Can anyone please recommend what to watch after Prince of Lan Ling? In Lan Ling, I liked how the romance was a pivotal part of the drama. It was basically a romance with bits of plot to drive said romance. I liked all the romantic scenes between Lan Ling and Xu Wu, and how they were comfortable with eachother (i.e. toughing, chowing they cared, interacting familiarly) from the moment they met. There was no awkwardness or resistance to the romance.
Can anyone recommend another (historical - but doesn't have to be) romance like it? I've heard of Sound of the Desert, but I also heard that author has harsh endings. I don't mind sad endings, but don't like when characters suffer pointlessly either.

I guess what I'm really looking for is a historical with cheesy love scenes, where the romance is a major part of the drama. Its okay if the female lead is silly too.

I have only watched a few episodes of Lan Ling so I can't say I know what you're looking for exactly, but I'd still want to recommend The Journey of Flower as it's one of my favorite dramas. It's also a chinese historical/fantasy drama with great romance. It also has the same female lead as Boss & Me which you seem to like.
@baqa.... thanks a lot. i watched the trailer for JoF and I love Zanilia Zhao, but the romance seems too star crossed for me. They keep hurting each other is my impression. Is that wrong?

Also, i just tried Sound of the Desert, and I got annoyed fast. I dropped it lol.