I have recently moved blogs so my current one is rosynl.tumblr.com 

I actually have two blogs; one for my personal and one for reblogs. Good thing I found this thread cos I want to slowly transform my reblogs into Asian- or Kdrama-related aside from aesthetics (and some NSFW lol). Hehe so here's my reblog blog:


As for my personal blog, I just published a new post after moooonths of being inactive! If you have time to read it, you may check my latest post at http://kaegonzaga.tumblr.com

I can only follow from my reblog account though. Let's follow each other <3


My tumblr is :  ja-e-no.tumblr.com

/ pretty basic and well kpop/kdrama maybe sometimes something else related /

Hello! My blog is full of kdramas and kpop since they've completely taken over my life haha. I hope to see you there <3
