italian some day as well.

I'm milking my experience for everything it's worth because I can't say I'm fluent in anything more than English ;-;
Filipino (and some other local dialects), and English. But can speak and understand a little with Korean. 

And beginner at Italian and Mandarin lol i'm in humanities so