Hey everyone !

I know it's a bit strange to ask for those type of movies or drama, but since I only saw the movies or drama that where the best in the homosexual category, I'm in need of some titles where the protagonist :

  • dies
  • find their lover is hetero/engaged/married
  • can't be with their lover because of the family/country value
  • is a comedy queen only there to be laugh at and ridiculed
  • is only into their lover for sex, where there is no real love
  • use violence against their lover
  • etc.

I'm currently writing a paper for school and I need some recommandation of bad representation as I don't have the time to watch all the movies. So, what are the worst that comes to your mind of both gay and lesbian characters who received really bad treatment ?

I did the same topic on the Korean section, if you have other idea. Thank you !!

Thank you !!

Reply 1994 is another drama that played a character's (Bing Geu Re) sexuality for laughs.

I tried to find some info on this character but what happens really to him at the end ? I understood that they gave hints at multiple times, and I tried to watch the last episode, but couldn't find anything. Does he find out he's not gay or do they just don't answer this question ?

Hello! The only Japanese drama I know that deals with homosexuality is Fake Couple.  I don't know if it fits what you're looking for.

I might have an interesting example for you. The 2001 J-drama Antique, based on a manga by Fumi Yoshinaga, plays super-ambigous about pastry chef Ono's sexuality, strongly hinting that he's gay, only to explain away in the end that he's just nervous around women (b/c gay men are nervous around women, right? *facepalm*) for some BS reason having to do with his sister (I think? I honestly can't remember the reason as it's been at least 12 years since I watched it-- my first Asian drama, btw). When I first watched it I just thought, "Wow, that was a real cop-out, weird."  Then like a year later, the Antique Bakery manga was released in English and I read it and realized just what a cop-out it really was-- ***SPOILERS**** in the original manga, not only is Ono gay, he's pretty open about it and a lot of that story touches on his & Tachibana's past relationship in HS (not romantic, more one-sided), how Tachibana's behavior at the time relates to an event in his childhood, and how as an adult he regrets rejecting Ono so cruelly... So basically they wanted to adapt an award-winning manga with a gay man as one of its main characters, but changed him to be... not gay after all (don't get me wrong, they didn't suddenly make him *aggressively hetero* or something at the end, but the past relationship b/t the 2 leads is a HUGE point in the source material and they just brushed it aside for the drama-- like why did you want to adapt this story in the first place?!).

They drew out the mystery behind his character's sexuality. Toward the end, there was a certain scene and many fans interpreted it as a hint that Bing Geu Re and Kang Joon HeeI (an openly gay character from Reply 1997) would end up together. He ended up with a girl instead.

Thank you very much ! I saw Reply 1997 and if they did that.... I understand why everyone was angry...


Hello! The only Japanese drama I know that deals with homosexuality is Fake Couple.  I don't know if it fits what you're looking for.

I'll look into it, thank you !

So basically they wanted to adapt an award-winning manga with a gay man as one of its main characters, but changed him to be... not gay after all

That is premium BS ! And so japanese... thank you very much ! It's a perfect exemple.

For me it was the movie Boys Love. To be honest .... The vibe I got from it was.. Weird. Kind of made me feel like all gay men are rapey and ignore feelings of others, just so they can.. Feel good in their hearts, and then everyone's depressed anyways. Tried to keep this spoiler free, but that movie took me FOREVER to finish.

And I am still watching it. Just can't do it in one go. Ahaha.


For me it was the movie Boys Love. To be honest .... The vibe I got from it was.. Weird. Kind of made me feel like all gay men are rapey and ignore feelings of others, just so they can.. Feel good in their hearts, and then everyone's depressed anyways. Tried to keep this spoiler free, but that movie took me FOREVER to finish.

And I am still watching it. Just can't do it in one go. Ahaha.

Thank you ! I'll try to watch it haha