The new Voting Lists feature is very fun! Many users have been enjoying the new feature and many have created a lot of interesting lists. The problem is, save for a few popular lists and the ones chosen as featured, most lists are hard to find, especially as their numbers keep increasing. 

My suggestion has 2 parts: the first is more categories to search through voting lists, which I believe would be easier for the admins to implement; the second is a search option similar to what we already have for Dramas, Movies, and People, which I believe would require more work to implement.

As for the new categories:

Beyond the current categories/lists we can look through (Most Popular, Recently Active, Friends Have Voted On, and Trending) I would also suggest 2 new categories which I think would be useful: Recently Opened Voting Lists and Soon To End Voting Lists. 

Recently Opened Voting Lists would feature all the voting lists where voting has started. Lists would remain there for the first 24 hours after their voting begins.

Soon To End Voting Lists would feature all voting lists which will close their voting within the next 24 hours. Once the voting closes, they would be removed from the list.

As for the new search option:

This would be quite similar to the search feature we currently have for Dramas, Movies, and People. It would have the types of list (Public or Voting, Shows or People or Characters) and tags which would help organize all the different lists people are creating. Tags already existing for dramas/movies could also be used for lists (For example, "Noona Romance" and  "Strong Female Lead", as well as all the genre tags). Other list-specific tags could be added: "Best", "Worst", "Acting", "Handsome/Pretty/Beauty"


i would love this! also an option to give you a random voting list would be fun for times when you dont have preference and just want to vote lol

Searching for specific custom lists would be indeed helpful. I just think it would be better to not only involve voting lists but all public lists in general. ^^

I was kindly reminded that a post like mine already existed, which is why I'll add mine to this thread.
It is a slightly different suggestion :)

I just noticed that it is difficult to find specific lists.
For example: I just wanted to check if anyone made a list of best halloween horrors since its so close to Halloween. But had no luck in finding any, which is a shame, for the people who want to find them and for the people who already made such content.

So it would be great if this could become a feature. If the search engine could track the words in the titles of the custom lists, than with just words like "horror" you should be able to find lists related to this.

I used all my votes  sadly but I love this idea, please implement this soon!

I was kindly reminded that a post like mine already existed

I have made also a similar Post.


Maybe you could change the name in something which is easier to assign.

 Sayuri Offenborn:

I have made also a similar Post.


Maybe you could change the name in something which is easier to assign.

It's been so long since anyone commented, I had forgotten all about this!

Would you have any suggestions on how I could change the name? I had added the "Searchable Lists" at the end to summarize my suggestion, I could add it to the front if that helps, but I'm unsure if that's what you meant?


It's been so long since anyone commented, I had forgotten all about this!

Would you have any suggestions on how I could change the name? I had added the "Searchable Lists" at the end to summarize my suggestion, I could add it to the front if that helps, but I'm unsure if that's what you meant?

Something like this i think:

search option and new categories for lists.


new categories and search option for lists.

Best for headlines to be short and easy to understand. 

Have a good day.

Since it seems that searching for voting lists or personal lists isn't going to be added any time soon, can forums be used somehow to create a section for lists as its still possible to search in forums?


Since it seems that searching for voting lists or personal lists isn't going to be added any time soon, can forums be used somehow to create a section for lists as its still possible to search in forums?

I guess so, if someone would go for it and made some sort of index in the forum for all custom lists/voting lists that exist. 

I could start a thread but it would take more than one to work on this as god knows how many lists are there. 😂

this was one of the very first suggestions I ever thought of when first using idea why people aren't jumping on this more :(

Something that would help this search function are adding tags on lists (obviously with a tag limit because some people get crazy)

having this search function would also decrease the amount of repeated lists (wouldn't it be nice to see "favorite xx dramas" for everyone who wants to vote...not just 5 "favorite xx dramas" of various pools of people (aka whoever stumbled upon the list))?

Would be very useful